Australia has run out of toilet paper because of coronavirus. Trump please help us
Australia has run out of toilet paper because of coronavirus. Trump please help us
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No one cares about that island.
Be a man use your hand
Asian invasion strikes again
You are so close to japan, why dont you have a bidet?
3 seas shells is your only hope.
Please dont be mean to our beautiful island home. We are suffering from a horrible affliction in the form of a bug brained swarming human type creature
Reminder John VR fucked his daughter
Disaster strikes
Chinks bought all the toilet paper?
I will ask again: why paper?
>Trump please help us
anyone from a nation other than USA who says this is absolute scum
No more masterbate
oh god no
what's so important about toilet paper? you can wipe your arse with a towel and wash it or just hose your hole down. use a newspaper if you want. never get why people panic buy toilet paper.
Just use your hand and wash them in the sink. It's not the end of the world. Jeez.
disgusting. then what do you do when your shit clinging to your ass clogs the shower drain and sink? stomp it down? paper gets it 99% clean and the shower finishes the job, shitstompers.
just fucking buy napkins, tissues or paper towel you absolute retards.
Gonna have to go wipe on a roo, mate.
Thats sold out as well
Or wash your ass in the shower or use newspaper
people are morons for panic buying toilet paper and not food
Told you idiots to prep 6 weeks ago. You didn't listen. You never listen.
Don’t worry Aussie bros. We’ll send some.
Venezuela simulation?
And the level of moronity will only expand to get bigger as more people become morons and they will be even dumber than the other people and they are stupid because i try to be smarter than them and it works
Looks like everything's been wiped out
Please help we have no toilet paper either =(
loot the toilet paper from public washroom of malls and restaurants
In all seriousness, Ausfags just buy packs of socks and wipe with that, throw them in the washer or buy new packs.
It's not the Coronavirus buying all the tp, it's the Chinavirus
Have they ever explained how the 3 sea shells work?
Shitting bricks over here user
Use koalas
Thats how you get coronavirus.
Yeah in vancouver they bought it all too, not sure whats up with that, people are claiming they are sending it to china.
First time?
We're gonna make it lads
No. It's now a shitty meme from a good movie. The exact opposite of Baneposting.
kek that isnt funny
>run out of toilet paper
There is no shortage. Just retarded store managers who failed to anticipate to increased demands by not ordering enough.
Don't worry, Bruce. He is monitoring the situation.
>He doesn't know how to use the three sea shells!
why the fuck are people sperging out about toilet paper of all things?
how do you guys like my new meme?
I Hate these filthy bug people so much bros. I left the city to get away from them, but now they are moving into my little country town with their masks walking down the street and making everything filthy and diseased. . I don't want to be filled with hate, that's why I moved away
.. but ... they're here now... what do we do?? I smile and be polite most of the time, but I feel it burning in my stomach, i want to hurt them, I want to physically hurt these disgusting, filthy ugly robot people. I can't though... all I can do Is watch my country get heart keeps breaking. I HATE YOU UGLY CHINK FUCKS. YOU HAVE NO SOULS YOU DIRTY YELLOW CHINKS. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU FOREVER.
Spoken like a bong named Achmed
Because they don't realize you can just use your left hand
>just use your hand bro
seriously though when i was living alone i'd ALWAYS forget to pick up tp so i'd just end up showering after a shit like 90% of the time. has water in wuhan even stopped running?
why toilet paper? aussies are weird lol
When my paranoia was playing up I thought the government where putting cancer causing chemicals on the toilet paper so when you wiped your ass the chemicals would absorb into my ass.
>mfw all the australian girls walking around with poopy butts
This one is not even metaphorically a shitpost
It's just that countries producing stuff like this dont sell so much outside when their own country needs that particular product more.
Finland has been limiting all selling outside from medication, toiletpaper to masks, so Finns can have them.
Yes it was you stupid American
When it comes to prepping, not everyone cares for canned food.
But toilet paper, everyone uses that, and its not like it has a short shelf-life or is expensive.
So a few paranoid fucks buy up heaps, then their retardation hits the news, and more sane people worry about retards taking all the toilet paper and so think they'd better buy a bunch themselves and them bam
Panic breeds panic
I bought 500 rolls of TP just before the panic. No matter what happens with the virus my asshole will be clean.
Washing with water is seen as a Muslim practice.
Wash your ass. Alternatively, start a subscription to a newspaper.
>toilet paper
>clean ass
How fucking nasty are your shits you fat fuck?
Also Chinks 'help' because there's a whole little economy of buying good products in Australian stores and sending them back home to be sold at a profit
There's no toilet paper in my shitty regional Western Australian town but I couldn't catch corona-chan even if i wanted to. Fuck my life. Gonna be shitting on the streets soon boys
“Aussies”... yeah right!
Must be slit-faced chinks who’ve been in contact with the bugs back in the hive, who have told them to stock up in case of quarantine.
‘Ah cheng, yoo mus buy aw der toiret papur yoo ken affowd, befo da roun eye get dem. Udderwize yoo gon hev tu crean yo assho wid yo cat, rike us. En if yoo do dat, den cat is no ronger gud tu eat!’
My local woolies had none in the usual dunny roll isle so I chimped out and threw frozen peas all over the floor. When I went back to the front to leave there were three pallets of dunny roll there for peoples convenience.
Because spraying stuff up your arsehole is for faggots, cunt!
>tfw you have well over 500 rolls of TP just because you're generally prepared for trouble