Bernie bros

how are they this fucking stupid?

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"I took out a 100K loan to get an absolutely useless degree"
"please Bernie make my debt magically disappear, help me im an incompetent fucking retard"

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I voluntarily fucked up my life making stupid decisions. Fuck rich people.

yeah fuck rich people! I love Bernie and his three homes, millions of dollars private jet rides!

I think education including college should be significantly cheaper in the future, but voting for a candidate with the hope of them absolving your debts is pathetic

>I think education including college should be significantly cheaper in the future
start your own college that's more financially efficient and undercut the others

just fucking leave the country at that point

>unironically linking to reddit
go back there and stay there cuckold

These poor bastards are about to get fucked in the ass again, and when Warren endorses Biden they'll have a white woman to blame.

It's the perfect time to wake them up.

I have no interest in doing that and I'd be sued into oblivion for not letting in shitskins

Lmao I'm doing the exact same stuff. In school for music performance, teaching and preforming on the side
Luckily I have rich parents

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I've been told by other Canadians that my brutal honesty to strangers and crass humour is impolite and unCanadian and I remind them of an American

>i borrowed money and invested in a million barrels of milk
>oh no, it's spoiled, government please save me

>college students who already paid off their debt by getting a job have to pay again through taxes to pay off other retards' debt

how in the ever loving name of fuck does some one get 100k in debt for a music degree?

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>let me tell you how to invest the rest of your money

Stalking them like an ex. Not a good look op.

Imagine going to college just to learn to play music.

The funny thing is that you could probably get into a music education career without a degree

Here's how to eliminate college debt: make it illegal to pay for college with borrowed money.
It's so simple and obvious but it would cut into the bankers' profit and that's why it won't happen.

Americans are so retarded.
>A men chooses to live his dreams in the only life you are ever going to get
>Noooooo goy!!!!! how dare you be happy and a have a normal life were you teach kids the art of making beautiful music with a guitar!!!! You need to be miserable and never get off the rat race!! Don't you see we need a society of well behaved and obedient slaves??!!!!
>Procede to obstrecize and socially shame somebody who didn't choose one of the five degrees that will make you miserable but give you a profit.
>Hurr Durr education is only to make money durr Durr your brain and soul are meant to be a means to an end hurr Durr you deserve poverty looser hurr owned.
Hope Trump wins and America collapses itself.

>>A men chooses to live his dreams in the only life you are ever going to get
And goes about it in the stupidest possible way.

huge strawman. you can be a poor music teacher, but don't complain when you knew what the salary was the entire time.
also they even admitted themselves they chose a school way outside their budget. go to a community college if you have to.

Where the fuck are these schools charging $100k to learn how to read music notes?

i can solve the student debt "crisis"

Make colleges responsible for any defaulted loans. They will stop encouraging people to go into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for a gender studies degree. Overnight, they will limit the number of students in those courses to those exceptional few who might be able to have a career in academia. Or make them drastically cheaper.

Watch them suddenly stop giving a shit about diversity as well.

i don't even know. i went to a mid-range state school, expenses were $50k including rent and food for me being a fuckup and taking 6 years to graduate.
you have to have no respect for resources to end up that bad

The government guarantees the loans.

>but don't complain when you knew what the salary was the entire time.
you guys are utterly retarded seriously stop acting like there wasn 60 years of hyper inflation that destroyed the buying power... you know why the school were better before?
because teacher could live a good life on their pay fucking idiot

>Hey man get in this deal, is expensive but the price represents the return you are going to get.
>You are 18 and your brain isn't even developed?? That's even better!! You fit the exact profile. I'm fact, sign here. This is all backed the government by the way and completly legal.
>Proceed to be in debt for the rest of your life with no real chance of paying the "investment" ever.
How is it call? A scam.

Rollin for Revolution

Schools in America are extremely politicized and the curriculum teaches nothing practical past basic reading and math. Teachers are baby sitters and are paid as such.

if they can vote, they can take out a loan. or do you really want to argue 24 year olds aren't smart enough to vote?
better import 10 million mexicans and pajeets to compete in the workforce. that surely has nothing to do with falling wages.

Explain the multitude of 18 year olds who did not get themselves into life crushing debt.

Being formed as a professional musician is a dumb way to follow your dreams?? Gee you are right, he should've just sitcked to play the guitar in bars and malls, maybe develope a heroin addiction and die early like Hollywood tells you.

