My girlfriend is obsessed with crystals and actually believes they have powers. I see a lot of shit on here about the occult about shapes, hand gestures, and whatnot. Is there any evidence about these gay ass stones? I am tired of hearing her talk about them all the fucking time.
Do stones have power? Or are they bullshit?
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Shove them up your ass and see
Sage fluoride kike
They do, also Hitler owned crystals.
New age stuff. As long as she is safe and happy you should be fine.
Look up nixium cult they use the same new age self improvement tactics to lure ppl in.
Crack rocks are the ultimate stone
This user has the right idea
You need to be stoned to death for asking this stupid shit. If anything, go ask /x/ but even they'd probably laugh at you.
Break her of that shit immediately. It's a Jewish mind virus that encourages rejection of truth. Women overwhelmingly think emotionally and are incredibly easy to lead astray as a result.
They do have power. They have the power to get you laid if you pretend you also believe in that garbage around some chick you're trying to fuck who says she's "spiritual" and has a crystal collection.
some of them do. ie: diamonds, sapphires.
never believed it until i held a white selenite pyramid and an orange selenite pyramid, the feeling was wild in shasta
Put a bunch in a sock and smack her with it. Stones are fuckin powerful in that way
every geologist licks rocks, so theres something to it
You’re sticking you dick in smelly hippie strange? Run away, fast
Sure, hard crystals are essential for cutting/shaping hard materials. Things like diamonds, also some of the best thermal conductors are crystals. Also the piezoelectric ability and vibrational ability of things like quartz is used in all kinds of tech, from wrist watches to satellites.
If it's a properly made orgonoite" then yeah.
I wouldn't believe they did anything, but after holding mine for ~30 seconds my fingers start to tingle, nothing else does this.
"Recharging" it I just smack the fucker with a tuning fork like a retarded caveman, seems to work, restores property to stone.
Unga buna.
Superstition. Unless you get a glowing rock. Then things are going to get interesting.
wh-what happened?
They're rocks. Now there are some special rocks out there that can do cool stuff (uranium, plutonium, etc.) but they usually produce radiation which is not cash money. But rocks from a rock store? They don't actually do anything.
Superstition. Unless it's glowing. Then things get interesting.
you can attribute sentimental value to inanimate objects and in the same manner you can attribute specific feelings of well being to wearing a jade bracelet
Yea my man. There’s a lot of power stored in those stones- that’s the lifestream of the planet solidified. Try junctioning them into your weapon of choice or even a bangle and see what abilities you acquire.
as a literal cocksucker of trannies libtard, you should unironically kill yourself for even entertaining the idea that fucking rocks have magical powers.
dump your retard gf too.
Stones, like zodiac signs are retarded. I simply can't understand how some women base life decisions on these. Some even won't date/want to date a guy just because of their sign and they know how every one of them is supposed to be. I just imagine them in their homes reading wikipedia articles on scorpio and sagitarius or some shit just like I browse Yas Forums and it's so fucking lame.
The Jewish High Priest had 12 stones of different colors on his breast plate....
Ever notice the same women that believe this shit complain about having a “science denying President” ?
u just kinda feel it bro
decision making based on fantasies instead of reason and evidence.
yeah, it really is laziness and stupidity
a little fun though
My crazy aunt had a thing for crystals
Also preachers. She bagged a few, quite the scandal
Died young of brain cancer
Always wondered was that God’s judgement
Or just bad crystal energy?
Didn't some scientists turn a crystal into a memory card or something like that?
Worried about EMF?
Shungite tumbled in silver or if poorfag like me, just wear both on your body. By telling you this, I piss off all the evil fuckers in the know already and put myself on their radar to be a Targeted Individual, so you're welcome faggot.
>Women's idea of "Spirituality" is hoarding a bunch of shiny rocks like a fucking goblin, doing gay pseudo-occultic quasi-pagan gypsy bullshit and smoking weed
>Men's idea of spirituality is the seeking of wisdom, discipline, asceticism, truth, knowledge and dying honorably for their faith
No wonder why our female-centric modern world is so fucked.
There bullshit but I want that one in the top left
But a lot of people make decisions based on these books, user
well a lot of gemstones have piezoelectric properties, where you compress them on their cleavage planes creating a weak electrical current there arent any that have any serious "powers" that i am aware of.
use them in a slingshot and get back to us
/thread lel
You are most likely wanting the board known as /x/
symbolism is powerful but I don't know what you mean by power in stones or how that is related to abstractions of deeper meaning people make here.
No, no. I get the fun part, I also enjoy reading my horoscoppe if I ever find a random magazine somwhere. But some just talk like they have been studying it in their free time instead of reading up on something like history, science or even a fantasy book. When a woman asks me my sign I cringe because I know her life must be boring af
>For there faith
Which invalidates all previous assertions.
yea you can use sapphires and diamonds as ultra durable deep storage tech but you cant modify the data added to it.
Quartz is commonly used in electronics to help transmit signals, so yes.
Power? Sure.
Different forms of matter all have energy and vibrations.
The powers people claim about healing and curealls?
No, bullshit except for their mineral content when ground and used in some medication.
they have deadly power
How about you be glad she is being a woman interested in trite bullshit and chill the fuck out.
The only rocks that have power are Gold, Silver and other precious metals.
