/3bg/ 30yo boomer general

33 y/o here
knees have started creaking

how we all doing boys? hows the social life? career? romance?

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My knees have always creaked even when I was doing squats in my 20s.

It's not because of your age, it's because you're 400lbs

You must not do your squats. My knees are fine and I'm 35

>social life

I can still do the same shit as when i was 24, more or less. 36 now.

Id say i feel shitty food more and it takes a bit longer to recover from exercise but its not really drastic.

You're fucked mate.
I'm way older than you and my body is fine.

lol fucking boomers man

20 yo here, get pussy every other day, making mad money and finna retire in the US three years from now on, see you there gringo

30 yo arent boomers you fucing brainlets

Me too. We're gonna make it.

sometimes i wish i was dead but eh i’m fine i guess

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Got my shit together, but I wish I took care of some medical stuff earlier. Now things are gonna be fucked for a year or two.

>off-topic shit thread from newfag
fuck outta here

sure thing gorilla nigger

It is you two, who are the newfags.

>complaining about slide on a board covered in slide 24/7 for the last 3 years
who’s new?

Kill yourself

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By 35 you won't give a shit about absolutely nothing. The ride begins there.

Hi agent smith, I am doing fairly good.
You are too kind, I thought it was all work with you.

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31, no social life really, moving back in with my parents in a few months, first gf i had in 5 years dumped me after two months because she thought i was sensitive and being terrible at sex was no help either, i have a decent enough job for being a college dropout but every time i try to go back i fall behind from avoidance and procrastination, get overwhelmed and give up. At least i have you guys

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>turning 30 in a few weeks
>had a trip planned to celebrate
>probably have to cancel it because of ching chong virus

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Real boomers are 55

34 here, Got a nice family, 2 kids, house thinkin about a dog. But now I get these thoughts, about what are people, really? The thought of some day I will loose my kids, because either I will die, they will, or they will just leave me really depressing me out. It is leading to some strange thoughts.

Also 33, drink too much, career is garbage despite having nonmaymay degree. No wahmen interested (not that there are any decent wahmen anywhere). Kinda hoping corona chan puts me out of my misery

35, left ankle is chew up to shits, no kids, no gf, no motivation, I eat and throw shit in the carpet I don't even pick trash anymore I would end it all if I wasn't such chicken shit I literally find no reason to exist and feel like such a drag and a loser

>"own" a home i.e. have yet to pay down 285k on a 330k loan at 3.4% interest (down payment was 100k)
>120k/year job where I work from home 4 days per week
>2 kids, a boy and a girl with a 3rd one on the way
>hairline is still the same as it was in high school...for now...

31 here
I'm pretty fucked all around and passively rooting for coronachan

Just got a new Hair Systems Toupee installed yesterday and it looks okay. From an angle it looks like a Lego hair piece though.

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33 y/o. we drunk raced(on foot) the other night. My entire body has been sore for 4-5 days now, including muscles I didnt know existed

Depression is a bitch. Just waiting to die. This is what technology gets us. If you spent 12 hours a day in a field picking cotton you'd be happier.

28 y/o boomer here. Things are okay. I've been a NEET for a year but hopefully about to get a job at the post office, just nervous about them asking about my gap in work history. Thankfully I'm not ugly so my girlfriend didn't leave me in this time of NEETdom, a real keeper.

Dude, If you didn't say that lego thing I wouldn't have noticed..... Now I can't unsee

People are a chain, or a long marathon run to who knows where. Each person in your ancestry is a link or a runner. Right now you're the link on the end. The next links have been forged (your children) and it is your duty as was everyone's before you to make sure that you connect the links, that you pass the baton, that your chain doesn't die. You will, but the chain will live on. The only assurance you have that you will not be permanently extinguished is by making sure that your children are in your image. They must look like you, think like you, act like you - the best traits of you. If they do the same your essence will live on through the ages, added to the collective inheritance of your line through all time.

>why are we here?
Don't know, won't find out by destroying the chain

>what does it all mean?
See question 1

Life is a struggle, at all times a struggle for existence, for survival, for dominance. Nobody in your chain has actually given up before forging the next link. Throughout all of history you exist because of an unbroken chain of people. It is your job to not be the first true failure in a line of hundreds, thousands, millions.

You're a Millennial you fucking clod. Also, Foo Fighters are garbage. Quit whining.

Knees are good-wear knee sleeves when squatting heavy. I like the mark bell brand sleeves.
Social life is my family, wife and 2 kids plus job doesn’t leave much time to socialize but I can’t think of anyone I’d rather hang out with than my sons.
Career is good. Right in the middle of it now. Most days good, some days bad, but pays enough to keep the wife happy at home tending the children and acreage.
Romance is surprisingly good. Married a while now and we’re still very much into each other.
All in all, it’s the best time in my life. I keep telling my wife to enjoy it cause we’re living in the good old days.

