Turns Out I'm Jewish, Lads

Just found out my mother is actually genetically Jewish through a DNA test... I am so fucking relieved, lads. I can finally give up this fucking obsession with Jews we all have here masquerading as a hatred for them. Following their every movements, reading every word of their Talmud and Tanakh, making records of known Jews working in public positions... I can finally let it all go and embrace my true nature, the nature of a Jew. The one, true masterrace, imbued by God with the ability and right to control and guide humanity along the path He sets for them.

I'm going to be selling all my Nazi paraphernalia if anyone is intersted. Have a lot of really rare and decent stuff in immaculate quality.

Thank God, lads, and praise YHWH.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do u get a free right of passage and a free IDF wife?

Rape a kid and than go back where you come from Jew


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Yes, I suppose I will now seeing as my mother is a Jew. I am a Jew by halakha without any need to convert.

>Rape a kid

Typical goyim obsessed with child rape and actually willing for one of their own children to be raped by their apparent enemy overlords. Instead of just telling me to leave you command me to rape one of your children first.

Diseased, soulless masses of flesh.

Imagine believing Judaism is "just a religion."



Congratulations. Now gas yourself, kike

This is fake. For one, kikes don’t praise YHWH but they hate Him just like He hates them and second, they do not use that kind of star. Fuck off with whatever kind of shill thread this is.. He loved Jacob but hated Esau. Kikes are edomites.

Sheitt am I a jew now?

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Imagine ignoring objective genetic science and facts and relying on what a government made up of a bunch of jewish zealots want to believe about genetic science and historical facts.
Good post btw Moshe, now kill yourself.

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you were the guy in nick fuentes stream with that cringe superchat?? desu it made me chuckle

I’m Jewish too

Why do you think Jews have similar facial features? It it all just a coincidence?

Are you actually mentally retarded?

It's a shitty people who follow a stupid religion, but before its final form it was a proselytizing religion and you may or may not have forcibly converted some people in South Lebanon to it and this may or may not led you to having a mental breakdown because something related to your stupid LARP cult.

You need to kill yourself, you mongrel subhuman. It’s your only honourable way out.

>Sheitt am I a jew now?

All Dutch are literally cryptokikes anyway

I am russian though

because they are a race dumb ass

Not according to genetic science.

the pic literally says "Opinion"

I second that claim. Same thing. It probably started as a LARP and got out of hand, like Brits pretending to be Celtic.

That means you're half Jew

You'll be spared the oven but have to live as a second class citizen called Mischling.

I'm not a Jew you retarded, brown-skinned, Brazilian, mutt.

DNA test gets mixed up. Mother actually a spanish arab nigger

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Most americans larps as whites but yet here we are. Pic related. A white american

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You certainly have the same subhuman writing style.

We lost one boys

Are we gonna have problems, Aquafresh?

I use my partial jewish ancestry as a cover to be openly antisemitic in public

Birthright's free but american jewesses are much sluttier than israelis

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Welcome to the mishbachat, achi. Few ground rules:
>always jew the nogs when the opportunity arises.
>whites are cool, except for the irish who are universally considered subhuman by our people
>buy a kippah with an baseball team logo on it so we know youre one of the cool ones
>jewesses have the biggest, fattest tiddies anywhere, but never date a lefty. truly hellspawn, hate their own, disloyal and usually whores. avoid at all costs.
um thats all i got for now.

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Dios mio..

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kekkkk saved, thanks

>except for the irish who are universally considered subhuman by our people

Seriously? hahaha? I've always absolutely detested the Irish, that's so weird. Must be some inbuilt genetic revulsion to them. Why do you think that is?


You do realise that due to lack of top down management in the JDF/IDF and the long list of other organised information/influence control groups that pol is literally just controlled opposition jews arguing with shill jews, its at the point that about 50% of all posts are jewish, closer to 80-90% on threads relating to judiasm

Don't say that it's not true.


