Is Thomas Sowell based?
Is Thomas Sowell based?
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yes, and redpilled
Blacks can’t be based only nigger lovers would disagree with me
Surely you can make an exception.
No, he is dumb nigger with occasional moments of sanity.
Yes but that doesn't change my view on niggers one bit and Sowell would probably agree with me. He's the exception, not the rule
Absolutely. He fought sjws before they were even a thing
Nigger lover
agree no such thing as a based black person.
No mater how intelligent a black person is they all refuse to accept the fact that without white men they would still be in africa living in mud huts and chucking spears at eachother.
Fuck off paco. Go eat your burritos
He's one in a million. It's not worth keeping around the 40+ million niggers for the 10% that actually act like humans.
one of the most based of anyone, black or white.
just finished his book Basic Economics, and god damn it's so fucking interesting and well written
Yes, but Milton Friedman is more.
yeah he was a nice guy
He has a phenomenal understanding of the realities of economics. He's been able to debunk just about any argument that the left throws around in favor of socialism and communism.
yes. if there is ever a white ethnostate, buildings and streets will still be named after him. that's how redpilled he is.
His other books are great too
I read the essays in White Liberals and Black Rednecks a few years ago and was thoroughly unimpressed. He has an embarrassing reliance, for a supposed intellectual, on using outlier anecdotes to make his case. This is pronounced in his titular essay, as I remember, but I recall him using it consistently as a rhetorical device throughout.
Stay mad, seethe, and cope you nigger faggot
>If you can't give credit where credit is due, your criticisms become invalidated, too.
Sowell is that rare 120+ IQ Black. He has at least 25% Euro Genetics and won the genetic lottery as far as that goes.
Cope all you want.
You're that rare sub 80 IQ White.
He's second rate intellectual who writes mediocre books for midwits.
SMF (Smart Mother Fucker) A God Damn Genius he is.
Why is it that in the open borders thread, everybody is shitting on economists but in this thread, you're all sucking his dick?
>pseudointellectual masturbation
I can smell the fucking Reddit on you.
When you compare him to top tier whites, perhaps. But he isn't white, he is black. A black capable of legitimate CRITICAL THOUGHT.
If you cannot recognize this, then you lack critical thought yourself.
Yes. He's a white man stuck in a black body. Imagine you wake up tomorrow and the IQ of 99% of people around you decreased by 50 points but yours stayed the same. That's how it is for Sowell having to call himself an African American. Truly tragic.
Generally based but a literal faggot in this case
As based as it gets, and every book of his is gold.
very based read his column
because he's not just an economist.
The Jew and the Black Man
>The only economic theory one should ever need read!
But he shills free trade and neoliberalism like all the other economists
>not knowing the difference between economists and (((economists)))
I do, indeed, love this nigger. He is literally the only nigger worth loving. He has critical thinking capabilities.
Clearly you don't. Seethe more, redneck. It must be a hard life knowing a black man is intellectually superior to you.
Luckily you won't breed so your shit tier white genes will die with youl
Absolutely. He's a proper economist and demographic historian because he refuses to allow emotional bullshit to affect his analysis. Star pupil of based kike Milton Friedman.
No, he's as far from based as a person can be.
was his description of the Self Anointed the same as Hayek's Fatal Conceit?
Boy! I do hate them niggers
ITT Leftoids come here expecting anons to shit on a smart black man and are absolutely stunned that "le evil nazys" are capable of giving credit where it's due, so they make weak bait attempts.
Yep. Pity there's not more intelligent black people because they can get away with saying the truth and dropping red pills without having their career and reputation dragged through gutter.
Unless they specifically name the Jew, of course.
You’re on the wrong side if you do apparently. Ideology is what matters at the end of the day
the enemy of my enemy is my friend. and the jew is the enemy of all.
>they can get away with saying the truth and dropping red pills without having their career and reputation dragged through gutter.
Don’t be fooled. This is very true. But the moment the same black man calls out blacks and our shortcomings, millions of blacks will call him an “Uncle Tom” (the black version term of a White Supremacist) and no black will ever listen to him again. Hopefully though one day they’re will be changez
Of your goals are to have more shit then free trade and neoliberalism are the way to go.
Considering he’s an economist thats not an unreasonable thing for him to believe in.
You can make arguments that there are societal/cultural issues with neoliberalism but to say it’s economically inferior just makes you look retarded.
He says countries shouldn't protect their agricultural industries.
>"It has been more than a century since Great Britain produced enough food to feed itself. Britons have been producing those things in which it has been a comparative advantage,such as manufacturing, shipping, and financial services—and using the proceeds to buy food from other countries.British consumers end up better fed and with more manufactured goods than if the country grew enough of its own food to feed itself. Furthermore, it would cost the British too much industry to put enough efforts into agriculture to become self-sufficient in food."
He defends outsourcing, trade deficits and NAFTA
>"The North American Free Trade Agreement of 1993 helped enhance the prosperity of the 1900s, creating more jobs and reducing unemployment to record low levels, despite the cries of protectionists that NAFTA would lead to a massive flight of jobs from America to low-wage countries elsewhere."
Back when I was 10 my dad told me all men, of all races, are created and deserved to be treated equally. When I was 20, he told me about the "niggers" he was arguing with about politics....what did he mean by this?
ITT a bunch of MIGAmutts cheer for an apologist for Jewish wealth extraction. Since they are house niggers just like he is, they can relate to him very well even beyond the racial barrier.
Just like Kanye.
Pick one.
>Capitalism is Jewish.
>Socialism is Jewish.
>Communism is Jewish.
What isn't Jewish, user?
Yes. One of the greatest thinkers I've ever read.
Socialism isn't Jewish, you dumb nigger.
Is your nuclear family Jewish? It practices socialism in the home.
Is the US Army Jewish? You won't find any Jew serving but the Rabbi Chaplain. The Army is socialist.
On what fucking metric?
Read the thread, plebbitor. I already answered your question.
This 100%.
Thomas Sowell was the original Morpheus.
Alan Keyes was another based black dude.
Exposed Obama for the retard he was
Thomas Sowell is no Nigger, but you're actually not wrong in his case. His biggest flaw is that he harbors delusions about black capability without the welfare state and community organizing.
And the leftoid reveals his true form. The government doesn't control my nuclear family therefore it isn't socialist. You clearly don't know what socialism really is.
The military isn't socialist either. The military structure transcends political ideologies and has been the same of thousands of years. In the military rank is earned. In the military, your hours are chosen for you. In the military your life and livelihood depends on your ability to follow directions.
Capitalism funds the military, champ.
>Giving your children resources to survive is socialism
>Optional charity in your private life is the same as centralized markets
If people went with Sowell instead of MLK, we wouldn't have seen the Civil Rights backlash, LBJ buying them off with bribes as the new standard, maybe the crack-cocaine epidemic wouldn't have happened.
Imagine black people tipping because they've worked hard to be respected instead of having the ingrained welfare entitlement.
Do the children in your family pay or borrow for the food on the table? Does the Dad demand anything in exchange for working outside the home? No, because it is run on the socialist principle - "from each according to ability, to each according to need." The government has nothing to do with it, peabrain.
The US Army is also run by the same, socialist principle - "from each according to ability, to each according to need." Socialism again.
> In the military rank is earned.
I can tell you've never had any experience at all with the US Army. You're totally clueless.
Is it optional for a father to provide for his children? What a nigger-tier opinion. Discarded.
It is you dumb fat fuck. Just look at niggers