Bootlickers get in here. Justify this to me.
Bootlickers get in here. Justify this to me
Dunno, got zero context.
story? also fuck cops
breaking development: cops are shitheads
who fucking knew
180k seems worth you meme flag nigger
Sage against the Jew
guy on bike was uber food deliverer and was caught on camera fucking the cops daughter
Isn't this the case where they found this cop was drunk?
>Overweight middle aged cop throws his weight around and acts like a total fuckhead
Every single fucking time. Its that and women who are a fucking bane to have as officers. I have yet to see a male non-manlet cop in their twenties and in shape act like this.
wow he kick man
kick bad
no one should get kick
we must stop kick
i will vote about this
It's against the law to be a nigger in some places.
>After the verdict, the Oregon State Police released a statement as reported by the Register-Guard, saying their office “is disappointed with the (trial) outcome and feels the actions of our troopers clearly did not violate established procedures or tactics. In situations like these, officers have milliseconds to make what may be life-or-death decisions and those officers should be shielded from the liability of civil damages.”
>the actions of our troopers clearly did not violate established procedures or tactics.
>After the verdict, the Oregon State Police released a statement as reported by the Register-Guard, saying their office “is disappointed with the (trial) outcome and feels the actions of our troopers clearly did not violate established procedures or tactics. In situations like these, officers have milliseconds to make what may be life-or-death decisions and those officers should be shielded from the liability of civil damages.”
The eternal Pig
Ban Assault Legs Now!
Man if you think this is bad, just wait until you see what I pay my private security detail to do to people I don't like in the forthcoming ancap utopia.
I would like to know more about this
>He was apparently reprimanded by his superiors for “neglecting to report his use of force against Wilkens” but not cited for excessive force.
He wasn't even punished for it
show the full video faggot
when bad thing happen, you must ban thing that made bad thing happen, this called "systems theory of accident causation"
cop make bad thing happen so ban cop
grog very smart
You recon this bluegang member will suck-start his service weapon?
Uhhhh proof?
What happened prior to this?
>After the verdict, the Oregon State Police released a statement as reported by the Register-Guard, saying their office “is disappointed with the (trial) outcome and feels the actions of our troopers clearly did not violate established procedures or tactics. In situations like these, officers have milliseconds to make what may be life-or-death decisions and those officers should be shielded from the liability of civil damages.”
And cops wonder why no one trusts them anymore
Cops are underpaid and undertrained in America. You can't increase the hiring standards because nobody will do the job.
Most cops I've met are ok and actually care about upholding their oaths.
There are some that have tiny dick syndrome and fragile little egos though. If you express a political opinion they disagree with or even look at them the wrong way, they're ready to go full gestapo on you. Back when I lived before, I wore a political shirt some asshole didn't like, and the next thing I know, his dickless little cronies were pulling me over without probable cause. Must be nice to able able to act like a tough guy when you've got a uniform to hide behind.
He definitely got sued
aw daddy doesn't like his daughter's a whore but can't confront her
shut up, you stupid fucking polak
before this the pig was beating his wife. fucking animals.
This will NEVER not piss me the fuck off.
The guy that committed first degree murder not only got off scot free but the Mesa, Arizona Police Department rehired him so he could retire and get a pension for "PTSD" from literally murdering someone. So fucked up. Hate everything about that cocksucker and this specific case.
>before this the pig was beating his wife
whoa based
maybe if we let them beat their wives they will be less inclined to give unwarranted beatings to the public?
That's also why they don't fuck with lawyers or people with money. They know they'll fight back and win.
Honestly, I'm happy shit like the Dallas shooter happens sometimes. Cops need to be reminded that they're mortal and if they piss enough fuckers off they're on the chopping block.
That would unironically be far less immoral and evil. Cartels beheading people & Coca-Cola Death Squads™ are far less evil than a powertripping boomer who siphons your tax dollars just to harass your family, shoot your dog or worse. At least ancapistanis will be private enterprises, which means I won't have to fund my own execution.
I remember that video dumb cop follows speedy biker man for a while around narrow road. Follows him in unmarked car with no sirens and dinky lights that nobody can see. Guy never netices he's being followed so stops at a red light like a normal person. cop runs him over guy is confused as hell tries to get on the ground cop damages his collar bone kicking him. Cop gets sued later defends himself by saying muh muscles were already fired I couldn't stop. the whole things on youtube somewhere I'm going to sleep
Sissy boot lickers be in here like: "what's the context?"
It's got to be fun being a cop sometimes
only on pornhub
Maybe if we didn't have niggers cops wouldn't be so trigger happy.
It is
The cop was chasing him for quite some time. The dude didn't realize the cop was behind him. When the dude realized it, he started to pull over, but the cop was still rightfully assuming he was dealing with a fleeing suspect that was endangering other people's lives with the way he was driving.
I highly suggest you watch "donut operator" on youtube. he breaks down a lot of this stuff in a way that even retards like you can understand.
Hell yeah. Hate those moped fags slowing me down too. I got places to go and shit.
*bang* *bang* i'm killing you because niggers exist! i'm also beating my wife because niggers exist! wait, am I the real nigger? no! now lick my boots!
Overpaid you mean. They can easily get 3 figure salaries within a decade of starting their career
I can't think of a single context where this would be appropriate.
You're an emotional queer gay faggot
t. Bootlicker faggot cuck
wife beating is a moral necessity
like, have you ever actually met a woman? go interact with a woman, and then tell me it's a good idea to just let them do whatever they want
Dont know about underpaid, but for sure undertrained.
It's protocol to act like this.
this is how it happens. you start by hating one cop for a blatant offense, then you see how his "brothers" and department, city officials and judges bend backward to support every single one of his actions along the way unconditionally, before realizing all cops deserve hell
To be fair, the orders were shit and contributed to that dudes death.
The cop didnt think a fleeing suspect driving slow and stoping at traffick signals was a bit wierd? Bootlickers like you disgust me.
he couldn't even be bothered to get his loudspeaker and say
Legalise, they have to say that shit or else they will be surrendering lawsuits out the ass where they actually did everything right.
Unfortunately, in the legal system, you can never admit fault for anything or you are admitting fault for everything.
Bootlickers get in here. Justify this to me.
Wow, already there's some faggot unironically rationalizing this.
That guy had escaped a chase with the cops like 10 minutes earlier retard. Cops are shitheads but at least pick good evidence.
> The pig acknowledged in his testimony that Wilkens had begun to comply with his commands when he landed the kick, but said he was unable to stop the kick because he ‘already had the muscles fired’ in his right leg.”
this video has been around for longer than uber food delivery has existed.
Based. Fuck motorcycucks
good point, we must abolish the police force
this is the new face of police brutality in america, this is trump's america
No he didn't, you made that up.
>missing the first half of the footage
Every single time. Show us the full video.