I figured that was basically what all of Yas Forums was, desu. Seems Jewish af the entire site and almost every poster.

Oi mate! Do think people suffering from diseases is funny?

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>Why do you think Jews have similar facial features? It it all just a coincidence?
half of them don't.
>Are you actually mentally retarded?
You're the retarded one with your reddit spacing you fucking jew.

Because it's an opinion article you dumb mutt. That doesn't mean that the science in the article is opinion.

So the memes are true!?

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I mean when I get treated like im part of a race, thats kinda all that matters. I fucking hate Israel, and find the jewish side of my family insufferably stereotypical.

But when people learn I'm ethnically jewish I get treated different. To the hardcore libs I'm no longer "white" and so their identity politics bullshit doesn't stick anymore (which lets me basically say shit they would cancel any white dude for saying). And to the hardcore right wing dudes I'm suddenly a secret kike who clearly isn't ACTUALLY right wing at all and it's all a smokescreen for some Israeli bullshit.

One side hates me just for existing either way


Just ditch the jew in you and u basically are white

t.ben shapiro

If he hates them, why do they consistently come out on top no matter how hard other people's struggle against them?

Denying that Jews are the chosen people is pure cope. God loves them and hates the rest of us. Jews are pure antagonists to the rest of human life on earth. And God wants it that way. Evil will always fucking win.

>dutch east indies
Based and masters of the sea and trade pilled

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This is just about your history. Not about jokes.


>anti semetic propaganda
user why are u posting based stuff?

No, they couldn't defeat the Anglos or Portuguese, but had more Jews, slaves, pirates, and fake money.

Jews are more mixed than any other race in the world.

It's a religion or it's nothing

I usually do. My mom's slavic-jewish, family fled the bolsheviks back in the day. She converted to Christianity though and got half-disowned, and my dad's Scottish. So I really only ever claim to be jewish either to make a super off color jew joke or to out-victim the ultra liberals to get them to shut the fuck up if they get on my case about something.

My experience with this shit has really just made me tired of all the identity collectivist bullshit though. I don't give a fuck what my great great grandfather did in russia, and I don't have a "people".

Most of those features are genetically khazarian, a tribe of eastern european horse nomads that adopted judaism in 838 as political bid to establish themselves as a neutral party between christian byzantines and muslim persians. Before that they were tengri, the religion of mongols and other nomads of the eurasian steppe.

Then why was tsar peter so obsessed with the dutch navy? It’s almost as if..

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So the genetic testing is all just some kind of a conspiracy to make people think Jews are part of a genetic-grouping?

The fact that they have similar facial-features to one-another is just a coincidence?

but the anglos were defeated

Are you just now admitting your Jewishness?

>The fact that they have similar facial-features to one-another is just a coincidence?
Interesting. How do u look like appearance wise?

>and I don't have a "people".

I've basically become the same way. I'm from Scotland but I absolutely fucking detest the people here and what they claim is their 'culture'. The Scottish are basically the Jews of the British Isles, we don't have our own language but we have this vapid concept of being a distinct ethnic group based on blood (genetic studies show we're basically identical to the English) and 'mindset' which is some vague concept that can never seem to be clearly defined.

It's more of a cult than anything and I want nothing to do with it, but the English would also not consider me English due to the behavior of people in Scotland over the past few hundred years and their refusal to integrate and assimilate.

It's a weird existence, but kinda freeing in a way. Just being able to enjoy the world and all its culture with no real attachment to any single one.

I just consider myself an Internet Autist. We're basically a separate subspecies by this point.

Buddhists all have slanted eyes, black hair, and yellow skin. Is buddhism a race?

Just because we were the masters of the trade doesn’t mean we are jews.

gas yourself you fucking kike

Anyone trying to convince you that Jews are "just a religion" is either mentally-retarded or a Jew trying to kike you over.

You need to just chill out and wait a little bit.

>Buddhists all have slanted eyes
Not true. Tons of alan watts following liberal hippies back then converted to Buddhism