Christian General Thread

Hello anons! Consider taking the breadpill!
Where the most important measure is NOT 'left' or 'right' but Good and Evil
Rape is WRONG
Murder is WRONG
Masturbating is WRONG
Porn is WRONG

>inb4 not politics
Considering that Religion make up the cornerstone of several countries laws( particularly Sharia) it is safe to assume that Faith-or the lack thereof- DOES have an impact on countries all over. From the Sharia state of Iran and the officially atheist state of China, to the Majority Catholic state of Poland, faith has a MAJOR impact on politics. This Thread is for the discussion of Christianity and its social and political systems. And if religion is to be banned, ban all pagan threads, all atheist threads, all Hindu threads, all Islam threads, all anti-theist threads etc, lest you be hypocrites. Love you user, and God Bless! Also God FIRST, politics second. Christianity is NOT an ideology. It is above that. It teaches Truth
Also, We are NOT an ideology. We are above that. Ideologies put men above God. We put God above men.
(Special thanks to the Catholic general I stole this from)

If you have any questions about Christ please ask. Remember brothers, don’t caste your pearls before swine and “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels” (2 Timothy 22:25)

Also 2 interesting videos on Noah’s ark (thank you Krautanon) [Open]
streamable com/83p62
Please continue to post evidence of the faith so we can get a general outline going. Please state if you think there’s a way to better improve the original post

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>God calls cross dressing an abomination
God describes Homosexuality as an act of Rebellion against him.
>He believes a woman is to submit to the man and in return the man takes care of the woman
>God is against premarital sex. However, upon marriage it is the woman’s job to satisfy the man and the man’s job to satisfy the woman.
>This God is against gluttony.
>This God over all things sees the Jews of today as prideful, sinful, and against himself (for they do not follow him. Therefore they follow the devil)
>However, he loved the world so much that he came down from heaven and walked among us. He is who we refer to as Jesus Christ, the one true living God. So that he might fulfill the law and pay for our sins, so that we all might have eternal life.
Jesus Christ has taught us to reject degeneracy, yet you defy him. Why do you continue to rebel against him?
Deuteronomy 22:5

Leviticus 18:22

Peter 3:1 and 3:7, Ephesians 5:23

1 Corinthians 7:1-5

1 John 2:15-17 (gluttony is a sin of the flesh).

1 John 8 36-46

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I think the omnipotent being will forgive me for masturbating.

But enough Condemnation.
John 3:16
God went up on the cross and died for you so that you could be free from the chains of your own choices that shackle you. Jesus loves you user, the father loves you, and the Holy Spirit (the 3 aspects of God). The only thing that keeps him out is you. But he will gladly move in and help you clear out whatever burdens you have, but only if you invite him in

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Hitler is that you ?

Only if you accept that he payed for your sins, and that this person is God.

Yeah I occasionally pray, ask for forgiveness about that. But I think in these very confusing times, God knows who's good inside and who isn't, and is willing to save his misguided children even after death

Sadly Hitler might not be in Heaven (yes this is theologically correct because God takes no pleasure in letting people choose to not be with him). Sadly he pushed for positive Christianity (Something to destroy the faith). However there are things that God wrote that Hitler would have agreed with (gotta keep this chronologically correct). Now that doesn’t mean Hitler didn’t followed and repent for his sins (that is something only God knows)

There is nothing wrong with rape,

First, you must understand that rape is significantly more prevalent in Human history than school taught you, like mind-blowing amounts of rape, you are a byproduct of rape somewhere in your lineage,

And then you must understand that in a world of force being the reigning unit of persuasion, meaning that having force that cannot be contested equates to earning, that its not possible to say furthering your species is inherently evil, bringing life to this world is inherently good

/x/ faggot take your voodoo out of Yas Forums

Some of my friends have embraced these traditions and have bloomed into beautiful young men.

In these confusing times God has made it clear. However he does know who is good, those who follow in him, for we are made righteous in by him. However for those who are not, are children of the devil. Either you are for or against Christ, and it is clearly stated how to be for Christ.

