Whats the most racist thing you have ever done?

Alright anons time to spill on what the most racist thing you have ever done. Bonus points for creative answers.

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Had sex with an american tranny once, she told me she was jewish after the act.

bump for interesting thread idea, will try to think of my answer in the meantime

Like 2016, my last day of working for an airline that’s based in Europe. This huge African family were going back home to Stockholm. They were rude + too black for my liking, so I sent all their bags (around 10) to Romania with someone else’s name. I regret nothing.

What are you doing with all this data you're mining?

I'm not a racist. Some of my best slaves are black.

They're making scarily relatable wojack memes like the coomer and consoomer

Played heads up 7 up in middle school. Get picked and correctly guess my picker. He asked how I knew it was him. I told him his hands felt black. They were quite ashy and dry. I felt bad.


Yesterday coughed on a black kid (I'm a chink)

I bashed Islam to a Muslim chick on a dating website once

I'm really struggling to come up with an answer for this one. I'm extremely racist, but I don't translate that into big or harmful actions (other than the obvious avoidance of nigger areas, not trusting kikes with my trust or money, etc) because I don't see the benefit. If anything I like to goad progressive whites into positions of extreme cuckery to make them look absurd. I definitely hate white traitors far more than any nonwhites (who really are just following their nature, can't blame them for that).

I guess the most racist action I've ever done was to call the autistic (actually autism not just memeing here) black kid who used to hang around my group of friends in high school "my nigger" (hard R) every so often and argue with him that it was a term of endearment when he said "ay man u caynt say dat". He was elected prom king in a landslide as a joke, which I participated in, so that was pretty funny.

The most shameless people for this sort of thing are trashy white women, on at least 3 separate occasions in my life I've heard white women literally shout "NIGGER!" at black strangers. It's amazing how inflated their egos are that they think nothing will ever happen to them (and maybe they're right since they've gotten away with it every time in my experience).

pic mostly unrelated

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On Halloween I give white kids regular size candies and candy bars, high price stuff.
The colored kids get discount cheap candies

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kek, these are good

>I guess the most racist action I've ever done was to call the autistic (actually autism not just memeing here) black kid who used to hang around my group of friends in high school "my nigger" (hard R) every so often and argue with him that it was a term of endearment when he said "ay man u caynt say dat". He was elected prom king in a landslide as a joke, which I participated in, so that was pretty funny.
That's not even racist. That's just a pure bullying

Yell through the window at niggers looking to buy the house across to street when I was kid. "We don't need anymore niggers around here."

I said to a lefty I want equal expectations for everyone.
She said it's racist because subhumans something something.

I hired a bunch of people who looked and acted like me. Most of them were good but a couple were real dipshits and I regret it.

I mean, saying nigger in any context is considered racist, and I was hardly "bullying" so much as "teasing". We were in the gifted program so he was one of like 2 black kids and we were his only "friends", I didn't particularly dislike him or anything and we got along well enough.

i used to work in the meat industry, but specifically in distribution and there are lots of foreign/refugee/migrant workers. i learned that in my section we worked faster without excess "labour" but was still allocated the worlds dumbest African to "help" us. i also knew the bloke that ran the x-ray machine worked balls to the wall without a break most shifts.

so i made a deal. my African thought i was technically his boss and so i sold him to my x-ray mate for the price of lunch everyday. chips and silverside with gravy, about $5 worth, for weeks until we were caught. x-ray mate had this savage working the machine without any PPE, meaning he is probably sterilized now. kek.

we were called into HR and i was asked "if i had started my own labour hire company" my union rep kek'd hard. only got a written warning. my x-ray mate literally spend those weeks on site betting on races with his phone in the canteen. such is life in the zone.

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Grew up in rural Arkansas. If me and my cousins seen a black walking down road we would kick the car door open and hit them in the back.

I smuggle booze and tobacco into dry abo communities in the NT for the sole purpose of damaging said communities.

No shit back around 2016 my black friend needed a replacement backpack/bag my cousin had a spare duffle bag in his shed so I gave it to him my friend was asking me how he's supposed to wear it/sling it at the same time I was helping him I was thinking "c'mon you cant really be this stupid?" As my friend was leaving I realized the bag had National Geographic printed on the side.
I was like holy shit that felt unintentionally racist but it always makes me smile thinking back on it.

I once met a woman who was my friend's room mate she was talking to me about how she hates niggers and that they are this and that. Then her boyfriend walks in and he's this big black guy, ten minutes later I hear them fucking down the hall.

Killed 6 million jews and 1 clown.

In 8th grade I was suspended for taking of my jacket and whipping a literall Nigerfaggit and yelling "Get back on da plantation boy". Best part...I was a good wrestler and the dean of students was set to work at the local HS next semester and he wanted a Solid wrestling team. so it was put in my file as disruptive behavior and he just gave me 2 days in school suspension, basically slap on the wrist and when I came back to class all the white bois high fived me for my heroism bc we all hated that annoying nigger Lazarus.

Is it common for the deli aisle in Australian supermarkets to have an x-ray machine?

