Get some popcorn and soda pop and sit back, while I post the funniest comments from last night

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I need some bumps or this ain’t going to last long

have a bump, faggot

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Crop your screenshots, faggot.

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"guys I'm over 500k in debt...."

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You happy now??!

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>I’ll create a world where Bernie was supposed to win and my life was fixed
Kek which of you faggots wrote this. Top notch

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>grey strip at the bottom
Is it really so difficult?


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Why do they think Bernie would do better against trump if Bernie can’t beat Biden

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might as well post all the comments at this point

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>bernie is losing
>corruption of dnc

I love you

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>Remember: bully the weak!

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Surely he meant 50k in debt. How the fuck does someone end up owing half a mil for a degree they didn't get?

>TFW he still makes more than me though

It's Corn Pop not popcorn.

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Based autist

Unironically depends on how many delegates sanders gets in the CA allocation. Biden's southern delegates have all been given out, CA could put them neck and neck.

How the fuck does he make more than you? Jesus christ I work at a call center and make 27 an hour. What are you doing?

>I feel like low African-American intelligence is a high contributor as well as the widespread anti-antisemitism among blacks.
Home run. Superb disruption.

Kokaine bumperino

Getting Trips, apparently.

You make $27 an hour at a call center? Shit...which one?

super delegates bb

Bernie vs Biden is the stupidest thing you can say.. It's Bernie Vs the entire Democratic Nominee party. When it becomes Bernie V Trump, his stats and predictions on most news sources become 60/40 favoring Bernie.

Warren steals some of Bernie's votes, Bloomberg was trying to sabotage Bernie by making Biden seem like the more progressive candidate, and bootyjudge was there to try and sway faggots into voting for their own kind.

It's literally rigged against Bernie like it was last election. Why would Bloomberg give a fuck about running as a dem, he literally implemented stop and frisk in NY that specifically targeted blacks.

>here's how bernie can still win

Biden 2020 bump

Law school. I work with someone who makes about 60k, but owes over 800k in student loans because the predatory lending and insane interest rates. Idk how you people don't understand how fucked up the education and health care systems are... It's actually disheartening.

Bernouts can prostitute their tight bussies for my fat cock to make some money back

I mean... you should probably get married to that subreddit since you always seem to be lurking around

Post this on that subreddit

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The real problem is Bernie. His rhetoric is that of a revolutionary running against the establishment but it's all got air. He never calls out the people that fuck him. If he were a real revolutionary he would have fun against Clinton as an independent to Fuck her back. He bent the knee like a bitch.

$500k for Starbucks

Bernie fag detected

Because reasons.

I like you

Of course it's all rigged against Bernie. There's no way that Biden could possibly beat Trump. His brain is fucking leaving his body. I can't wait for Trump to win again and see all of the establishment Dems cry.

I can relate to that feel but in other aspects of my life

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>People need to have revenge in order to be adults.

Sorry you think that way bud, it'll get better as you get older, though.
Also his campaign isn't on being a revolutionary, his campaign is about stopping the bullshit establishment we've allowed the government to create that allows welfare for the rich, but fuck the poor. And he has called out others, but he's not picking fights, he's there to broadcast his views and get people on board.



Which isn't relevant right now. The point is that sanders, despite losing a few states he won in 2016, was able to keep it more or less even by winning in CA (he failed to do this in 2016). His traction with Hispanics is offsetting Biden's nigger magnetism, which creates a lot of problems for the DNC in states like Arizona and New Mexico when they're trying to make those swing states in their favor. In particular both have senate races, so if spics are mad and stay home because Bernie loses then Republicans get three senate seats (CO). With AL's senate seat, that's 54 senators (assuming maine is lost to the dems).

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It’s due to the easy government money for school. The demand has gone up sky high because everyone needs a degree and is expected to get one.

Funny thing is, so many people have degrees because they need them for even the most basic of jobs, but in order to stand out you need more than a bachelors if you have no other relevant experience because everyone has a bachelors. So you get more fucking loans that no one underwrites and are indebted even more.

Shit a girl I know got a physics degree and teaches daycare. Our school system is fucked because no one underwrites these fucking loans. They just give useless niggers $60,000 for a year of art school at whatever school they want like they’ll ever be able to pay it back.

We’re in for a 2008 reckoning from this easy lending with no hope of a solid return.

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if you do the math for different income brackets you get the same thing. basically only people making over 100k actually pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits (hence why whenever a tax cut is proposed it is always a "tax cut for the rich")

Another 4 years for sure. It'll be fun when he dismantles more security nets and destabilizes the country due to unprecedented growth in stock markets that were over-inflated due to his laws that allow more corporate bullshit. Disney was one of them who said their sales were something like 40% higher than they actually were, which is why the stocks dropped so harshly.

I agree 100%. Too much predatory lending. We allow too many people to inflate and steal just to make another dollar, and when the country goes to shit, they'll leave for another country after they've run their slaves ragged. We need the guillotine at this point, not a political revolution. Too many crooks.

Why is his personal history important? There are only 3 deciding factors that anyone should use to determine if they vote for someone or not.

1) his policies
2) his skin color
3) his gender

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Nigger I went to school, got a degree I knew would get me a job, then payed it off. Every fag I know with a shit ton of college debt went to some out of state school and got a bullshit degree. If you go for 800k and only make 60k you fucked up somewhere and you really have yourself to blame.

If this is real and indicative of a good portion of Bernie voters i truly believe we will see suicides.
God I hope it's real.

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If this shit is real
It’s a spicy feel

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>I live in the UK

Well there’s the first problem with the Bernie Bros, they’re in the wrong countries. Second problem is they’re a bunch of bleeding cunt Nancy boys

>an hero
>because i don't want to watch my mother die of a preventable illness
lel, so instead their mother has to live with the guilt and shame of raising a week faggot that killed themselves before dying from that illness
brilliant logic from the left there