Do people really think Harry Potter has anything to do with reality?
I can understand some parts of the Bible but Harry Potter? You've got to be shittimg me.
The stones don't actually have power
until you throw them at something or someone
No. I've never talked with a woman about what your kiked president's stance on science issues is. We don't really care that much, sorry.
you mean minerals.
Minerals are just chemical structures in stable form. Some more than others.
The rainbow is the sign of God's covenant with man, long before you sodomites stole it and shoved it up your asses. Forgive me if I refuse to acknowledge your life.
There’s too much RF and EMF in the modern world for any of the weak frequencies the stones resonate to have any affect.
>My girlfriend is obsessed with crystals and actually believes they have powers
They do have special powers:
those inert hunks of stone can drain your wallet.
>literally asking if rocks on the ground have magical powers if you rub the dirt off
user, i...
>Died young of brain cancer
Some crystals are fuckin' radioactive.
Try /x/
Pretend the stones are sapping your energy or making you sick.
technically when you really believe into something you can draw willpower from it.
Ofc there are more useful ways to motivate yourself than believing in stones
Certain salt rocks give off gases that are good for you. Take it in moderation and research what you buy, don't buy it just because it's pretty.
Holding them helps activate certain kinds of thinking.
>not saying meth crystals
What a faggot
Stones open chakras
>My girlfriend is obsessed with crystals and actually believes they have powers.
Your kids will be so fucking stupid.
How tarded are you ? You ask stupid questions.
They can be semiconductors. Seriously, when they were discovering this shit it was like hooking up wires to a rock and making a radio. Your girlfriend is retarded though.
Tfw it's the Schofield Bible
They are pretty. Nothing more
I was desperate for help, found a load of rocks, all different, kept one out at a time to see which one 'resonated with my luck aura'.
Turns out none of them do and you should take yourself to /x/.
I don't understand it but quartz crystals are used for clocks, radios, and cpus. Something about natural crystaline structures lends to them being able to tune to certain frequencies. So in theory, say you might be able to do some cool shit if only you could focus certain types of energy at certain frequencies, crystals might come in handy. I think there is something to it, but I also firmly believe all new age hippies are full of shit and should be skinned alive for making up spreading bullshit.
Well your country is a poor shithole and nobody knows who your faggot ass President is outside of it so I’m not that bothered Pedro
Take the crystals away and proclaim that the magic has been inside her this whole time. Like at the end of Space Jam.
95% of things attributed to crystals are total bullshit. They can focus the little tiny bit of bullshit spiritual energy but they won't give you powers or immortality or drain all the negative energy out of your life.
>buy THIS ONE if you want THIS
>buy THAT ONE if you want THAT
They can unironically be used as meditative aids. The crystal ball is just an unfocused void to stare in while you meditate. Seeing shit with that is akin to your mind creatively conjuring things out of white noise.
They only have power if you stick em up your ass. Start with that jagged piece of amethyst.
they may have some weird properties "powers" is pretty sus tho
new age satanic trash
well all metals have properties that let them interact with electromagnetic fields (i might be misstating it exactly since im not a physicist or EE). so i gess theoretically a rock could maybe interact with those fields, around your body, or around the earth. but that's just pure conjecture, and woman mostly make shit up as they go along even more wild than that conjecture
The Chinese zodiac is interesting in particular because every leap year's symbol from 2000 onward makes sense.
>2000&2012, Dragon -Hedonism and the rise of antireligious sentiment bring about waves of inner demons personified in the form of wrathful dindu's, lustful trannies/faggots and slothful millenials.
>2004&2016, Monkey : A man seen as buffonish worldwide rises to/maintains power in the vain hope that tradition and normality would be brought back, only to end with the buffoonish leader fucking over his own voterbase
>2008&2020, Rat : Freemason-backed democrat takes office as the stock market crashes and a plague that allegedly originated from a flying animal sows fear into the hearts of the international community
Unrelated note ; 2001 was the year o mf the snake, and if that isnt the most fucking fitting theme for the year alone idk what is.
What about metals? Silver is anti poison and good makes computers. Metals is magic nigga
>Well your country is a poor shithole and nobody knows who your faggot ass President is
So? I didn't expect you to know. Don't take it so personal dude, that's nigger behavior. You are only giving creedence to the le 56% meme
>getting stoned opens chakras
they have the power to sell on ebay
so does holding onto a penis
Idk but if she starts talking about anything called orgone/orgon/organite or any varient of them name, RUN far far away, organite people are FUCKIN NUTS
When an electric current is applied, crystals display what's called the piezoelectric effect, which when done at very high frequency can be used for ultrasonic examinations of various materials. I use crystals and electricity to peek inside of power plants and planes and shit. That's kind of spooky and magical, I think
They make cool set / narrative pieces for video games.
No, I was correct Nigel. Get yourself a cup of joe and scrape the sandman's cum from your eyelids.
>do stone have powers
america ladies and gentleman
Crystal radios are pretty spooky.
Shes a useful idiot. USA has a lot of those gay gems, so it wouldn't hurt to make a religion out of them if you catch me. The stones have power in so much as a stupid person will have it in their pocket and it will give them fake confidence (or whatever.. Which while it may be fake, the mind makes it real)
It comes from the 70s show Star Track they were always using crystals in something to generate power.