/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1588

Screener at LAX airport tests positive

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

First case in EU offices in Brussels

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Dogs can carry the virus

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Testicular damage

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China burning bodies without testing or registration

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

► Detected: 95,234 ► Died: 3,285

01:29: First case in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States.
01:18: 145 new cases in South Korea.
23:44: 3 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States. Two are close contacts of a previous case, one is still under investigation.
23:43: 1 new presumptive confirmed case in Fort Bend County, Texas, United States. Patient recently traveled abroad.
22:28: First case in Slovenia. Patient traveled from Morocco via Italy.
21:01: 3 new cases in Ecuador.
21:00: 1 new case in Chile. Patient visited several countries in Europe, including Italy.
22:10: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
20:54: 4 new cases in Ireland.


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,282 (2,981) ► International 14,098 (241): S. Korea 5,766 (35) Iran 2,922 (92) Italy 2,502 (79) D. Princess 706 (6) Japan 319 (6) France 285 (4) Spain 202 (1) USA 159 (11) Hong Kong 103 (2) Australia 50 (2) Thailand 43 (1) Taiwan 42 (1) Iraq 35 (1) S. Marino 16 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 282 Singapore 110 Switzerland 104 UK 87 Kuwait 56 Bahrain 52 Malaysia 50 Norway 48 Netherlands 38 Sweden 52 Canada 33 India 28 Austria 27 UAE 27 Belgium 23 Iceland 26 Vietnam 16 Israel 15 Lebanon 13 Oman 12 Macao 10 Denmark 10 Croatia 9 Greece 9 Algeria 17 Ireland 10 Czechia 9 Qatar 8 Ecuador 10 Finland 7 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 Portugal 5 Senegal 4 Azerbaijan 3 Georgia 3 Russia 3 Brazil 4 Egypt 2 Estonia 2 Indonesia 2 New Zealand 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Morocco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 Saudi Arabia 2 Sri Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 2 Chile 2 Faeroes 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 Slovenia 1

China +131 (+38) Iran +586 (+15) France +285 S. Korea +145 Australia +11 (+1) Japan +26 Germany +20 Spain +37 USA +15 Hong Kong +2 Switzerland +11 UK +36 Bahrain +3 Sweden +17 Malaysia +14 Norway +15 Netherlands +15 Canada +3 India +21 Austria +3 Algeria +9 Belgium +8 Iceland +10 S. Marino +6 Ireland +4 Israel +3 Ecuador +3Senegal +2 Brazil +2 Hungary +2 Iraq +3 Czechia +1 Belarus +2 Romania +2 Portugal +1 Faeroes +1 Poland +1 Argentina +1 Saudi Arabia +1 Slovenia +1 Chile +1 Slovenia +1

Niggers it's just a flu!


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Give me a quick rundown on virus shredding. So if a corona'd patient picks up a pen and then you touch that pen, you are basically ded?

At least he's keeping his corona to himself.

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When they said shut down everything, they weren't fucking kidding.

The end is nigh. Show me your pandemic face

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I think I just coofed

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[amplified] *coof*

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>Argentina 2
We have only 1 confirmed case.

>chinks getting roasted by niggers

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Dont forget to check out /CCG/
Doctors in China and South Korea are reporting successes in treating infected with high doses of Vitamin C and D.

>over 500 studies
>decades of research and data
>and more

Ignore shills telling you to ignore it. The least you can do is come have a look.

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Thanks for baking these threads!

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ffs, burger: CHILE 3
it's been like 5 threads already...

Never hurts to drink orange juice.

Quarantines are a joke
>lol just stay at home if have mild corona
>faggots just go outside anyway
Need to go full chinamode and weld doors shut for these retards.

I want off her wild ride…wild ride…I want to get off…

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Just keep going about your business, people.
Just stay calm and wash your hands.

Cause once you get pozzed by this you are stuck.

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what is my man gonna do with all that maple syrup

I travel a lot for work. Been to many of the places being announced as having cases. What are some symptoms to look out for? Been having some breathing trouble but I figured it was asthma.

So what game are we playing when society and internet collapse?
Terraria here.

