Getting mixed signals on Yas Forums between it's just a flu and it's a man made bioweapon that stays in your system for...

Getting mixed signals on Yas Forums between it's just a flu and it's a man made bioweapon that stays in your system for life. Should we be prepping or naw?

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I would start prepping almost more against other preppers than the virus. People are wiping out their stores supplies of bleach, hand sanitizer, water, and tp. I would buy enough of those to last you through a 2-3 month shortage while everybody panic buys everything in sight.

people are the real threat.

Jesus Christ that bitch looks simple as fuck

It’d be better if it’s nothing. But maybe it’s something. Hard years ahead. Prepare.

I had a car ride with a Chinese who just got back from China and could not stop coughing. Is coughing a sign? He claims it was unrelated.

I'd take her over the harlots in the city any day.

coofing is a major symptom retard
rip cunt

Chinese bioweapon they let escape/or cia fucked with to escape and it’s literally only dangerous to boomers although Gates said it might sterilize us but he’s been doing that to Africans for decades and their population is exploding so we might be fine desu nya

Nigger-tier prep. Fucking. Toilet. Paper.

Are you really so low IQ that you don't visit news sites? You're mentally obese.

Not him but is headaches one?

The point of being prepared is that you don't have to ask that question. People buying anything en-masse wont affect you because you didn't need to buy it anyway. If the supply chains are broken, it doesn't matter because you already have everything you need. It doesn't even cost you anything because you're supposed to stock what you need, so you will use it anyway and just replenish as you use it. If anything, you will save money by buying in bulk. Everyone should have that level of preparedness, the ones that don't are either poorfags or retards that think nothing bad will ever happen.

always ignore happening fags
its not happening
its literally just a flu

Nice photoshop kek, there are no woman here.

It's probably nothing but I can't stop imagining corona being a Chinese multi-stage bioweapon to sterilize/kill/harm their enemies.
I suspect this could be part of the Chinese plan to colonize Australia and genocide white people.

You should prep regardless

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>2-3 months of cleaning supplies and TP

This. Food is cheaply made and will be priority number 1 for all governments to be pumping out and importing shit loads of food. As long you have protective equipment to be able to go out and acquire more you should be fine. But TP, bleach, Lysol, hand sanitizer ect. That shit is all going to the hospitals, police, army, and fire services. Get quality of life stuff now, and keep at least a month of food on hand. Also dont forget your mucinex, vitamin C and D, just in case you get sick.

This is a bit more like it :)

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just spend some money on some dry/canned food. you eat food right? not like its a waste

>genocide white people

Don't they realize the Jews are already doing that?

Prep what you eat, and eat what you prep.

Yas Forums isn't sending mixed signals, Yas Forums is telling you you should have prepped like a month ago at the latest, shills sent in to protect their bosses shekel horde until he can cash out his portfolio and trolls have "sent mixed signals" and if you listened to those retards for a second you deserve to starve to death tbqhwyf. It's nobodies job to convince you to take steps to keep yourself alive and healthy. Fuck off with that.

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Better to be overprepared than underprepared. Everyone posting their stash, well, I really hope you scrubbed the exif data from the photo.

Yas Forums does that automatically.

So they say. So they say. You ever hear of the term false assurance?

Every pic I've checked for exif data has been clean, I'm inclined to believe it. Only a retard takes photos with a device that has location tagging enabled, let's be real.

Why are people only preppin with oats and rice? I’m prepping with bags and bags of potato chips. I’m not a fat fuck right now, but if the shit hits the fan I plan on getting unhealthy fat.

>He didn't prep a month ago

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I'm inclined to disagree with you and be skeptical of your honesty here, satan.

Nope. Just a psyopp.

prepare for the worst hope for the best

On the long term, what is the real cost of a few months of food and water? I made a lot of preserves myself. Might save my life, otherwise it will save me a ton in restaurants.


Mormons have to have something like a year's supply of food in their house, for when Armageddon happens. There's a lot of bullshit about their religion, but this makes sense. Everyone who isn't dirt poor should have enough food and supplies on hand to ride out a couple month's worth of trouble.

oi guvnor you got a loicense for those beans and rice?

The amish also have a heavy prepper culture. Pretty sure most amish communities are built around not relying on infra that would fail in the event on a happening, they refuse to die off just because the english were a bunch of retards and built their lives on a delicate web.

It is definitely a bioweapon:

okay lets consider just the facts
after the early 2000s SARs outbreak the wuhan institute of virology has been studying corona viruses
the institute has since published many papers about how they took a corona virus commonly found in bats and modified it so that it could infect humans
of course these studies were meant to examine what a possible bat to human virus might look like
the wuhan insitute of virology is right next to the wet market where the first outbreak was reported
in simple terms covid-19 is basically a bat virus plus the stuff that allows hiv to infect human tissues

sure it could all just be a coincidence
just like its a coincidence that these digits are triples

Yeah, cause Instagram is the MOST GOODEST SOURCE EVAH

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Google this guy. Then YouTube Ageda 201

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literally don't be a boomer chink in wuhan and you're fine

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Learn to cook. Buy dry raw ingredients

and don't smoke, almost all the deaths are from life long smokers

This shit is just getting started worldwide, and Chinese numbers are a fucking meme. We won’t know the real mortality rate for another 3 months

LOL you bought a PlayStation Move.

Not being an idiot hoarder but getting a bit extra of the things you normally use. There will be a period of time where you won't be able to shop normally and it could last years, if not weeks.

Look at it this way, it's better to prep and not need it than to not prep and find yourself up shits creek

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>source : chinese center for disease control and prevention

>source is chinese


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fuck you're right bro
looks like we're right on track to be wiped out

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He's also reporting about the Hillary Emails. Seems credible to me.

no die like a retard cause you would rather spend 100$ on wii toys instead of some supplies to survive fucking retarded faggot

Prepping is cool because it's just buying all your groceries in advance. You still eat it all later even if we don't all die.
Or you eat it all later if you don't die.
Or you die and someone else finds it and they eat it and are mindful of your rotting plague corpse.

Prep, but don't buy beans and shit, you'll never eat it. Buy something more realistic like:

I bought jars and filled the jars with extra foods. 13 Bean mix. Festive Lentils. Amaranth Grain (Heat and eat micro popcorn), chia seeds, hemp hearts, coffee creamer, and other fun stuff. Just because the world is ending doesn't mean we can't eat well, neh?

I don't eat junk food normally and have two cupboards full of it in case of being stuck inside. Eating boring food depresses your serotonin levels

>rotting plague corpse
The virus can be burnt out of the meat, that's some good apocalyptic eatins' right there!

its at least as lethal as the previous SARS outbreak but its spreading a shit ton faster. probably not world ending but its gonna hurt real bad and change the way we conduct ourselves in the globalized world. the bird flu was a lot worse than this. seems like world governments are just using this as an excuse to squash our spirits and make us submit to their control.

half this food goes bad in 15 days wtf is this dumb bitch doing and the other half is just carbs that wont help

>bird flu

i meant the 2009 swine flu. so far that has been WAY worse than corona.

>Physical vidya and movies
Kys manchild. Stop wasting shelf space on that shit