guys wake up!! go outside wtf is this shit in the sky? it looks like satellites or UFOs i just got back from walking the dog and my whole walk i was seeing all these dots in the sky moving across the night sky super high up, fading in and out but they kept coming some in line right after the other its freaky as fuck does anyone know what this shit is? look similar to pic related, are we going to war? whats going on. can you see ICBMs from space? its not missiles is it? its still happening btw i just rushed in to tell you but im going back out and try to video but my fucking iphone doesnt show jack shit because the lights arent bright enough and its night
Holy shit did anyone else see this shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Most likely the starlink satelites.
Holy shit user a light just flew over my house.
No coordinate, no general location, etc come on this is low quality bait
Ayy lmao
They're probably a few of those mini-satellites that Elon Musk is deploying for global wireless Internet.
im in california btw dunno if anyone else can see it from where they are, all the shit was moving from west to east
But the goddamn Chemtrails were on point today in WA
It's Morse Code. Aliens are trying to communicate with you.
an asteroid just flew over my house
its pretty cool go out and watch
That looks like tracers of some sort. Could be a meteor shower too.
>California is a geographically small state, smallest in the nation in fact
>no need to specify location any further
no picture is just a stock photo from google when i googled "satellite picture" i told you my camera wont pick it up
i also saw something like an hour ago, i live in the eastern us
Brother in law caught a image of it 8 months ago. Looked just like that image.
was a small white ball that zoomed across the sky at unreal speeds.
did you see more than one? i saw like 20 in a row
I saw similar weird lights over Southern Finland last week. I think it was fighter jets training.
i only saw one defiantly, but my back light turned on so i didn't have as good of a view.
Probably cory spears testing the ion drive again.
wtf is going on is it happening?
>no snow
ya no
They left so much heat behind that the star wobbled, I presumed that hot air caused the distortion. One light turned 90 degrees at high speed and then stopped in air for about 2 minutes.
I was freaked out at first, but just figured its military doing military things.
Rarely snows in richmond bc.
I saw that too. Thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Looked like planes firing at each other.
pretty much
Couple of different meteor showers going on right now. Nothing really spectacular about them though, it says they are kind of minor showers.
Looks like some sort of optical effect like a sun dog but with the light source on the ground and the viewer being at the right distance to see the refraction in the water vapor or ice crystals in the air.
Is this a schizo thread?
It's well documented to be the starlink satellites. Chill the fuck out.
Unique image. No results.
Send another of the same angle.
possible meteor shower?
Meh, its just tracers
that is a red sprite, its a rare thing to see in the sky as they normally only appear in sever thunderstorms
Derp, left off a link. This one shows them as minor showers.
Were the symmetric like the photo or a little more scattered?
OP That's STARLINK. Elons internet cluster. WTF moment first time I saw it.
The direction they were going was North.
why without lurking?
fucking retarded nigger
jump off a bridge
where are you canon?
Wtf??? A guy with a phone camera just flew under my interdimensional spaceship!
If information is light, i wonder what memories are made off. Hmmmm, this is getting interesting.
>corona trails
>holy shit did anyone else see this shit?
no, but I saw pic related
Wtf he's going to blot out the sun
not meteosrs. i know what meteors look like i see them all the time. these were slow and steady across teh sky in unwavering steady blue/white light. looked like a star except gliding smoothly at the same speed from one side of the sky to the other and a bunch were in line one right behind the other one, some where not in line and going in the same general direction
ive never seen the starlink satllites before
both, some were symmetric in a line but i was seeing others staggered and like o n the other side of the sky. still going the same general direction but not the same angle.
ok that seems to be the consensus. i thought they were satellites because i know what sats look like, but ive never seen so many before in a row. so i started to get concerned it was ICBMs or some shit
Pretty sure it's either an atmospheric lens effect, or the camera's lens has some dew on it.
'it was us that scorched the sky'
What are you doing with all this data you're mining?
just tryn to figure out what i saw
you need video next time
i tried but the lights were not bright enough to show up. the video is all black garbage with super high contrast and street lights fucking everything up
im going to look again soon, i just read it takes 90 minutes for sats to orbit earth. so if someone can give me advice for night time filming that would be great
you need a low level light camera
im going to try to put the lens up to a binocular to hopefully focus the area and block out a lot of the ambient light and make the dots bigger. maybe it will pick up, keep thread bumped its almst been 90 minutes
Everything you now see in the sky that cant be explained, is a starlink satellite. The news said they were putting up thousands of them and you can trust the news. Shills do not have instructions to bring up elon musk and starlink when people start seeing things.
Op is not larping
Its Starlink. Jesus fucking christ you daft bastard at least 10 anons have confirmed this. Stop bumping this shitty thread and sage.
Lol nice one
well i just went out to my back yard but fucking neighbors have their patio lights on and on the other side a bright ass bathroom light on and now the moon is higher and brighter so i cant see shit. going to try going on a walk again to get away from some of these lights
did you see it too?
well ok then i guess if its confirmed. still pretty cool ive never seen it before, is it normal for them to be that active and together? ive never seen it before so i dont know what is normal for the star link