Why do young people like Bernie and socialist policies/politicians?

Why do young people like Bernie and socialist policies/politicians?

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because they don't know shit

Same reason they steal money from their parents to buy skins. They are young and easily manipulated.

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To spite boomers
which is a good enough reason desu

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Socialism is extremely based of course!

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because they have no money, and bernie is promising gibs.


I fucked my wife in the ass last night. Came all over her asshole.


boomers don't care about them and are trying to hoard all the wealth even at the expense of the stability of the country

just think about it. boomers hate socialism but don't you dare touch their social security, a system 100% guaranteed to become insolvent by the time anyone under 40 retires.

i'd do anything to fuck over boomers too if i could

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I fucked my wife in the ass last night. Cum was still dripping out this morning.

Who cares anymore? This country is too fucked beyond recognition.

Ok sodomite.

Every couple hundreds of years KeK demands it

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Because they have nothing and want everything.

They're either nonwhite or self-hating whites. The whites who don't hate themselves are downright radical and we've redpilled them into future race warriors

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Bitch, your dumbass doesn't even know what a boomer is.

Because they don’t have any job. They never payed any taxes.

Be a kid your whole life mom and dad pay for everything, turn 18 realize the government can be like parents/husband 2.0 and take care of you

Women don't have opinions. You think this tiktotthot has given more than two seconds of thought to monetary policy? What do you think her opinion on tort reform is? Could she even compare and evaluate the political philosophies of John Rawls and Robert Nozick? They like Bernie because he spouts easy, impractical answers to hard political issues and dumb people like to shout these back at each other to get validation and to keep their circle jerk going. As soon as this dumb bitch marries a rich husband who will take care of her after spending her youth taking miles of cock "finding herself", all pretense of giving a fuck about political stuff will go out the window.

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this, it's like daddy issues except boomers.

she's desperate for those free abortions

also this, women are little more than parasitic animals who copy the men in charge of their social circle

this. the kikes led them into such a selfish, deracinated lifestyle and day of the pillow will come because of it. but of course, never forget the (((root))).

I fucking hate asian girls. Stupid slant eyed cunts come to white countries and vote for open borders. Which of course they would never do in their own countries


Because they're stupid and idealistic.

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I hate boomers as much as the next guy, but why encourage my assailant pull the trigger to a gun that's already held against my head?


It's an extension of their lives. They don't work and get shit for free from their parents. Have no experience in how shit work so they think reality is simple.
They're morons basically.

lol imagine fucking the same women over and over, what a retard ROFL! Your wife will get bored and have nigger bulls that you will be cleaning up after faggot.

Because Bernie appeals only to the lowest common denominator.

Are you a gay? What the fuck was wrong with her pussy hole?



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Biden created the bankruptcy law of 2005 which made it impossible to discharge student loans in bankruptcy all while student loan interest went through the roof. This created an entire generation of serfs, debt slaves the the federal government. Bernie Sanders is offering a solution to this problem with student loan forgiveness. This is one reason why millennials may be more favorable to Bernie than to Biden.

They don't. Go look how many voted for him yesterday. 17%

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Because they don't pay taxes.

She's Hispanic

I wonder how much (((they))) paid her* to do that...

>tfw you wasted 4 years to get a masters degree in gender studies and are now 100k in debt
>jew mummy rolls up in a van promising candy and debt forgiveness


I bet Trumps team knows the rates


because these college failures think money comes, and is distributed magically, by daddy.

actually, they know it comes from their labor, and that the rich are taking too much of the pie.

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because boomers turned every generation beneath them towards varying degrees of destitution. Zoomers have less than what millenials had at their age, millenials had less than x'ers, x'ers had less than boomers. I loathe to think what youngsters after 20 years will be left with.

Who cares? They also like pokeymans, that fork knife game, and skinny jeans.
Who gives a shit about their political oppinions?

>labor is the sole factor of production

a workers labor is why the rich have nice tings

I don't care...I definitely want her to blow me !

Cos he's offering a free pass to make irresponsible life choices with no/minimal personal repercussions.

She's a girl so she uses politics as a vehicle to get attention like anything else in life that she doesn't really care about.

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We need organ swapshops where we can swap our worthless flesh sacks around for affordable expenditures of time and paper “money”. Technology will make us truly optimized workers if we can get biotechnology into retail’s bloodthirsty fangs.

Heart surgery is one of the things we should be trying to give to the vicious vileness of low prices. See, I thought about this at length, and I realized that a lot of crudely productive people live in a way that’s rough on their hearts. If we could give them medical services on their level by sending them to chopshops swapping them up to upgraded hearts, those deplorable heart unhealthy people with their villainously uncriminal ways would live longer, more anime-filled lives. They would even become less Amerifat as their enhanced circulation energized them and lead them into other life endeavors.

Does this account for all the technology that has made productivity much easier?

tiktok was a mistake

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Permission to coom to this webm?

>shitskin wimin who work minimun wage jobs and fuck niggers like bernie

go figure

What are you doing with all this data you're mining?

and a housewife is why a worker's labor has nice things.
and a horse or oxen is why a worker's labor has nice things.
and an ear of corn is why a worker's labor has nice things
and an ingot of iron is why a worker's labor has nice things
i can continue.

contrary to what twitter and Instagram tells you, you are not the center of the universe, zoomer.