A muslim woman on a dating website doesnt care about islam...and cares even less about some sperg messaging her about it on a dating site

I really haven't done anything very racist that I can think of. The worst would probably be driving around while my drunk best friend screamed "NIGGER" at groups of black people we drove by

at the time I was not redpilled and I was very ashamed of his actions, and paranoid that niggers would write down my license plate and ambush me. In hindsight it is quite funny, and I am glad to have a friend who is based and redpilled

Why the clown?

Knowingly sharing incorrect answers with sandniggers and pajeets trying to leach off of me causing them to fail tests in STEM classes. Not the most outright racist thing I’ve done but still pretty funny

I've never done anything racist because I'm not white

no. the x-ray machine is in distribution side of the processing plant to make sure foreign objects are not in the meat before the boxed are shipped.

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I have pajeets, I'm a software engineer in Atlanta.
I interview at least 5 pajeets a month and I always give them a failure. My company has a unanimous bench interview process. I literally will NEVER hire an Indian while I have a say. They are the SCUM of the world and most are DESU worse than KIKES.

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When I was in grade school this black cat started showing up at the family farm. My dad named it nigger. Went to school and told everyone. Whole school went crazy. I had no idea. Was 6 years old.

See, no one cares about the jews

Procreated with my wife and produced white children. Do I get the sexism prize too because both kids are male?

Unironically said out loud "OF COURSE HES A FUCKING JEW" after reading the names of some head of a corporation with left leaning ideals.

Yas Forums You ruined me....

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Thats nothing man. I haven't spoken to my mother since coming here because she circumsized me

I'm an English teacher in Japan. I teach high school kids racist stereotypes. I first did it accidentally when a kid drew a picture of a Arab prince and asked me how to say he wanted to be as rich as one in English without thinking I gave him my honest opinion of Muslims. I would be fired for this in any other country in the world

got into a lift filled with Asians, hit all the buttons and then farted out a long death rattler

How is the nip pussy?

Byfar the most based post in this thread

That is horribly fucked up, funny, but come on man even if he is retarded

Nothing. Racism is for children

>resumes with ethnic names into the trash

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I bet you're short

Not as good as China.

i said the n word on a blue board

based. i want to rob niggers on the internet

I am uberhuwhite, and male. So, being born.

Were they going back home, or were they going to Stockholm? Which one?

Oh no , please God no , not the the the N-w-w-word


I can tell you still feel bad about it, user.

I saw an obviously drunk driver get into an accident on the highway. I called the emergency services and described the scenario leading up to the crash. When the operator asked what they looked like I said “a dumb nigger” and hung up. The operator was a black lady.

Is it just be or are blacks horrible drivers? Any time I see some bullshit on the road it’s typically a nigger driving presumably without a license making digshit selfish moves like cutting people off, running lights, ect

based and racismpilled

I've never been aggressively racist. But when I was moving out of Memphis (93% black) to middle Tennessee (93% european american), I remember loading my Uhaul at night, locking the rear gate, then backing it up to a wall until it touched the wall to ensure no niggers could even reach the back doors. I then disconnected the battery, put a Club on the stearing wheel (only boomers will know what that is, but it's an anti-theft device that keeps the steering wheel from turning), then locked the cab ... that was the only way I could sleep and not worry about it being robbed. In my own driveway. I still checked on it twice that night when I thought I heard something.

People ... sheltered liberals especially ... will never understand what it's like to live amongst blacks. The constant fear and distrust and paranoia. Packages disappearing off your porch, stray dogs running all over barking at you, not daring to park on the street, not being able to leave your bbq grill on the porch, borrowing a friends car to park in your driveway to make it look like someone is home when you go on a trip, setting appliance timers on indoor lamps and tvs to turn on off through-out the night.

You just wouldn't believe this shit. I had my car broken into 6 times, and my house broken into 3 times, before I learned and adapted new methods and defenses.

I dunno honestly. I had a Persian roommate for a while and we talked a lot of shit about all the other nonwhites I guess.

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They could still uncouple, rotate, and steal the trailer in that situation

Worked with a shitskin, handed him a piece of sandpaper, told him to show me where he was from on the map.

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Yeah, it was one of those all-in-one vans. Maybe I used the wrong word. Pic related. I was still worried they'd find a way to slam it into neutral somehow and roll it down for enough to get inside. And they would. Normally if it was cold or raining it wouldn't have been a big deal. But it was a nice night. And niggers love nice nights.

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What are the penalties like in your country if your caught? Ours are pretty harsh if you're not one of 'them'.

Oh come on. There is no race on earth worse than kikes. I would trade out all of the kikes in America for niggers, mudslimes, pajeets, or Aztecs in a heartbeat. The fact of the matter is that kikes will ruin your nation so that it doesn’t exist in a century if left unopposed, while all those other groups will only decrease the average quality of life by a small bit in perpetuity. Miscegenation, for instance, would be practically nonexistent without kike propaganda. Never say that you hate a race more than kikes, even in jest.

I said the hard R a couple of times when they were acting really fucking stupid.

Lol that’s fucked up. I’ll bet they were those fucking stupid bags that all the Africans have, pic related.

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When I first heard this 20 years ago, it was a bunny.

I voted guilty on a jury. I mean he was guilty but I was sending that guy to prison either way.