If you die and haven’t accepted salvation, you go to hell because you opted for it. It is debated if salvation is possible after that, but I don’t know. Either way, it’s not worth finding out (the hard way)

I’m glad to hear it. I hope they have multiplied in the faith and have fostered their relationship. Would you like to join as well?

Can you sin if you are saved by Jesus Christ?
Can you sin and not suffer?
Fapping is a sin, and you will face consequences for it in this life. if you are choosing to fap you are disobeying God and not staying true to repentance, which is a sign you are not truly faithful and not saved.

>Rape is WRONG
>Murder is WRONG
Prove it

>There is nothing wrong with rape
God says there is therefore it is
>Mindblowing amounts of rape
Wait until you see how much you sin
>Force that cannot be contested equals earning
That’s why you should pursue riches in forvthe heavenly kingdom and not the earthly one
>Bringing life into the world is good
Having children is good, however the way you bring them in might not be (outside of wedlock)

I will pray for you. I hope this is in your future

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There is nothing wrong with murder either

God said it’s wrong, that’s all the proof we need

Good job, keeping the darkness at Bay.

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If God says it is so, then it is so. His reasoning for things is far above ours.

Thank you brother, however glory be to God for keeping darkness at bay. He simply uses us as messengers for where to point people at times

God never said anything about it to me. I think I would remember if he did.

>to the Majority Catholic state of Poland, faith has a MAJOR impact on politics

You mean like picture related?

When you can't actually discuss politics in your Christcuck thread, it deserves to be deleted for being off-topic.

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So you cannot be saved and sin?
Isn't sin eventually inevitable in anyone's life?
Wouldn't acknowledging you sinned and asking for repentance be the correct thing to do, attempting to avoid doing the same mistake again?

My father left me and my mother was a mild psychopathic narcissist with the mentality of a child(this saved me).

He recenly reached out because he knows that me and my brother are well paid programmers and probably wants us to take care of him for his low pension days.

I have rebounded by 29 to a career in coding and almost having a social life.

But recently I noticed optic neuritis and neuropathy which most commonly are signs of a debilitating illness that leads to being unable to get out of bed and then death. A slow and agonizing end.

I find it hard to stop masturbating sometimes and to honor my parents and I don't know if just believing in Jesus is enough, because there are verses about "works" not "faith" bringing salvation etc.

Am I saved just by believing and praying sometimes alone or am I fucked?

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God has given you a brain, you know where to look for the answers. If you don’t seek him, he won’t force you, so seek and you shall find. You’ve been warned

I'll let God judge me, not you


Religion is directly connected to culture. See all things lined out, and you’ll find in Islam this isn’t the case. Religion is related as it creates culture, which creates politics. It is therefore not off topic and deserves to stay on here. I am not debating Catholicism and what Poles do with it, merely that it guides them in their thinking. Oddly enough, you proved it has to do with politics.

>Religion is directly connected to culture.
Then state something actually politics-related right this fucking second or watch as this thread 404s. Here I'll help you out.

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>you will spend eternity in "paradise" full of shit-skins, spics and niggers, goy
>statistically Christianity is majority non-white on a global scale
>go to heaven and spend eternity with niggers and mexicans
>turn the other cheek
>suck black people's toes
>jew on a stick
>jews are the chosen race
>Israel is your holy lands, not Europe
>doesn't matter if whites go extinct as long as the swarthy brown horde are all christians that want to suck jesus' toes
>worship a holy foreskin of a desert jew carpenter that got yeeted on by Roman paGANGs
>niggers and spics are equal to white men
>it doesn't matter if you're a pedophile rapist as long as at the end of it all you repent and subject yourself to Yahweh and his physical jew incarnation, Jesus
>if a nigger-mexican hybrid spic rapes and kills your blonde 7 year old daughter, don't kill him, just turn the other cheek... oh now he's repented and turned to jeebus, nice you can spend eternity with your daughter's pedophile rapist murderer that ate her pussy in heaven and your 7 year old daughter's in hell because her Nazi grandma told her about indigenous European gods and goddesses and she really liked Frigg and made some offerings to white gods. but that doesn't matter you don't need her, you can play black jack and poker with her rapist murderer in heaven

