You had one chance at life and ended up being 5’9 (175cm)

You had one chance at life and ended up being 5’9 (175cm)

Being a manlet is worse than having a small dick or being black

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Lol the average jose is like 5"7, no wonder so many trannies in brazil.

I'm 5'11'' never felt short until I started coming on the internet and seeing faggots say 5'11 is short

You sure the whole "being brazilian" thing isn't a more pressing issue dude?

The average trannie in Brazil is tall as fuck

they're like 5"5/5"6 on average

just do what normal manlets do and get filthy fucking rich and/or conquer europes you sniveling fuck

Not, I’m white and could emigrate easily pass as a local in any European country

I thought 5'9 was king of manlets

Being jewish is much worse, you can never sit and chill or have peace. You are a organic bot unable to live life, you need to be an attention whoring retard.

I'd much rather be a manlet than any kind of nigger. But I'm king of manlets (5'11") so LoL at your life.

you also just described being a woman

5'9 isn't short, but 5'7 and below is. you're fine, user

If I feel like a midget in Brazil, I think that in north USA or Germany I would feel like toy

Measure at night and you will be like 5’10. Not much taller than me

good movie

I feel ya. I'm only 6'1" :( shit sucks, yo

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They are very similar to each other.

wtf are you talking about?
i'm sure you are blaming other issues on your height.

I live in a small rural town with mostly whites. I feel at average height at 6’2.

Good news, reincarnation is real. Don't ask me why I chose Canada tho

im 6'4 with shoes on but still virgin
height doesnt mean shit if you are ugly, fat and poor

So stop being fat you turbo retard

no money for gym stuff

I'd be more pissed my daughter was dating a Brazilian than a 5'8 manlet.

stop spending it all on food. That's two problems solved

Bodyweight routine, youtube, google. No excuses you fucking pleb.

My mom is 5'9.


just remember
you’re an animal

as if I didn't feel shitty enough already
t. 5' 9"

Calories in vs calories out. Stop buying shit food/alcohol you don't need and with those savings buy a gym membership and learn basic lifting

Nope. I'm 6'1" in shoes. Been 5'11" since middle school and thats bringing the measure all the way to my scalp. On my medical form I'm 6'1" cause my doctor measures the top of my hair.

>Thinking we can't tell
Thanks for the laugh mutt

I'm 5'7 the ideal female height.

If anyone here is taller than 5'10 kys why are you here?

T. Manlet

5’9” is passable if you’re good looking, there are plenty of celebrities at and around 5’9”. Anything below that though and you better have some money or special talent that can compensate for you being a manlet

>tfw 5'9''
over before it even began

>tall brazilian trannie

Move to South America or Asia if it's really an issue.

I'm tall and misrible if it makes you feel any better.

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im like 5'6
stop crying faggots. you have it easy

Because I can go anywhere and no manlet such as yourself can stop me

LMAO... no no no monkey boy!

No excuses. Get a grip and stop being a fucking loser

I'm 5'8. I wore 3 inch shoe lifts before, and it felt amazing to be 5'11. I still wear them during interviews and networking events because that's where it matters most

>Tallies will never have amazon gf reach the top shelf for them

>t. hideous shitskin
I'm an 8/10 manlet with an 8.5" dick and probably get more prime pussy than 99% of dudes ever dream of. Keep coping you weak little jungle monkey faggot

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That's all wrong.

Eat whatever the fuck you want just cut the processed foods, also add running down the road and back 100 times a day. Having good cardio is all that matters.

Day of the chainsaw soon. Cut you down to our size.

195 reporting in. Fucking manlets make me sick.

>laughs in manlet


>tall black hung trannies around every corner
>being a manlet reminds you how you fail on every level

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You see user, it doesn’t matter if you’re 5’9. Most short men care more about their own height than the woman actually does
Being 5’9 is based, you filter out the women who base their dating off of height, who are usually shallow in nature
>t. 5’9 manlet

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I will escape to higher ground using my superior reach and longer stride

No user. Yea cut out processed foods but you cannot just eat whatever you want and build muscle/loose weight. Fuck your faggot cardio,

Cutecels are based tho uwu

being 6'5 and the manlet of my family really has me down bros.

That's actually true tho.
They are called "travecos" and look like pedreiros with perucas
Some people call them "bonecas"

Actually crazy, most of them is 6'2/6'3

5'8" master race manlet checking in. I am English/Norwegian and the missus is Scottish. The solution is finding a 5' tall pixie qt as I did. Marry and have children. All our boys have dad's cobalt blue eyes. Suck it!

5'9 is 180cms fucking hue, get your shit right b4 posting your insecurities on the internet


You could of been a woman.

>short guy reproducing with incredibly short girl
>your boys will be 5'5
uh thanks for bringing more incels into this world

Counting calories is for faggots. Every legit strong as fuck dude I've ever known has never once counted calories or turned down a plate of chips at the pub.

You can hit the gym but all you're gonna have an advantage over me is an arm wrestle. All other activities/sports, you will get smoked by a dude with superior cardio.

I'm 183cm, walking height of 188cm. It feels pretty good, but what's complete bullshit is everyone saying how this is average, etc.

I don't feel short anywhere, even in Amsterdam, only actual tall people see each other, not this 5'8 with heels, or 5'7 long legs bullshit.

Post body

Man Brazilians on this board have a real complex. Every other poster has a chip on their shoulder

5'9 is fine. If your biggest problem in life is being 5'9 then i cringe at the absolute sheltered baby you must be with no real problems or worries. Seriously grow a fucking spine and get over yoursel ves

Get some estimates on how tall they'll be when they're older. If they're pending-manletmode, get some testosterone and pump them full of that shit.

That or suffocate them.

Don't let them grow up 5'5

I've posted my body before and you laughed at me for not being built like Arnie. Nothing will satisfy you starting strength dorjs. I challenge anyone here to a game of basketball!

The oldest is already my height and is as handsome as his dad was in his teens so there will be more master race manlets. We will end up on top before its all over.

I'm 5'10, maybe lil taller even. anyways i'm a barefoot 5'10. in my experience 90% of men lie an add 2 inches to their ID. this is where the average statistic comes from.

anyways, i went to DMV few weeks ago, i tall everyone. might be 3-4 guys out of 60+ taller than me with my work boots on.

tl:dr average height for males barefoot is 5'7"

>Every other poster has a chip on their shoulder

or a nigger in the family tree

why does every mutt say this.

Our oldest is 19 and is my height so he's alright. He also devilishly handsome as well. He's making plenty of T himself just as his old man does.

dyel confirmed; opinion discarded

Brazilians are fucking stupid and shallow, just like you.

Living is so painful and i wish for death every day but i cant kms because i couldnt do that to my mom, shes had so much loss in her life

Bruh ill squat 5x5 everyone on the court then run circled around you. Mark Rippetoe strike you down in yoyr sleep tonight.

you would know

You need an outside hobby really bad user.

i like exploring abandoned places\
used to do it a lot with my ex gf who was murdered :)

The more Chinese move into my neighbourhood the taller I feel.

its funny my late father told me he thought our name was cursed when he was my age

Is surviving cancer twice a special skill or we talking something more like juggling?

Nothing makes me more depressed than being 5’4 due to childhood cancer and people treating you even more like genetic trash because of it.

Dunno, I am 5'9 and never had it impact my life in a big way. Are you sure that you aren't just a loser who blames everything and everyone for his fuck ups?

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>skinny twink body
>7.5 inch penis
>borderline personality disorder

Typical, you milk drinkers are afraid of a little cardio.


King Manlet

Did he give you any reason for this?

I can do an 8 min mile and squat 4pl8; run along before I step on you