Unless you were born between '45 and '55 your not a fucking Boomer. Your just an out of shape fat fuck

I don't mean it in that sense, I mean what are people. What makes you a person, what are your thoughts and dreams? What is it that makes us different from a machine? It drives me crazy, it keeps me up at night, it has become a obsession at times. Thankfully only when I stay up to late :D

Honestly user death is what makes life worth living. If we all lived forever experiences and events and people and realtionships would all mean nothing. Also don't sleep on the fact that it's highly likely there is a god of some kind or a higher power and our relationships built in this lifetime don't necessarily end when we die.

>how we all doing boys? hows the social life? career? romance?
better than ever somehow

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31 years old boomer here, and same.
I should have gotten on that healthy lifestyle train earlier.

>retire in US



are those korean girls?

I'm financially destitute but I've never been happier. Steady pussy, steady buzz, lots of friends. Dad's getting sick but we've never spent more time together, spending time outdoors at his place in the country drinking well water. Things are alright

45, no kids, never married, never fucked a girl over 30. All my time and money goes to me and my goals. 6 figure for life pension (defined benefit) when I retire in 10 years.

Thread theme

>males brag about 47 matches
>those women have 600+ men matched and vying for their attention9

See you on the news.

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THIS IS THE PHILOSOPHY OF MY LIFE. It's why I have zero respect for the self-indulgent who party and swear off children. They reap the rewards of countless of generations of sacrifice and produly wear it as your choice. Digusting, selfish pieces of shit.

I have siblings that will have kids. My link is fine bearing none.

If thats the goal then it is probably for the best. The lack of want for children is not a great trait to pass along.

I did a google image search for this and it came up as "girl"

going to die.

What is the soul? What sparked your consciousness and not a different one inside of you? Why are you in control of it? Why is there something instead of nothing? I wonder these things as well, but I also know it's impossible for me to know the answer because we have such limited ability, knowledge and vision. While there is no harm in asking the questions and wondering of the possibilities, it is not worth worrying or obsessing over.

The fact of the matter is that regardless of if we're spiritual beings, fleshy automatons, or virtual bits of code in a simulation, your only courses of action are to press on or perish. I choose to press on, because who knows what the future will hold for our descendants? A dead end? Heat death of the universe? No questions answered? Enlightenment and paradise? None of those can be any better or worse than our current existence since we don't even understand it's nature.

That's sort of how I think about it, though I don't think it will help anyone else.

yeah but I never messaged them since I was already leaving. met up with some japs while I was over there though
yeah no doubt about that. most guys go for weeks without a SINGLE match though, plus I'm fucking 33 and almost exclusively match with 19-23 year olds, so I'm doing pretty well I'd say

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What are you doing with all this data you're mining?

Not everyone will continue. Perhaps none will continue eventually. I am simply resolved that it will not be me who fails my ancestors or descendants. I'll give them this gift or burden depending on how anyone wants to see it with the hope that for day the eons of struggle and toil weren't for naught.

do korean women like white guys? are those thots on tinder just to meet a westerner?

I know these feels

flat broke
unforeseen circumstances and bad choices with good intentions
I'll likely work until I die or off myself from crippling loneliness

gauge how shit my life is compared to anons my age. seems to be on the shittier end so far.

Back pains, can’t deal with hangovers as well as I used to but other than that I’m good. I noticed I gained 10 pounds, I guess my metabolism is slowing down. I’m pretty settled, bought a house, girlfriend, two vacations a year, got a baby on the way. Partied every weekend since I was 15 up until I turned 30. Ready for the chill life, let’s see how being a parent goes. All in all can’t complain, I’m comfortable.

How is this even possible? How to fuck up this badly?

Moving to the USA pretty soon

Life is good

>making mad money and finna retire in the US three years from now on
>hue flag
Probability that both those things are total horse shit hue nigger making bank and getting allowed into Murica lul.

Joined a filipina online dating site in November and met one I plan on marrying in April when I return to the Philippines

please tell me you and your wife are both white

No Social Life
Got an okay wagie job
No Romance
Good Hair
How will I be as 30, boomers?

>ruined my career
>ruined my social life
>ruined only romantic relationship I ever had
>been living with parents for last two years
>can only find shitty go nowhere jobs
>no skills that matter
>wake up every morning missing my ex

>how we all doing boys?
Yeh alright, trying to cram more shit into my life
hows the social life?
Go training a few times a week, have been slack lately.
Most friends have been lost by the wayside because I got tired of being the one trying to keep contact.
Lololol I'm gonna die homeless

But my knees are ok.

Yes, my wife is American. But I call bullshit on race being the issue. I just want freedom and less taxes.