Christianity is the most non-white fag cuck religion on the face of planet Earth
literally none of that sounds good or based to me, faggot
you're clearly not white. just admit you're not white. you're also a spiritual semite
Mother Europa is my holy lands; jew Israel desert in the Middle East is yours.
you put your jew worship above the white race. you would prefer a christian brown europe to a white pagan europe
admit all these things. christians are just as subversive as kikes and deserve brutal rape and death

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already on that

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Go back to Europe then and brutally rape and kill White Germanic Christians of your own bloodline.

I have read the Bible. It was a poorly written book of Jewish fairy tales, and it gave no compelling reason to believe it is true. Why can your Jewish god not just tell me what is good and bad in an objective manner? Using my brain that he has allegedly given me, it seems he would be a lot more successful in saving people if he made morality objective and undeniable, rather than "inspiring" barely-literate Jewish peasants to write shitty parables that everyone interprets differently. Why is your God such an incompetent failure? And why should I feel motivated to worship an incompetent failure?

Have you actually read the whole Bible from start to finish?

Thou shall not kill (unless it's in self defense or a holy war). It can't get any simpler.

Not politics
Not news
You're just a faggot that's job is to shit up this board with off-topic faggotry. If this thread gets moved to a more appropriate board you will abandon this thread and start another one here because you have no intention of engaging in worthwhile discussion. You're purpose is to shit up this board and detract from any genuine Yas Forums threads

Too spicy and truthful for this Jewish celebration thread.

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The Bible deals with politics, it's a valid thread.

The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

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I've had a crippling porn addiction since I was 11 years old. Please pray for me lads I cant stop I'm so lonely.

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Simply saying that doesn't mean shit. This thread will be deleted because you Jew-worshipers refuse to actually discuss politics in your Jew-worship threads. Probably because the only thing that intersects politically with your LARP religion is the fact your cultists are sucking nigger toes on Lesbos right now demanding open borders and the importation of a million more hostile orcs into white lands.

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So uh, do you have the Tor browser?

>'muh skin' the post

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Yes. It's trash. Upanishads are a million times more impressive and coherent. Not that I necessarily believe upanishads either, but if you are going to claim that your scriptures are literally authored by God, then you should probably make sure that those scriptures are the greatest thing ever written, or even just the best metaphysical/"religious" work ever written (the jewish bible of course is neither).

>Why can your God not just tell me what is good and bad in an objective manner?
He did, its called the ten commandments, dumbfuck. There is also a lot of nuance, but it all honesty, it isn't for brainlets like you to understand.

>Using my brain that he has allegedly given me, it seems he would be a lot more successful in saving people if he made morality objective and undeniable, rather than "inspiring" barely-literate Jewish peasants to write shitty parables that everyone interprets differently.
You are implying he wants to save you, I mean, he wants that, but he also wants you to save yourself first by your own hand, like a man. God doesn't like pussies.

Like i said, It has to do with politics.

God bless all my Christian brethren in this thread. May the Lord smile kindly upon you!

And for my orthobros, day 3 of great lent nearly in the books, lads. Hunger is starting to kick in on my end, but I'm holding strong. Stay vigilant, my brothers, resist temptation, pray and armour yourselves with the sign on the cross daily and by the grace of God, you'll persevere!

God bless and goodnight!

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Sounds to me like you simply reject God.

What do you consider good literature?

If Jesus can save me, he can save anyone.
But if you're not even trying, neither will he.

>then you should probably make sure that those scriptures are the greatest thing ever written
It is, you're either
1. Retarded
2. Just hate God
probably both though

>Because it has nothing to do with politics
Yet BBC posting, 4 year old twitter posts from literal who's with 2 retweets and Christian demoralization threads are. Got it.

May the Lord illuminate your path to the Truth. God bless.

