Tell me about CornPop
Are the rumors true?
Tell me about CornPop
Are the rumors true?
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He was pretty bad. From what I hear about corn pop from people who survived to talk about corn pop
But what was his end-game? how did Biden manage to rangle with such an outlaw?
Did Biden fuck her pussy up?
Bernie Bros have been at it for 4 years and Biden is a better meme, how
The power of malarkeyposting
Perfectly DARPA Medicare For All
The power of dementia
He's a bad dude...
Binden is a serious bad ass who patrols his neighborhood protecting his constituents. He made a deal that keeps the neighborhood safe but still lets Corn Pop earn. Don't ask don't tell; pet Joe's hairy legs.
He's just the boomer wojak incarnate
Do one with flash effects
how many cornpops does it take to pop all of the corn?
Biden gets it
Listen, Jack, I know all about racism. Back in my home town, the group I used to run around with would always go to the soda fountain on the east side of town, because there weren't as many colored folks around in those days. I said "now why would we hike all the way across town when there's a perfectly fine soda fountain right here? It was called Othello's and you could get a lime phosphate there for 10 cents.
My friends said they were afraid of getting jumped on the walk home, which I thought was just so dang racist. They also had licorice whips. So one day I said "no, I'm not walking all that way, we're staying", cause it was August and it was like 94 or 95 degrees out there.
So we went to Othello's instead and got some malts and one fella got a grape Nehi. So yeah, Danny got his head caved in with a tire iron later that day when a gang of black dudes caught him walking home, but for the rest of us it worked out just fine. And salt water taffy, they had that there, also. Barack Obama put me in charge of removing malarkey. I wrote that bill.
>how did Biden manage to rangle with such an outlaw?
With a chain and an apology
yes. the rumours are...hey jack.. buy a shotgun
well would they name a cereal after him if the rumors weren't true? tony the tiger wasn't no bitch.
What the fuck is wrong with him?
sorry i just did chris...
no i did chuck
>sniff intensifies
Your brain is too polluted by malarkey to understand his wisdom.
I live in Delaware. When Biden’s wife taught at a Local community college. She would sit on desk and shoe panties. She’s Litteraly fucked numerous students. Biden is a cuck
his chad levels pour out of him
Corn Pop was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did and back in those days – to show how things have changed – one of the things you had to use, if you used Pomade in your hair, you had to wear a baby cap. And so he was up on the board and wouldn’t listen to me. I said, ‘Hey, Esther, you! Off the board, or I’ll come up and drag you off.’ Well, he came off, and he said, ‘I’ll meet you outside.’ And I – and he said, ‘I’ll be waiting for you. He was waiting for me with three guys with straight razors. Not a joke. There was a guy named Bill Wright Mouse the only white guy and he did all the pools. He was a mechanic. And I said, ‘What am I gonna do?’ And he said. ‘Come down here in the basement, where mechanics – all the mechanics- – where all the pool builder is.’ You know the chain, there used to be a chain that went across the deep end. And he cut off a six-foot length of chain, and folded it up and he said, ‘You walk out with that chain, and you walk to the car and say, ‘you may cut me man, but I’m gonna wrap this chain around your head.’ I said, ‘You’re kidding me.’ He said, ‘No if you don’t, don’t come back.’ And he was right. So I walked out with the chain. And I walked up to my car. And in those days, you remember the straight razors, you had to bang ’em on the curb, gettin’ em rusty, puttin’ em in the rain barrel, gettin’ em rusty? And I looked at him, but I was smart, then. I said, ‘First of all,’ I said, ‘when I tell you to get off the board, you get off the board, and I’ll kick you out again, but I shouldn’t have called you Esther Williams, and I apologize for that. I apologize.’ But I didn’t know that apology was gonna work. He said, ‘you apologize to me?'” I went on. “I said, ‘I apologize but not for throwing you out, but I apologize for what I said.’ He said, ‘OK,’ closed that straight razor, and my heart began to beat again.
Will be back tomorrow for more BidenPosting.
Bro please
We're reaching levels of malarkey that shouldn't be possible
Do you know how to make gifs?
On the daily.
Telling people they are "voting against their economic interest" ad nauseam doesn't make for good memes
>let me tell you a secret...
>don’t tell your mom I said that
Don’t believe me? Video is on live leek
wtf i love biden now
Corn Pop vs. Covfefe. The descent into madness is real. Will there be a push-up contest?
I love the "You're voting against your interests call." They don't know shit about what most people want, and what they want definitely ain't in my interests.
senile old fuck can't remember who his sister and who his wife is. we can't let him get the codes.
150 Million that is very antisemitic of him it was clearly 6 Billion.
Can you make me a gif?
i just wanted healthcare fixed. now i have to vote for trump. feel the burn, bidephiles!
Like, top kek! Bro. That meme was incredibly dank lol!
Can you make me a gif?
Joker is for fags
No u
Yes he raped me in the butt.
fuckin kek
Malarkey posting is comfy as fuck
Thank u bro