Is educating boomers futile?

Can boomers ever achieve Yas Forums levels of awareness? When speaking with my parents I find the gap in our knowledge sad but not only that it seems like they have a whole different way of processing information. Is this due to the internet?

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That pic is cute.

Trump lost weight

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Yes. They refuse to believe anything that isn't sourced from mainstream media. They grew up on the notion that conspiracy theorists are nutjobs and the government is the good guy. They're eternal thin blue line bootlicking golem.

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boomers grew up on tv.
their tv was our internet

but dont credit yourself faggot.
you did nothing to bring about this access of information except luckily be born in this timeline

and they're absolutely right to do so, bluepill and redpill are two sides of the same disinformation coin, only difference is one is more detrimental to your mental health and functioning in society than the other

the contemporary world is infinitely complex, evolving and accelerating, no group of people let alone a single individual can ever hope to have a full grasp on it, people get raised and removed from power every day and it's seemingly out of pure chance given the amount of unknown forces into play

you want to have a glimpse of how the real world works you have to be in the midst of it with the big boys and try to feel it's pulse, you won't get anything useful, anything that will help you operate more efficiently in the modern world, just by watching the news or reading Yas Forums, get over yourself

It's because they watch way too much TV. They've consumed more television than every other generation. With the Internet, at least you can search for truths. The TV just tells you what they (Jews) want you to hear. Even as a Millennial, I stopped watching the TV. I don't even own one, except as a computer monitor. Parents still watch TV religiously.

Have you seen what boomers watch? HGTV, Food Network, MSNBC, Velocity, Travel Channel, and especially History Channel, all of which show nothing but trash or vintage Americana used for propaganda. What's odd is that, before my father retired, and still does to this day, mind you, he'd come home from work to sit and watch TV about what? People working. Auto mechanics, gold miners, plumbers, carpenters, sewage cleaners, police officers, etc. If those shows weren't edited, especially auto mechanic shows about bikes and hot rods, 99% of it would be about waiting for a part to show up and asking for someone to hold a torch light.

Think especially about those shows about garages building vintage cars. The customers are always white-haired boomers in Hawiian shirts. A business that will die in the next five or so years, because everyone's too broke to afford such luxuries. Same with boats and RVs.

i will literally be sitting with a boomer, spell it all your for them as best as I can, they will look me in the eye and act like they understand the reality of the world, and then a couple weeks later its like the conversation never happened and they already revert to their default settings.

I really don't agree with the whole "boomers are stupid and suck zionist dick" type arguments.

I distinctly remember hearing my dad say "Hitler wasn't all bad" many times as a kid (He's 72). He's far too patriotic and pro-America to ever get behind anything that didn't have America as first and foremost, but he's the guy who taught me what kike was and why you can't trust Jews or relax around blacks.

I think most of you just had cucked boomer parents. But cucked whites exist in every generation. You can't lay the blame for everything at the feet of boomers.

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This. I have a meaningful conversation but they forget it quickly after and it has just become pointless to try.

Good stuff and very true when it comes to my personal experience. Parents support Joe Biden because he is an affable guy and that's it.

Interesting. I've personally never encountered any boomers that I would say are aware of whats going on but a few have said some based things but would always put it aside and possibly even forget about it.

and why do you think that makes you any smarter than them that they watched tv before the internet was a thing?

you think youre so smart because the internet was available in your youth?
the only proper comparison would be if boomers had this similar access to information as we do, which they didnt
but go on thinking your special and super smart because you were born after some fat neckbeards created the internet for you, as if you had anything to do with it.

I think there are a lot more boomers on Yas Forums than you may think. Ive got to hide my power level at work , there are mostly all Gen-X and Millennial NPCs, closest cool dude to Yas Forums level there is a plebbitor but we get along pretty good.

Legit boomers were born in the 50's. I get the feeling you guys mean anybody who isn't a zoomer is a boomer, in which case I'd say 80 percent of Yas Forums is boomers.

Maybe he's a statistical anomaly, and that's why the boomer hate is so fervent on this board. He's what I think of when I think of baby boomers, so the message never really hits with me personally.

What you guys are talking about I always categorized under what I like to call "pussified white people". They are usually suburbanite, Christian (or pretend to be), want to be well liked, don't want to be called racist, don't want to rock the boat. They think everybody is equal but definitely wouldn't ever buy a home in a minority neighborhood - they aren't THAT stupid.

These are the normies. They will never fight for anything, they always tuck-tail and fall in line with PC. Boomers, X, whatever, they exist everywhere and I hate them almost as much as marxists. Their apathy has allowed the current situation to manifest. If more boomers and Gen Xers were like my father, we'd basically have a fourth fuckin' Reich in this country right now.

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I don't think we are saying we are 'smarter', just more aware. I understand that the internet played a big role in this.

This might be it. I think spending time on Yas Forums where everyone has the same or close to the same knowledge about things makes interactions in the real world stranger. Many might be hiding their knowledge as well so we all end up looking like NPCs even when many aren't.

