/nar/ - Northwest American Republic

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
The Northwest Imperative
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Western Montana

Why aren't you here?

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What the hell ever happened to the New Awakening? Were they just a fed LARP?

Good question. I don't know.

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In the Northwest, the SJW-Liberal Capital of the US? Try again to have your Race-State in a place where people actually care about your Brainlet beliefs.

Demoralization shill

It was just a LARP, surprise surprise, no autistic teen ever went to the northwest to establish an ethnostate and to balkanize the US, now that covington is dead, it is very unlikely to ever gain even the slightest amount of traction again.

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Wasn't this called the Christian Redoubt and didn't it flop harder than SARS?

>sacrifice all but a tiny square of land for brown people to run lawless and grow in number until they look for more land to ruin


>Moves to northwest
>Dies of coronavirus
smart plan fagget

Redoubt is a prepper movement
This is a separatist movement

Complementary goals and similar location though

>Take it all back

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Covington had nothing to do with new awakening

You realize white nationalists tried this in the 60s through the 80s right? There were dozens of compounds set up across the northwest. They were more organized and advanced than anything you could ever hope to pull off and they didnt accomplish shit. For an example loom up the CSA.

Tell us more

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What's even more a pipedream is thinking that a white ethnostate could somehow established in a small claim of northwestern land and be left alone in peace by the entire western world to prosper and not become besieged in every way.

All that's required to take it all back is a little intellectual capital. A virus that causes infertility carefully engineered and inserted in the correct place would ensure future generations their birthright.

Here's a good documentary, CSA are in it. They were one of many compounds across the northwest. They were self sufficient, lived off the land, well armed (including military vehicles, anti tank weapons, automatic weapons) and they were highly trained as a military force. Their men were in 4 man squads, truly organized. They had everything white nationalists on this board dream of, their groups were evenly made up of men women and children. The did everything they could, but the federal government destroyed each of them one by one, either by massacring them or intimidating them like in the case of CSA. What you guys want to do has already been tried and it's going to be even harder to do it today because of the designation of white nationalists as terrorists.


lol true hippies don't like white nationalist hicks

Look at this shit from fucking 1982. This is a carbon copy of what's discussed and shilled on this board daily. There is nothing new here, it's all been tried and failed. And mind you we are under much harsher conditions than they were.

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Covington and everyone in the nwf do nothing but plead people not to make compounds and give themselves in to honeypots.
It's literally the first topic of this week's RFN
The Northwest Front: Radio Free Northwest – March 2nd, 2020 northwestfront.org/rfn/rfn20200302.mp3

Have you read the brigade?

>carbon copy of what's discussed and shilled on this board daily
Not in these threads


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Fair enough I haven't specifically looked into Covington's strategy, I just wanted to share a bit of history because I rarely see CSA and other groups discussed on here. Any kind of purposefully white community/compound will never work, people need to just move to white majority areas, build a family and live in normal communities while "fitting in" for the most part. Sounds like that's what he advocates.

>yes goy come over and buy this over priced hipster cuck trap.
My brotger moshe came all the way from california to put up these wonderful new homes, inspired by all the dry ,warm climate of silicon valley.

Go back 2 isreal and live with your ethnobrethen in your ethnostage.

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Did you know that there's more to the northwest than Portland and Seattle?

Good movement but mossad threads.
Denying the northwest from growing bigger.

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You should read it and start listening to rfn

>people need to just move to white majority areas, build a family and live in normal communities while "fitting in" for the most part
Yes, but most crucially be prepared for when the action starts
I am praying for a peaceful outcome but if there ever were a race war it is critical to be among your own

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If you really want to pursue system politics to grow Idaho by redrawing state borders it's not necessarily conflicting with the northwest imperative

I don't understand why you feel the need to interrupt these threads with your separate topic and throw confusion around, and using a meme flag while you're at it

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>The did everything they could, but the federal government destroyed each of them one by one, either by massacring them or intimidating them like in the case of CSA. What you guys want to do has already been tried and it's going to be even harder to do it today because of the designation of white nationalists as terrorists.

exactly why white nationalism will never be a thing in the real world - no one likes them and they're soft cowards who hide behind the internet

Another demoralization shill

I’m gay and in an international relationship. Otherwise I’m red pilled. Can I join?

white nationalists lose against the government 9 times out of 10

no one likes a sore loser - admit it


Not even as an associate or junior member? Anywhoo, in the words of Karl Marx “I’d never join a club that’d have me as a member”.

I dated a light skinned black girl from Montana. She used me. Redpill me on Montana niggers

Unironically kill yourself if you want to have a positive eugenic effect on the race

I'm black can I join?

no. make your own

They're not dead. They're just on the down low and continuing business as usual just with a different approach.

I like the midwest more.
I'll just form the Yooperreich in the 99% white michigan UP, mkay?

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How do you know?

Jimminy christmas, you’re really full of beans tonight. It’s people like you whose balls I don’t regret crushing in vices.

That's all I can say. The Northwest Imperative alive and strong still, though.

So you're in the honeypot huh

LOL, look at the scale on that map. Dumb propaganda map. Ignore this stupid shit.

Yes pick the place that will eventually be destroyed by a super volcano. Smart.

No. But every so often I take a glance at them. They're not an organization anymore.

I don't follow then, the organization new awakening is dead or isn't?

They're just doing what they're supposed to. They're following the Northwest Imperative.

What is the symbolism of the blue white and green of the flag?

come over . come now don't bring anything though we got something special here for ya!

Lol gay regionalism, join Patriot Front and help us white Americans take back all of our God given land. Reclaim America!

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The land where we make our final stand and secure a homeland for all ethnic whites of the world.
Our people collectively.
The sky that holds our nation and the final frontier of exploration that lies beyond that blue.
>Reclaim ""America""
Not happening. There's nothing to reclaim and your march and flag antics are dead and done for. Don't worry, our success will get you on our side in due time but we're in it for the long haul.

I am here

God bless

Forgot the 14 you dumb hun? That’s the point of this endeavor.

You have no right to tell anyone that, sodomite.

Simmer down you gay nerd nignog. I’m really sick of scrots like you fagging up this erstwhile based board. You must go back.

You literally bounce on "international" dick. You're not securing anything besides an enlarged prostate.