It's retarded. The reason those programs are so expensive yet can still exist is that if they do a bad year and get no takers, they can fill the class with scholarships for relatively little cost while maintaining the program's reputation. They lose nothing by charging richnigs out the arse to learn how to play the rusty trombone.

i know. government guaranteed loans are basically a stimulus package for universities. They have no repercussions for selling a product that leaves the buyer with crippling debt.

If the government could go after the university for a student's defaulted loan, even a portion of it, it will create an incentive for universities to stop offering worthless degrees to people who will never have a job.

Leftist brains never develop so how is it ever fair for them to sign a legal document?

Retard, you can
>be happy and a have a normal life were you teach kids the art of making beautiful music with a guitar
without taking out a $100K loan

>Being formed as a professional musician is a dumb way to follow your dreams?

Obviously it is with how he ended up.

>going to college
>stupid decision

okay redneck

I went to a school that has the second ranked jazz music program in the country. It's a private university and the tuition is expensive. So, imagine paying 100k to get a jazz performance degree lol. Point being, I was friends with a kid who majored in jazz performance. I'll give you one guess which candidate he supports. His social media is nothing but Bernie posts. This guy, while admittedly musically talented, has been living with his parents on and off for the last decade. I'd say I feel sorry for his parents, but they were the ones stupid enough to pay for their son to major in performing a genre that has a lower listening audience than classical music.

The US government wants you in debt and begging for them to take more control over your life in the hopes they will help you out. They want to do to you what they did to blacks.
A lot of people fall for it. Way more don't.

That's how it use to be. Guess who complained about equality and forced the banks to give out education loans equally to everyone even if they were taking meme degrees? The fucking left of course.

And then Biden came in and saved the banks by making it impossible to claim bankruptcy on the loans his side asked for. Pic related

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>i'm $100k in debt, unemployed, and screeching for someone else to fix my life
>this was a smart decision
ok bro

Apparently, college is a stupid decision for millions of people. If it was a smart decision for everyone, there wouldn't be millions of people complaining about it, would there?

Taking a 100k loan on a pipe dream is dumb, yes.

community college is great and practically free, university fucking sucks, paying out the ass so your professor can blow you off with a teacher's assistant every other day

You make no sense. Maybe you don't even understand how much it's important for a society to be educated because you're to used to be around fucking dumb fuck like you but god only know where the society would be if everyone was as shortsighted and selfish as you are.
>that surely has nothing to do with falling wages.
ya that's 80 outsourcing and now directly importing the slave force profiting from their poor country of origin economy and destroying ours
those peoples aren here to spend or participate to the system they take the money and take it back to their country where they have 10x the amount you would have it's all a scam to replace the n ative population of the western nation. It's an all out war at this point. One that is probably already lost.

>ya that's 80% outsourcing and now directly importing**

>1°you are practically forced to take out a loan if you want an education.
>2°the fact that legal responsible adults can make a decision doesn't negate the fact that the system is broken
>3°the fact that they are 18 is just another accidental factor to make the point that the system is a scam go through thick skulls. Being forced to take out a loan that you are never are going to be able to pay is just fucking ridiculous and people defending it is the definition of peak clown world.
Explain the millions who cannot???

I understand the importance of education. I also understand the average public k-12 school doesn't provide one.

They should ask for a refund.

STFU leaf, we pay our teachers 80k a year up here for doing the easiest fucking job while having summers off and Xmas and every other holiday while working a maximum of 5 hours a day in the classroom AND you can't be fired unless you royally fuck up multiple times. Oh and full benefits package with an 80% pension plan. The average Canadian makes like 50k a year.

And what does that get us? Teachers that strike every year for more money while literally brainwashing kids with liberal lefty bullshit. And they are all lazy as fuck.

Perhaps it is not their age that makes them a retard, perhaps they are just retards.

Just tell them that theres no such thing as being Canadian when everyone can just come here and become one 4 years from the moment they step foot on our soil.

God, learn how to speak English idiot.

We also get shit poor education too, classes are always held up by the lowest common denominator

I can only imagine how much worse it gets each year as the classes get increasingly non white

What an absolute retard strawman argument. Get out of here you obvious child.