Yes. I was born in the right time to have the best flow of information. Before the Internet was pozzed by Google, Facebook, etc. it was free reign and the flow of information was hardly regulated. You could do research from billions upon billions of websites and find a hidden truth. Back when boomers watched TV, information was limited. Today, it's becoming the same due to regulations, censorship, etc. I also learn to question things, compared to boomers who'd rather be content on being cattle. My father was a chad during his youth with a nice Jawline, fashy haircut, a nice car, and making crazy money, and then became a fat fuck wearing goofy bright tees with pockets, shorts, tall dad socks, and meme balance shoes, and doing nothing but watching the most obviously scripted TV shows. But he's fine with that, because he's comfortable being a grass-fed cow. He doesn't question the world around him. I do. I think.

My great Grandfather said "What Hitler did to the jews was the only good thing he did" and he fought in WWII on the American side. I guess he's technically in the generation before boomer though.

That is what most think of when they think of boomers. Apathy is probably the critical attribute. Even the geriatric politicians like Joe Biden only see being a politician as another career like a lawyer or doctor rather than someone who should be a leader. They have no drive and are not motivated by any cause except to support the mainstream or status quo.

If you're so smart why are you living with your parents you fucking cuckold?

boomers mow the lawn, despite perceived malice it's not to annoy zoomers, but to accomplish an individual goal. Sometimes you just need a Monster to radicalize.

>the only proper comparison would be if boomers had this similar access to information as we do
Libraries existed back then. Not as much information and harder to find than on the internet. But it existed.
You sound like a butthurt boomer.

Yeah, he'd be too old to be a baby boomer. And funnily enough, my grandpa, who fought in WWII in the Marines, knew what was up as well - when the blacks bought a house down the street, grandpa put the house up for sale. "There goes the neighborhood". He knew. Same with the Jews, he owned a big bar and tavern and had a lot of business connections, and never trusted the Jewish ones. Preferred to deal with other white men.

Well then it truly pains me that the de facto persona attributed to most white people - especially white men - is apathy and normie-status. I wasn't raised that way and I have always had to hide my power level, even in high school. I'm not saying I'm different or special, I'm a pussy half the time in public because I'm so fucking suspicious of people and expect trickery at almost every turn, so I get the fuck out of any situation that appears to be going south. But I am also really aware of people I encounter who fit the bill of a fighter, or a loser, white or not.

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What scares me is that this might just be an inescapable product of ageing. I'm gonna do my best to fight it off.

the "darkweb" or just websites that Google doesn't index still exists. all that information is out there. No regulation prevents you from just getting a server and just starting your own website.

>Back when boomers watched TV, information was limited
thats the point im trying to make
tv was a revolutionary invention in that day, they had the same affection for its novelty, literally images being transported through the air. a testament to our scientific progress

in its infancy tv wasnt that pozzed. it was pretty based in fact. good storylines, masculine characters, unbiased, proamerican news, westerns, etc.
then it slowly shifted to the shitshow we have today, without arousing their caution. and i will attest the most avid tv/movie watchers are the most liberal today.

the EXACT same thing is happening with the internet. once big tech purges all the alternative information sources including Yas Forums, this generation of internet-addicts will become more socialist than ever, ever staring at their moniters gobbling up that commie propaganda at higher intensity than boomers could ever imagine.

the trump era is a result of the based internet era, but the generation that is being raised up iphone/big tech censorship right now will be more left-learning and communist than any generation this nation has seen

Because i'm a zoomer. Never said I was smarter. Just more aware.

>A business that will die in the next five or so years, because everyone's too broke to afford such luxuries. Same with boats and RVs.
There will be a MASSIVE fire sale of 'boomer toys' over the next 10 years. Everything from golf clubs to 'Classic Cars' will be priced to sell, by disappointed, broke Boomer assholes who think their broken down corvette is somehow worthwhile because of it's sentimental value. Kek.

pseudo intellectual faggot

A good majority of boomers are overgrown materialistic children who are too narrow minded and stuck in their ways to learn as their parents normally handed them everything.

There are definitely exceptions to this and some boomers aren't that way but the majority of them seem to be painfully materialistic, narrow minded, lack critical thinking skills, and are incapable of empathy that isn't propaganda.

But what's weird is that his son(my grandfather) wasn't really a boomer either since he was born before the war. and the boomer generation is considered babies born after the war. My Grandfather was fighting in the Korean war in the 50s while most boomers as we know them today were being born. My mom was the youngest of my Grandfather's children, born between boomer and gen X in 1969. So she missed the hippy era because she was too young, and actually became a bit of a programmer in the early 80s so she's tech savvy compared to other boomers.

My dad on the other hand was a boomer slightly older than my mom 67. He's dead brained I can't talk politics with him. I've nearly red pilled my mom on numerous occasions though. I got her to talk about the jews once. And she still says nigger. says she has the right to use the word since she grew up in Flint Michigan.

>When speaking with my parents
all they can think about is teh night you where concieved. You dad came back to teh trailer drunk and high af on meth, your mom just finishing off her meth dealing gf's jina. Dad throws out gf and bangs day beats her ass for no panckaes in the morning

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This, for the most part. It's not real until the NY TIMES says it's a fact. Also something something your age something bootstrapps something.

