It's time to take the trannies' flag from them.
Don't let them use it
Desecrate it
Operation: Take their Flag
Mate, how about you go outside and get stung by a box jelly ye?
Good thread. Upvoted.
Finally a movement I can get behind
bump, im up for this, Im kinda bored and sick of not doing anything. lets btfo trannies before we all get raped by corona
How about you kys, paki
Yas Forumsacks with twitter accounts should get on this
Go sell some oranges sanchez.
Fuck the trannies, I'm in
60% don’t have the balls to try
i didnt even know trannies had a flag before coming to Yas Forums
Should I be worried that you all know what it looks like or is that just because of the janitors who are all trannies and bann me for replying to any thread that isnt about trump or corona virus?
welp... see you all after 24 hours now I guess
Based poofter
The key is to find businesses that display that flag (usually coerced into it) then call them, pretending to be a reporter and ask, “do you have any comment regarding the white nationalist flag displayed in your storefront?”
very based and redpilled but I would put the text on both sides of the white lines
sounds kinda gay
I like it.
But what are the bottom 2 stripes supposed to represent?
This board is lost
fucking tranny leafs
how's that hatchet wound healing, my dude?
They can say
>women are women
>men are men
I'm sorry user probably wrong board and I'm not sure what you are proposing. It only sounds like a call to raid or I am not even, it's like 16 words that want something. I could report off topic or I'm not going to. None of us really know what you mean by that or give a shit
shut the fuck up faggot leaf
Sounds fucking gay
Of course I didn't and I'm not going to but like
"Take their x" "make them upset" "break the conditioning"
Would be the equivalent of those post.
>Hey guise what if we blue the jew olololololololol meme magic rite guise?
trump pandered to reddit, not you faggots. get over it.
account with 270 followers got suspended today so my new one with 3 is the best I can do
Men, women, white children.
Interesting idea. Have a bump, (You).
Next 2 lines:
Our daughters grow up pure
Our sons grow up proud
Checked and bumped. This Operation was great when it first was talked about but for some reason faded before it could get any traction
We should also co-opt sucking dicks to own the gays
Not bad.
>Our sons grow up proud
should be "strong" since pride is what got us here
This. Or take a picture of the storefront with the flag and tweet it out. Hashtag the store name, preferably a chain so it gets more Twitter hits, and then talk about how they support nationalism.
this is a cringe thread, and it's never going to work. The trans flag is already too popular for some retards on Yas Forums to be able to steal its meaning
the point is to taint it
Silence, Fagsworth. This is a good idea.
“Men Guarding the Borders” is kinda weak. Should be a bit more clever than that.
Just like the OK sign right?
based and bumppilled
Yeah but it sends the message that we don’t want illegals and coloureds which is absolute salt in the liberal wound. They want open borders so badly and this is a strong statement against that.
the ok sign was never political in the first place. it's easy to give some innocuous signal a secret meaning, but tons of people are using the trans flag in political ways.
how are we supposed to taint it? I'm all for the idea if I thought it was feasible, but this seems like a waste of time
this is the future and it's beautiful. the way nature intended
We just take the new version with words on it and spread it like absolute wildfire on social media. Hose each post down with hashtags to really move it around.
Without a hint of sarcasm, kill yourself.
In the same way as the ok sign
No-one actually thinks its a white supremacist sign, but people automatically think of that in the background
we just need to spam this to catch on
Repeat the text on the bottom two bars.
not a graphics-fag, someone make a pink swastika on a white circle with blue background
I got a better one for you
I just don't see it catching on. People will just take one look at it and think
>some nazis are trying to make the transflag look bad
I don't think people are stupid enough to actually think the flag means what you're trying to make it mean
why are you in my country? die