You just love to blame the victim like the big fat coward you are.
Your argument is utterly stupid moron. If you think teacher have it that good just become a teacher idiot go for it. You're just mad you were a reject in school I get it we can talk about it if you want.
my english is fine fat fuck you're not on jewbook fuck off the average american talk like a nigger anyway you destroyed the english language no wonder you don't understand me

You can learn pretty much anything for free on the internet. The only thing you can't get for free is the networking, with other students and with professors. What you're paying for is the network, not the education. Stop pretending it's the education.

>makes retarded decision
>you all should pay for it, it's fair

>everyone is an autistic pajeet on adderall who's an obsessed autodidact

you mean retarded decision like accepting that the bank enslave your nation so they can replace you with immigrants?

Don't ever (you) at me again

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a fucking goldmine

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>t. I learned how to fix my sink on YouTube.

You have never had a good teacher have you?

So buy $100K worth of adderall then.

Seriously, how retarded are these people? I taught myself in like 3 weeks back before there was a tutorial for everything on jewtube.

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Of course I have. I'm speaking from experience.

Most of my classmates said that Patrick JMT was a better advanced calc prof than anyone at our uni, and so do many STEM students

It’s called an echo chamber. When you spend too much time online in one social group, you detach yourself from reality. It’s different here because of shilling and free speech being protected

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Spoken like a canadian that has no idea whats going on in the US and is projecting his own countries problem on us because its entire existence and way of life relies on our country

> paying a 100.000 dollar debt on a 900 dollar salary
he will never build any wealth.

>forcing Stereotypes
I thought Canada would be better. There is no such thing as "Candian like behavior"

>Jazz degree
Literal niggers with almost no education invented and played jazz.
Whites pay $100.000 to get a degree that basically allows them to play jazz.

I love to blame the people who deserve blame.
Regardless, that doesn't change the current state of public schooling here, the politicized curriculum and the generally pathetic performance of the average schoolteacher. It also doesn't change that anyone who goes into tens of thousands in debt to attend college for something that will not net them the return necessary to pay that debt back is likely too foolish or uneducated from the public school system to be a proper fit for attending college anyway.

>reddit thread on Yas Forums
Why don't you just post on that website, faggot?

Just go and vote for Trump already

Thank fuck I had competent parents that didn’t let me shackle myself down with $50k+ student debt. I’ll be graduating this Spring with

>It’s different here because of shilling and free speech being protected

Already did in 2016.
Will again in 2020.

Let the hate flow
Rub salt in the bernout wounds

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I enjoy how they call out everyone for
>voting against your economical interests.
But really they mean you're voting against their economical interests.

Tell them nice guys finish last and that goes for countries too which is why Canada is in the shitter.

Stop coping man. You made a bad decision now die in debt faggot.

°you are practically forced to take out a loan if you want an education.
false. you're a retard if you pigeon-hole yourself into one option. You can start out at a entry level job at 18 at a plant and learn on the job. no debt, on job training, and no homework so you can learn whatever you want after work. imagine working for 6 years, going to school at 24 with your savings debt free. 24 is still young enough to start.
>Explain the millions who cannot???
you had no respect for anyone else's resources who you were borrowing, spent recklessly at high priced colleges. not only that, you did it for 4+ years, and didn't change your behavior or get a job during those 4 years.
not our problem

wasn it don't even
(you) at me and my wife sons ever again?
>and is projecting his own countries problem on us
I'm projecting nothing moron just look around you. No wonder you voted Kushner into office just for a poorly scripted reality TV show.
You're all fake and stupid.
>It also doesn't change that anyone who goes into tens of thousands in debt to attend college for something that will not net them the return necessary to pay that debt back
that's kinda the whole fucking point of the scam and what do you suggest? that only STEMs and lawyers get any kind of specialized educations and everyone else can learn to code and go work for schlomo in a sweetshop?
That's your fucking vision of the best we can do?
All that so schlomo can buy a 3rd yacht and a 9th house?

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>communist subhuman voluntarily shackles himself with debt
>will never be able to afford a family
>effectively balls-snipped.exe

are subverted unis acting as an unintentional eugenics program for the white race?

The worst thing boomers did, was to tell their children to "follow their dreams".

ok cletus I know you would like the whole world to be as dumb as you are and you don't really understand why and educated society is good for yourself but listen
no education
no progress
so no more entertainment for your fat retarded ass
got it?

THIS. Bully them!

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No one's forcing you to participate in the scam.

I am not in debt retard. It just pisses me off how Americans laugh at the misery of people who got literally scamed.

Should have bought link

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>100k to teach kids triangles, recorders, and to sing off key