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Nigger logic or Jew logic; it's difficult at this point to differentiate between the two

Have you met God? What gives you the right to speak such pointless fearmonger?
Every man who is right in his heart corrects his behavior, or he will simply suffer consequences. But he will not be in an eternal literal-material "hellfire" because he commited "thoughtcrime", you confuse religion and God with communism and Judaism, as modern Christians always do.
God is family to me, like my Father, and not a weird "big brother" who needs some script-interpretations of others to reach me, priests who have the audacity of thinking they have something of a "copyright" on God. Telling people that God has only a pitiful mental one-way road.
Even if one has never read the bible or accepted this specific framework, he will be fine if he is just a go(o)d man.
The Bharavad-Gita says similar things about Krist-na, but in a better way, in a much higher spiritual way, including levels of insight, and not a worship of a onetime material superman.
That is what religion is about btw, it's about spirit, because "God is Spirit". And the spiritual core truth is in everything, in many books, in many mythologies, representations, parables, depicted in many different ways in this "virgin" ma-(te)-ria (Mary-Maya) matrix, matter, hidden everywhere in plain view for the person who realizes spiritual truths, for the Son-Sun with the righteous conscience, hidden in the entire cosmic natural world actually.
The downsite is always with people who don't understand spirit (=God), who take every word and every picture as literal as possible, without even the slightest understanding of the ocean of meaning behind these words and pictures. Those people get neurotic about their "belief" and try to pull everyone else down to their material dull understanding of things, making everyone "equal".

God has many ways, not just your favourite scriptural-material dogma in a certain space and time.
And making pointless fear is always the indicator of the Jewish "religious" (corporational) matrix.

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>the ten commandments

Check out my mixtape dawg

Not a politics thread.
Sage and report for being off-topic.

Until you faggots actually want to discuss politics your threads don't belong here.

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So let us first start with John 3:16.
Tak bowiem Bóg umiłował świat, że Syna swego Jednorodzonego dał, aby każdy, kto w Niego wierzy, nie zginął, ale miał życie wieczne.
What this means is that one aspect of God came down (the son of man) and died so that you could become perfect. So you fall short of the glory of God, but through him you are made perfect. That is how important you are to God, he payed for you so that you wouldn’t have to carry that burden. Now the next step, please do a prayer similar
“Heavenly Father, I seek to repent for my sins. I am a sinner, and fall short of your glory. For this, I accept the sacrifice that was made on the gross, and I accept that you payed for it. I ask that your spirit guide me and that you enter into my being. I submit my life to you and ask you to guide it”. Once this is said, you’re saved.
>How to handle your father
I don’t know, but you have the spirit of God in you. Pray to him and ask him. From here listen for an answer and seek an answer. You will get one (there isn’t a promised timeframe)
Actively seek to repent and ask God for help dealing with it. He’s got you covered, all you have to do is ask (and make sure not to drown him out. You can choose not to listen to him)
Faith is 100% required and from what I understand works are referenced as a sign of being saved. I’ve pondered on this and my willingness to seek answers from God shows because I have long quested this and haven’t seeked the answer to how this goes down
For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
If you want to foster your relationship, continue to seek a relationship (so pray when it’s good and bad, not just occasionally. Pray when you are grateful, thankful, chattive, sad, depressed, etc. Constantly talk. He’s your Heavenly Father, and wants to have a relationship with you.

This could be a wake up call from God since you’re asking

based, blessed and checked

If you are crippled and cannot get a woman how do you release sexual tension my man ?

If masturbation is wrong.

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Asking questions. I don’t know what the plan is, but there’s something to do with it. Whatever happens, God has a reason for it and remember he is always in control. The king of kings has a plan for this, so don’t sweat it. I can’t promise you anything aside from it’s in God’s hands

You don't get to, that simple user. Don't need to muck up the gene pool with your cardboard shins.

God has already written out how he will judge. He has legit given you the lawbook, there’s 637 or so sins. So we aren’t judging you, we are telling you how the judge judges

>Rape and murder are on the same level as masturbating
Is it all equally wrong or does God have some sort of scoring system?

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