Apologize now.
Apologize now.
Other urls found in this thread:
she is built for BBC.
>not ugly
>won't show her face
uh huh
I can't really see her face, so I can't tell if she's ugly or not. She's got no ass, so there's that.
Looks like a 6/10 with big tits
Chang's law
>hides face
>b-b-but im not ugly
Watch her youtube. Still ugly. Bad face, decent tits, no ass
there is nothing uglier than a chick with an ego
She probably is ugly, all you can see are her udders.
Post schnoz.
Ugly is more than just looks.
I will never apologise. But I will pretend to go along with her crazy ideology to get laid
She's still fugly on the inside.
She's ugly on the inside
By that i mean she's got an ugly pussy
calls herself a feminist
probably gold digs, fucks w.e chad she can leach her cunt on to and causes drama non stop with other women while making fun of fat/ugly girls
"Tell me I'm pretty."
She's okay. She does have monkey ears though
>fake tits
>ass somehow flatter than mine (I'm a guy btw, which makes it even worse)
>random twitter thot
sqrt(-1)/10 bait. OP, as usual, is a faggot of unparalleled proportions.
That you?
Now post labia and then we'll see if she's ugly
You’re built for the gas chamber
Mutt's law
No ass but nice desu
I know a pair of Khazar milkers when I see them!
but she is
feminism is a pagan cult, like most political ideologies today. you can draw parallels between it and other deities of the past (and probably today, i'm simply not even a little bit tuned into the polytheisms that are in existance right now)
Wtf is actually wrong with Amy's?
All feminists are built for BBC
I'm sorry I can't see anything past her huge jew schnoz
big tits = beauty
even bigger tits = moar beauty
no face
These unproportional udders will soon suffer the gravity of truth.
She's not ugly at all, guy.
what in the goddamn fuck, this is in one of her threads
who is she?
Show us your face
You'd be surprised what an ugly attitude can do to an otherwise beautiful person.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone.
you are a silly anti-white !
And her tits are gross once the brah comes off. Cow tits are saggy and gross, just a novelty to play with once if you're curious. Real men like petite tits.
She's not Jewish.
>shows picture that doesn't showcase her face or her ass just her huge tits
>simplifies beauty to just 'skinny with good tits'
What a great feminist
>big balkan cock
I for one time agree with this mutt poster
"feminists are all ugly"
>applies the world to physical appearance only
>posts a picture of her butthole on twitter
she looks like a fucking keebler elf
She has no ass, and is extremely insecure.
somebody remember this chick
get her "after feminism" pic in a couple years
this but unironically
Why does literally ever attractive woman I know exclusively date black guys?
user the netherlands is a mongrel country after having been invaded and ruled by so many different ethnicities that have all "made their mark" on the population there, today every dutchman is a mutt
Yeah.. can confirm. Would hook up with a girl, only 19, MASSIVE tits. Bra came off and those tits were basically running away to Australia.
kys gook
holy shit what a schiz
you are a silly anti-white
better pic
Ugly is often on the inside
i mean a literally who? is she someone special? never heard of her..
mutt's law really is real, holy shit!
So not being ugly is all about the body.
I'm guessing purple hair, 50 more pounds, and a resting bitch face
Who pays you?
That’s a mutilated dude
Checked and Spot On
My type
Retard eyes
Literally just looking for an excuse to post a picture of herself in a bikini.
Khazilkers !
16 years old with saggy tits and a wart on her shoulder. No thanks
No sweetie, we meant ugly on the inside.
look at all those fucking (You)s holy shit
im gonna start saying this on threads just to get (You)s as well goddamn dude, thats like my entire monthly quotas of (You)s and i actually write based and redpilled posts
Looks good now, but give it a few years. Feminism will convince her to shave her head and indulge in all the food and cock she can shovel down her throat.
not a mutt.. chang's razor..
>deciding on who is white
Dutch women are Made for Big Balkan Cock. Just like your (((women)))
*Ring ring*
hello based department?
Id like to report a based poster :D
Not dark enough
ewwww fuck, user warn me next time.
At least she knows she ugly. That's a high level of self awareness for a woman.
Nice angle. Hides the face.
Always ask for a "mugshot" pic from a chick before deciding.
Come on bro that's Scott Stapp
edit: thanks for the upvotes and gold!
no clue.. so penii?
Don’t judge me bro’s, but I’d vaguely agree to whatever bullshit she said to get a chance at those milkers
cheeks that large would make it difficult to assfuck this thot...but I'd like to try !
and also the big tits have like fucking pimples near the nips for some reason like they rub on the bra i dunno. Never seen this on small tits. Seen it twice on big tits.
This sounds like titlet cope. You can have big tits without them being saggy
That angle makes me think she's from the big nosed tribe.
she's ugly on the inside
sure, until your mid 20s or so. no one marries that shit though unless they can't find anything better
They are ducts designed to produce oil to keep the nipple healthy, all women have them
I would passionately rub "muh dick" on her if she wasn't crazy and removed that wart.
>has mental illness
I swear to god every leftist on earth has at least 1 or 2 mental/social issues
Disproportionately enormous tits. No thanks.
Literally like udders.
Titlet women curse their sons with small brains because they cannot provide the required nutrition for large brain growth
Some feminists are hot...until they open their mouth.
You literally hid your ugly face, you retarded fucking hole!
jews have nigger blood.
Probably that fact that you're retarded.
>europeons are still too dumb to realize americans post the bbc thing in EVERY thread for the memes
Is it autism or are you just legitimately stupid and can't into pattern recognition?