Chapo Trap House

Who are these fags and why do lefties suck their dicks so hard? Just seems like another "edgy" podcast with effeminate urbanite comedians at the helm.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just some fags who are in severe need of a boot to the throat and a barrel to the head.

have no clue who they are

You should know OP, you're one of them and have been posting them every hour for the past week trying to cause controversy to raise your profile. Guess brigading the Joe Rogan discussion forum didn't bring in as many new followers as you thought it would.

We could never do that, the american søy market will crash and farmers will starve

They're some neoliberals who have a podcast

leftists are just better
Brace Belden actually served in a Kurdish militia meanwhile you're posting on Yas Forums, fag nigger

Guy back row middle looks like a raging pedophile

A podcast with 5 retards talking over each other? How does that work?

and he didn nothing but pose for pictures while there. faggot has never seen combat.

Imagine taking this pic, reviewing it, and saying to yourself, "yea let's go with this one boys, we look really good here" forgetting the fact you're literal commies but still obsessed with material things, staring into your $500+ phone while you bemoan capitalism, the sweat of chinese children still on your phone, all the while claiming moral superiority over "fascists"

Why do all these guys look like that? Truly punchable face. It makes me physically sick.

They all look like raging pedophiles

True, but him especially

you guys dont get it. all the things you are criticizing them for are things they are merely doing ironically, making you look like a fool

He just looks like the old one, the others will catch up in 5 years or so, they others still look like boys

>3 days of Chapo threads
Hmmm. Almost like shills are pushing them.

>Merely pretending

Literally the image i see when I think, bugmen

>Name my band
Fed Basedylin

Ironically he is the last one to be a pedophile. As he is the goy and dangerously red pilled on pizzagate/Epstein

Fed Sôyÿlin god damn candy ass roody poo filter

"Trust me, we're being ironic"

O fuck is the nigger faggot filter back?

this is a schill thread isn't it

Twisted mister

Commies roll for your demise.

0- Head in a blunderbuss
1- Smallpox blanket
2- Guillotine
3- Drawing & quartering
4- Breaking wheel
5- Hanging
6- Burning at the stake
7- Bound and abandoned
8- Impalement
9- Medieval torture device (various)
Dubs- Chainshot bisection
Trips & above- Arena combat

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Nigger test

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mad cause tricked

Onions test

Soft craft beer drinkers with an inferiority complex and the political naïveté of a mulatto highschool freshman.

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They're very smart!

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They hate republicans and liberals alike. They're pretty funny

"Chapo Trap House" sounds like a gay pedo club or something...

Felix, the guy on the bottom right corner, lurks around here.

imagine staking your identity on being a smug, morally superior leftist who is a threat to the status quo. then you see the other side, your sworn enemies, being legitimately socially unacceptable and having way more fun than you. this envy must burn a lot of lefties up inside.

so these chapo fags decided to co-opt Yas Forums and adapt the idea for the left, but, as everyone reading this knows, it's an embarrassing sham to play at being dangerous in this way and simultaneously hide inside the city walls of the current social in-group of generic leftism and anti-white agitation. this is why they simply disregard all the redpills and act non-chalant as if they're so obviously untrue that they don't even warrant a refutation

You are probably only serving to add to their popularity. Even I have heard this name, but only in passing from some liberal propaganda outlet or kike shill shitposting about it somewhere.

For the most part, we likely have no knowledge of them at all.

This is why I always shit myself in public, at any chance I get. You wouldn't believe how many people laugh tears of joy when I do. It's a great icebreaker at parties too. Just curl a turd into your pants, raise your eyebrows and smirk. Fun for everyone! Or at least, fun for the people who get the joke- listen up, I make fun of people who shit themselves! When there's raucous laughter all around I know I'm good company... only the intellectual crowd understands irony!

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look at how physically repugnant they are
I want to see them try to "bash" some "fash", and get their skulls caved in

The cumboys are better

Also jewish.

literally all bugmen

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I find their lack of diversity problematic

>1 post by this ID

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you literally have no response.
>I was just pretending to be retarded!

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Anyone who participates in faux candid photo shoots should be drawn and quartered.

Mouthy IPA lovers that get zero pussy

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They're 4channers who became leftists and started a radio show they're just mirror Yas Forums but media savvy enough to make money instead of sit around posting BBC memes all day

>have no clue who they are

THE BernieBros

>They're 4channers who became leftists

He’s not a chapo guy. Been on the podcast but he’s not a member. Cope

>media savvy
You mean they can make money saying whatever they want because they are leftists and puppets of the globalist elites

Lol, you mean the YPG? The fags that contributed to absolutely nothing but getting in the way of actual trained and equipped forces fighting ISIS? They also cucked to the Syrian gov't whenever caught in a compromising position, often abandoning rebels groups to fend for themselves. YPG is a fucking joke that only got in the way.

I hear the name. This the first time I have seen them.Are they homosexuals? Or just leftist nu male queers? Cause I don't think any of them could change their own tire.

>devil’s advocate
Within what I assume is their gestalt, the phone can be viewed as a tool that would ideally eventually be used to ease the suffering of sweatshop workers as well. It’s the “there is no ethical consumption under late capitalism” leftist nihilism. The only way out is through and all that. They’re also always framing their content and frame as comedy, or at least comedic, and this picture plays into that.

remember to report threads for advertising

Not a Commie, just suicidal.

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i listened to chapo for about 15 minutes once and like i said in it just seemed flagrantly obvious that they were aping Yas Forums, but for the left, which is as cringe and inherently nonsensical as it sounds