I’m glad this is finally happening
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Good. He can move to Turkey if he likes migrants so much.
Greeks can look like the migrants though
About time journalists face the consequences
>no link
either fake and gay or you're a no-effort faggot; which is it?
good job.
no quarter for traitors.
the weak should fear the strong
It's real and he was (((German))).
>as a woman tries to stop them
Ah the eternal roastie.
Gj feta boys
Only 5 years late.
Fucking germans
At least they are christian Europeans. That means something. Nordic people aren't doing shit.
I hope they beat the woman too. Otherwise that's not very based.
God bless them.
We used to beat up TVN "journalists" in Poland People hated them so much, they ware afraid to show with their logo on microphones. Even burned one of their cars.
give link
Finally, they have been needing to rise up against those vile Huns for so long.
why won't gayreeks allow their fellow subhumans into their country?
Are there any videos? Journalist Beaten doesn't turn up any Pornhub results that are good.
>Yas Forums land
that specific "journalist" had a very suspicious nose.
About time journalists face the consequences...
headline makes it sound better than it actualy was
they slapped him a bit and threw his camera away
footage: twitter.com
they should have kicked the shit out of him and thrown him in the cold water
and slap the old hag too.
greeks have no problem slapping mouthy whores around
Greece is gaining so much respect again...defend your home..take your country back
I'm saddened they have stopped the peaceful beatings. The beatings have turned violent, for shame.
This happened in France too. Trump's CIA/Mossad started shooting people's eyes out. Nuking USA is the only answer.
nigger the spartans fought as persian mercenaries stop with this cringy fake ass spartan meme you look like a sodomite doing this
you dumb nigger.
you fucking dumb nigger you make people even dumber at a place where they are already dumb enough to jerk it to guys with tits porn
he didn't beat the old bitch good enough, because she continued to mouth off about the incident years later. And men who jump in to protect such wretched cunts should be beaten to a pulp along with the fat bitch who got slapped in the first place.
based greeks
no arguing with that
i think in general politicians should challenge one another to duels with fist, sword and gun.
keeps at least a bit of social hygene
Based and Burrpilled
Is there any more cucked nation than Germany?
they don't just hate jews anymore, germans too!
Where are Greek socialists on all these refugees?
Thank you Greece
you don't know what you are talking about. You know nothing about anything and in america being a dumb fat loser is just another commodity that can be bought and consumed the way you do it.
they use them to blackmail the rest of europe for gibs the way turkey does too and putin encourages it.
This isn't going to make us forget about your debts, greaseballs
Pure propaganda you Turk roach.
>violently beat
Is there a way to nonviolently beat someone?
funny cope, since most "turks", the people living in turkey, are probably closer to the ancient greeks than the people who live in modern greece
but hey who cares slomo schlomo movie told you otherwise lol
do you even know what the f***ing jesuits are user?
God I’m getting hard
its just more emotional manipulitive clickbait and reason to beat up that journalist who wrote it too, violently especialy.
>and putin encourages it.
Yes! Because you're a bunch of cock gobblers for civil rights and humanitarian bullshit now.
OK, so what are we gonna do with the G*rman problem? It's getting out of hand.
Fucking based. Lucky they weren't slain for their crimes against the people of Europe
Based as fuck
Based meds, the only whites with the balls to push back the brown hordes. I hope that the rest of the west grows a pair soon, too.
holy fucking based
>"turks", the people living in turkey, are probably closer to the ancient greeks than the people who live in modern greece
Roach schizophrenia is real
>they look like spics too
>muh 1/180 pure annotolian blood
are you a burger expat, purchance?
Yes ofc, what of it faggot? Are you implying that it's not relevant or or are you just being a flag fag?
It is true that Persians utilized mainland greek mercenaries and vice versa occasionally
there needs to be moar violence against the media
smug bastards hiding behind muh freedom of the press, muh journalistic integrity
The Jewrnalist cries out in pain as he strikes you
pick one.
these people welcomed the dirty third worlds hords in with the intention to send them north and demand gibsmoney for refugee crisis management stuff. Now some of them who have had enough are raising some ruckus and you clowns think that is somehow like in this stupid 300 movie. Its too little too late and they won't go full balls to the wall the way they still can have their daily luxuries.
These people have an unbroken history from beating down the eastern roman empire till now for 500 years while you barely know where your grand dad was from and you are probably more mutt than the average turk.
why are you stupid? annatolia is the region the backwater asian underclass nomads are from that were associated with the term turk yet i refer to literaly everyone else in modern day turkey. Stupid, fat, ugly american.
>White on white violence
Who gives a shit
Based greeks. I like to think that one dude is encouraging his bro to keep kicking.
Nope...that's actually true. Sparta didn't accomplish shit. They took Persian silver. They left no writing or art worth a damn. They were the niggers of Greece.
>incoherent rambling
Yikes schizo
It’s betta with feta
go back to gif, stuff your diabetes diseased half corpse and try to jerk your noodle a last time before you patheticly expire you waste of oxygen.