What was the defining moment in your life that made you align with your current political party?
What was the defining moment in your life that made you align with your current political party?
The day I realized Hitler was right about just about everything.
Why is she naked?
When I saw Trudeau fuck my country up more then any war has. I feel as though it was always there and I was never able to truly see it.
i'd say it was about seven years. i was for the most part politically indifferent but leaned left and one day a feminist friend of mine started explaining to me that you "can't be racist to white people." that was when the gears started turning in my head
What’s the thing in the middle??
Your mom and those Giant Titties.
You pol and Your moms boobs turned me into a Raging Nazi
I read Mein Kampf
>that made you align with your current political party?
>current year
>still not an independent
I think it's a Russian if my Finnish grandparents' description is correct. Not sure, though, never seen one before.
Attending a university
Seeing Obama talk about the 'peaceful protests' in the Maidan while simultaneously watching protesters literally lighting riot cops on fire there.
Watching Obama act like an arrogant fuck while constantly lying about everything while the media thought everything he did was genius.
Wait, is that nig in the upper left hand corner the black guy from the Office?
Hitler was a fucking idiot who ruined Germany. Saddam Husien was a better leader.
well that's one way to ruin a couch
Wearing a RATM shirt with Zapata on it with the saying "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." Got approached by a group of young Mexicans who told me to take the shirt off cause I'm white. I told them to take it. They cowered. Made me realize American Marxism was about hating white people. Not about the workers uniting. Circa 2000ish.
qt on the left
All of the college educated people I knew were liberals and generally intellectuals, pretty much all of the right wingers that I've known don't have a college degree and work in trades. So it was an easy choice really, if all of the smart people that you know vote one way and make good arguments for it, and all of the dumb people that you know vote the opposite and can't really explain their positions because they are based on what they deem to be "right" rather than what the facts says. So it's an easy choice really. Most right wingers a dumb people who don't have a college degree.
Ok Kubrick
When they killed Gaddafi
>1 post by this ID
seeing the culture change and some people turn into crazy social justice freaks while all I wanted to do was grill for god's sake
I studied law at a very leftist shithole. People said I was a nazi because I had a bag with my country flag. Then I started to hate lefties.
Gamergate August 2014
>still classifying yourself as an independent
My first paycheck making real money and seeing the taxes being withheld.
I went from a staunch moderate to a far right nationalist.
Seeing straight white men demonized by the media and seeing rampant faggotry and degeneracy go unchecked and even promoted is what made me flip to the far right.
One time in school I was walking in the hall and a group of black girls in front of me were walking really slow. I got pissed and yelled MOVE and they said slow down mayo. For the rest of my time in high school everyone called me mayo from that one incident.
I have a college degree. I vote GOP for now. The thing you don't understand is you have been brainwashed by Boomer professors. If someone goes without the brainwashing they tend to lean right. Also, Lefties I know are miserable drug addicts. Righties I know are successful family men. You lose. As usual.
Party loyalty is idiotic is all I am saying.
When I got these digits
why is this been posted in every thread in the past hour
>obama elected
>not a peep about the war from that second forward
Some feminist tried to sue me for rape because I said GTA4 isn't sexist because it mocks all genders.
I was battling a muscle disease at the time and was unable to walk, the case was dropped once this factoid came to light, but all her friends still believed her over me and evidence.
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Imagine the smell
This plus for that 8 year period KMFDM dropped their anti America shtick, which made me realize it was global
>OPs Mom in the middle
When liberal lefties ruined the occupy wallstreet movement with identity politics
I hate retards like you that think you're so clever for coming up with the "actually Hitler was cringe because he instigated brother wars" take. Yeah we get it, now shut the fuck up, he still had one of the most incredible ascents to power in all of history.
>Some feminist tried to sue me for rape because I said GTA4 isn't sexist because it mocks all genders.
fucked up shit right there user
Imagine thinking some atomized bugman tech worker with a college degree is someone who's politics you WANT to emulate.
Maybe you're problem is you know too many dumb people in general. Someone having a degree in feminist studies doesn't make them intelligent. And working in trades doesn't make you dumb. The fact that you make these assumptions means you're probably stupid yourself.
"Der Islam gehört zu Deutschland" - Merkel
During a timed tv presence, right in the quarter finals of the world cup.
when I realized Hitler losing meant we all wouldn't be wearing Boss clothing
Being shown pornography by an older kid when I was in kindergarten. Man has it fucked me up.
Working with non-western subhumans in stem forced me to realize what was going on. All those retarded foreign classmates from china, india and the ME who don't speak english, they don't leave after graduation. In fact even more of them are brought over on visas to lower your wages and make your work environment a living hell.
I managed to have one talk with her as to why she did it.
Her reasoning is that defending misgonistic games promotes rape culture, which made me a rape apologist. Rape apologists are just as bad as rapists, but the patriarchal system we live in doesn't criminalize people for being a rape apologist, only actual rape, so she lied in order for me to be brought to justice.
In short, I was a libertarian and they stepped on the snek.
Ron Paul newsletters leak. I imagine it's the same type of thing with berniebros and black vote happening right now
Watching the first Republican Primary Debate in 2015
they all have the duping delight smirk of libturdism on their faces - they will never recover, get the flammenwaffer, I just converted
>defining moment in your life
>made you align with your current political party
Why are you assuming these things are linked? I recently switched my registration to (R) mainly because LP turned into a bad joke, but it wasn't exactly a defining moment. For a defining moment, see pic related.
2010, saying Obama administration's foreign policy was suspiciously alot like Bushes foreign policy. Getting called racist, so fuck it!
When I was a kid I was really into WW2, I collected every book I could find on the subject, from library book give away,thrift stores, to used book stores and yard sales .
When I noticed how much the history book regarding WW2 changed between 1935-1960, I started to think that things really weren't as they appeared . ((they)) changed history ,and it was obvious to me
All liberals think they're intellectuals, and they're usually pretty smug about it. These people rack up huge debt obtaining useless degrees, then spend the rest of their lives stroking each others egos agreeing with each other in the sheltered comfort of the ideological echo chamber of their social group. They have been duped out of their money and future, but are loathe to admit it- just ask my dipshit neighbor making 32k/year with his Masters degree in Film.
stop advertising your stupid doxxcord here, NIGGER
Sure, he had an incredible ascent to power, and then he incredibly spilled his spaghetti on the world stage