Corona virus was predicted in the 4 murals at Denver International Airport. Bottom-right is a Jew

Corona virus was predicted in the 4 murals at Denver International Airport. Bottom-right is a Jew.

Attached: 01 Destruction.jpg (1948x1479, 597.8K)

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Explain your logic mutt.

Attached: 03.jpg (2800x1118, 738.34K)

Attached: 02 WW3.jpg (1812x1365, 415.51K)

Attached: 04 Golden Age.jpg (2463x1030, 582.24K)


The 4 murals seem to predict a plan or the future or something, some people claim. I don't know what order they go in, but the first 1 seems to be where we are now or where we're headed. Maybe.

much prediction. such foreseeing

Looks like we're headed towards globalism through some international catastrophe.

Piss off. There's literally stone tablet that insists on reducing the population to 500 million. Georgia Guidstones. DIA has all sorts of masonic art.

Let me guess to know more I have to bring you some jet.

Second pic is everyone disarming themselves and turning swords into plowshares.

Third pic has a Schimitar (Islam?) and what looks like an M16, held by a despot. So global Communism wins and everything is destroyed?

If you look at the girl in red, to the right of her head is a city covered in green gas. I was exaggerating when I said coronavirus, but maybe it's true. I doubt these murals are random.

Attached: 1462648438350.png.jpg (600x747, 103.13K)

Based hi res pics! I have been looking ages for some decent pics of these murals. Denver Airport is 12spoopy.

Shut the fuck up kike.

That's why I wonder if the 3rd pic comes AFTER the tyrant pic. Then finally everything gets destroyed and people have no choice but to create a utopia in harmony with nature.

Meant to say that the tyrant pic comes after the second pic I posted. The dove is alive, then it gets killed. People get disarmed for world peace, and then tyranny takes over.

Grey squirrels are an invasive species.

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no no no user it was the story of darth plagueis the wise.

>Then finally everything gets destroyed and people have no choice but to take the mark of the beast, eat the bugs, and live in a Gulag pod

Fixed for accuracy.

Attached: Stalin.gif (330x275, 1.99M)

Here's something a bit more substantial. Check out the skeleton in this image. What's that next to it floating beside him? Looks like the corona virus official graphical representation doesn't it? Commence to be shitting brix.

Attached: 1580650367361.png (1426x3333, 3.63M)

globalists will be killed in the streets.

What the fuck was that video called?

Third pic is insane.

MFW that is what literally ANY virus is drawn as

Oven is up to temp Draconian Filth

>can't see the connection between a depiction of death with a virus next it in his hands floating anf the current events
>posting porn so thread gets deleted


Same impression I get. Thin the herd to maintain their power and control of all capital and resources.
Its portraying same ol ebil ss gets buried.
looks like a couple Caucasians survive only to remain as slaves for the same elite that own everything now. Thanks

Attached: 1575581068061.png (500x752, 457.41K)

>rare Joe Rogan

Maybe. I suspect they are fortified underground , Antarctica or possibly some sort of high altitude ship.

Jannies are faggots so this one will stay up


I Pet Goat Goat 2. I think

Appears to be the m.o.

that image of a virus is not in tbe video youre referencing. isnt it hard enough to discern the truth without overyhyping shit because you want it to be spooky? thats some facebook tier shit

Hello anybody in here ?
>Fucking billy idol'd
Bumping with myself
Bumping with myself
Well I guess I'll sink another drink
U know, gives me time to think

I Pet Goat 2 theorists are water brained boomers.

Hind sight is always 20/20

Attached: 1580220774910.jpg (720x700, 39.05K)

I like where this is going.

>artist Leo Tanguma majored in art at Texas Southern University where he studied under Dr. John Biggers
>his (Dr. John Biggers) life took a dramatic change of course when he took an art class with Viktor Lowenfeld, a Jewish refugee who in 1939 fled from Nazi persecution in Austria before World War II.

Attached: 15833095034975098730085892156261.png (960x598, 422.54K)


Good Dig user.
Every. Damn. Time.
Catching on to their soft disclosure symbol trickery

The big Nazi was a dead give away.

What do u mean ?
Check the id 's
I don't want this thread to die
Cause I like kot in German attire ?

globalism is not necessarily a bad thing.
Depends what KIND of globalism.
We have, internet and fast transport, but less and less resources.
There will still be local and global.
One thing is sure, interdependance and over-specialization of countries in some kind of industry or activity is now an old paradigm.

The picture posted depicts humanity causing its own demise, but nature will be ok. Animals are fucked though.

Less resources?
For unnecessary useless consoomer crap
that has to be replaced every 5 to 8 years?

Denver airport is some satanic shit and no one cares.

Yep seems to repeat every 5 or 10 thousand years.
Fuck this ghey earth

I'll give you what I see as more accurate understandings of these pics.
>1st: desecration of Mother Earth, burial of custom or old ways (represented by bodies in traditional dress in display cases), habitation in the megalopolis
>2nd: Jews lead the way to the future with globohomo. Everyone is turning in their arms for peace. Figure in middle with hammer is America, figure on ground is authoritarianism generally but symbolizes USSR especially. Doves perched on rifle stock show "peace overcoming brutality."
>3rd: (this one I think goes before the 2nd irl) destruction of cities, the loss of peace, cold authoritarian domination and war threatening mankind
>4th: all mankind in unity with love of nature and custom. Nature reasserts itself and we help preserve a more healthy harmony. The rainbow flower amidst the varieties of people in their customary dress symbolizes a new international order. Georgia guide stones tier stuff.

What does the horse mean?

Attached: Blucifer_Sculpture.png (298x335, 92.12K)

Liberal internationalists see themselves as saviors. The trouble is, no one really asked for them. As the smart fraction becomes disenchanted and wakes up to how fake and gay their ideology is, the whole thing crumbles. The artists and ideologues are out there shilling and covering for plutocrats while blaming ordinary people for shit the plutocrats are responsible for.

Basically, all of those people deserve to be thrown into the nether in minecraft imo - artists, ideologues, and their plutocratic patrons.

look at all the niggers and shitskins eager to steal away what that little white boy is working hard on.

I don't like seeing my flag in that

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Horsemen coming

btw I don't see what part of this predicted nCoV.

if the mario movie had snifits, that's what they would look like

Who sleeps on a haphazard pile of bricks?
Fucking shitskins are so retarded.


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Attached: AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED YOU'RE ALL INFECTED.png (1676x1701, 275.37K)