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Hoi le fook

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>came back from Vegas
>Start with a sore throat and the sniffles
>Now an unstoppable coof
Now to do my job as a coofer and spread spread spread

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Get practicing.

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we are on 1580 and the other thread has less than 150 replies.

I feel like the fun and memes are gone, it's got to the point where I'm actually fucking worried.

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Just got back from Hawaii Yas Forums. We went whale watching one day and then had lunch in the harbor area. There was a cruise ship docked next to us. Picture related.

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If he has the brains to prep than he isn't a nigger

Do not act as if thou wert going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over thee. While thou livest, while it is in thy power, be good.

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Fucked up but true

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Where is the argie baker? I don't trust this new burger baker.

We are going down, Chilebro

Needs to be specific forms of vitamin c

Hope your honing your survival and farming skills you're going to need them.

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What website?

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Russian rullet with all the chambers loaded

That mask has a one way exhale valve if he's sick everyone on that sub is fucked

Not just that, they are sending people back home WITH THEIR FAMILY. The rest of the family is not quarantined, they get infected, keep doing whatever they usually do, and the infection spreads. It's like health officials have no fucking idea what they are doing.

You should be worried but it’s too late to do anything about it so start reading your Aurelius so you can come to grips with your own death

needs eye protection

argie baker is handled quit asking question

>Grand Princess
Why is it in Hawaii?
It was supposed to go from SF to Mexico!

>rat trumpet weak lung user here

Thank you to lymphodema user in the other thread if you're still here I feel a bit better. I'd rather face death calm having done what I can than die a coward. I'm going to spend my time the best way I know how just in case sense I'm already prepped and my family is low risk. Magnum ops now I guess.

Fuck this happening

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But user, that's where the true memes come from.
Don't you feel it? It's the 2016 election all over again. The energy in this place is almost palpable. The OC is off the charts. This is happening. Embrace the chaos and be rewarded!
For the lulz.

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That's not a nigger thats a black person.

>buying stock
better than boulion tastes better and means you aren't paying for water

Kek, know a nothingburger who lives in NYC.

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>I feel like the fun and memes are gone
but we're just getting started friend. enjoy the ride, it never ends

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What’s the best way to kill my dog? Vet charges 100 dollars, so that’s a no-go. I’ve heard throwing them out of moving cars is a good way, might pay my friend 20 bucks to do it on the freeway, there’s a stretch where I don’t think there’s any CCTV. She looks a lot like pic related, but older.

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>The Federal Government has expanded its coronavirus travel ban to include South Korea, and added additional precautions for travellers from Italy, amid fears about the spread of the disease.
Why the fuck didn't they do this over a week ago and why the fuck are they still not banning Italy?

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>Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread
Based. I hope we can abolish prisons altogether.

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It is so glorious to see these bureaucrats being thrust into the midst of an epidemic response. Watching the state officials they look so timid like they don't know what to do. I wouldn't be surprised if government employees start jumping ship if this gets difficult like it did in China.

In the US government jobs are seen as easy, cozy paths to benefits and never having to do any real work. They're paper shufflers. These are some of the least capable people to be handling this outbreak, but they are the only people we have. God help us.

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You the user I gave the pdf too in the last thread? I am glad it has helped bring some peace/order to your mind.

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Salamandren is live on jewtube

Reminder that you are all silly and delusional
Retards on pol are more frightened than the Asians.
Move to an Asian country if you want to larp epidemic survivor apocalypse man.
You will still be overreacting but at least you might actually get the fucking thing

Get right with God the fun hasn't even began

>that's an user!

The digits confirm.

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That guy is shopping for a restaurant.


How do I into crop rotation

Key word
>not curing
You don't recover from this. It just hides in your nervous system and reemerges when your immune system calms down. That's why people are testing negative only to test positive again days later. That's what happened in San Antonio.

There is no fucking cure. We're all fucked.

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MUST be for the decon room?
Harem bennies?
Fucked if I know, never did like the stuff...

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No eye protection and headphones are braking the seal.

Dumb nigger

True. Niggers don't have money or dress nice. And niggers are ignorant retards that are the most racist around. He is simply a black man.