I always wondered why boomers don't invest such as start a business and hire their children. I see family shops such as BBQ joints, which are really popular here, coffee shops, pizzerias, etc. where they hire their immediate children, guaranteeing them a future and employment, or at the very least, work experience for a resume.Very few boomers bother do to this. Not even so much as a lemonade stand or a food truck. If I had the money to start up one, I'd do it so my children, grand children, and beyond could have a future and the seeds planted become a tree. Unfortunately, boomers would rather have their fourth trip to a time share in Mexico doing nothing but sitting around by a pool reading an e-reader and getting fat off of resort food.

hey, I have a broken down 1984 Chevy Camaro, that was my college car. It's sitting in my garage unrepaired because I don't want to put the money into it(or really just don't have the money to put into it) but I don't want to scrap a car that has so many memories attached to it.
BTW, I was born in 1993 so I'm definitely not a boomer.

this morning i convinced my boomer parents to stop eating at the casino buffet while there is a plague about
anything is possible

That's cool you have personal memories attached to it, but don't expect to sell it at a 500% markup because you have feelings.

I'm not ever selling it. I'd expect to get less than $300 for scrap the way it is now.

I was born at this time. But you can still use bing to find the old gold

>I was born at this time
what time is this time?

It's already starting to happen, the first house I bought was repossessed by a bank from a boomer.

I live in an uptown area so I don't think so Jamal.


>Gen X aren't boomers
We are the ones will the money, guns, Supreme Court, Senate, and White House. Being a purple haired faggot isn't an education. FYI

From what I've seen Boomers are far too tired and screwed over to even begin the process of red pilling. Say what you want but the red pill path is a difficult one, now imagine trying to even get started on that with the computer literacy of an African infant. Hence why most if not all "red pilled" Boomers get their through crazy religious gay ops. Every anti-zionist Boomer I've ever seen has been filled with kike'd conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo. Don't fool yourself that those types are /ourboomers/ either, that crazy nutjob shit is what keeps people away from our ideas and creates in-group fighting because grandpa thinks the end times are coming and that Hitler was a freemason Illuminati reptile funded by the Rothschilds. All the other Boomers are too worried about financial troubles and health issues to even begin living traditionally which is essential to the red pill process. Their brains are fried from consuming the most horrible Jew'd products and vices. Unless they got red pilled early there is no hope for them.

I wish that wasn't the case but I'm not about to pretend they can be saved.

>TV is one way communication where you get fed propaganda
>Internet is two way communication where you can fuck with the narrative on a quest for truth
Boomers choose to be ignorant by refusing to look through the internet. Its not like the internet is super expensive or anything. A boomers only defence about not knowing shit at this point is complete willful ignorance

what the fuck is a "torch light"
Americans don't fucking say that

I doubt it, a lot of people are fucking massive retards and explaining the beginner level (((scams))) and (((frauds))) is an exercise in frustration.

Why do you say humint? I said nothing weird and was just asking a normal question.

and youll be the one shaking your cane when the next generation has computers implanted in their brains and youre still using your silly keyboard


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Wait what flag is he holding? The rising sun?

>Is this due to the internet?

Yes. Actual Boomer here, born 1955. Voted Dem all my life, then slowly began reading stuff on Al Gore's Information Superhighway that made me think, hey, wait a fuckin' minute...

Voted Trump and getting ready to do it again, have lost all patience with the fuckin' Jews and their fuckin' pet niggers, etc etc.

Go to Netflix sometime and just browse movies and categorize them: Stupid, pointless, stupid, Nazis Bad, Hitler bad, stupid, women stronk, stupid, Jews good, fags brave, whitey bad, Hitler bad, stupid, pointless, whitey bad, niggers noble, Jews smart, Christians evil...

Imagine you grew up with a TeeVee that played an endless round of that shit. You'd be no better.

>you think youre so smart because the internet was available in your youth?

mate internet makes you smarter

you will learn things you would never learn on tv

in collage internet helps a ton, before internet you were limited to your local library

internet is a storehouse of information, you can learn anything

tv is the opposite, tv is for amusement

what does amuse mean ?
muse- thinking
amuse = anti thinking

tv stops you from thinking, it is designed to keep you from thinking, great for stress relief, horrible for anything else

this is why boomers fall for whatever the tv says, cable news is desighned to get you to stop thinking and accept the narritive

now cable news doesnt work becuase no one watches tv

i havent watched tv in YEARS

its just boring to me

watching lets plays is just as entertaining, and its FREE

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Tits or gtfo

hitler was bad tho

did it died? is he okay? :(

>in its infancy tv wasnt that pozzed.

TV was always super pozzed
3 channels(this is why video games always start at channel 3), all regulated, all had to be squeaky clean or advertisers would leave, had to rely on local satellites and antennas for distrabution(no one payed for tv, cable came later, before then watching tv was free, the box cost like 5000 dollars adjusted for inflation), everything was super scripted since costs were SKY HIGH

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>bluepill and redpill are two sides of the same disinformation coin
you dont get kicked off of twitter, youtube, patreon, google, facebook, visa, mastercard, berger king, and twitter when you say blue pilled stuff

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