Why do you still defend capitalism?
Why do you still defend capitalism?
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True capitalism has never been tried!
Holmes you aint the good guys
Let's take a closer look at that snout.
Under communism, his punishment would be a bald girlfriend.
Ironic because you are the actual bad guys. China did nothing to Europe yet Europe only harmed it. On the other hand, the legion of the ZOG golems destroyed this continent and made it completely irrelevant forever. Did the golems use their victor position to bring about superior culture and prosperity like the Roman Empire did? No, they brought degeneracy and zionist submission.
LOL Rothschild thot has ZERO tits
I don’t.
Because I own land, a home, and I esrned it with work and discipline.
I also earmed the money for my rifle, which I bought specifically for use against socialists.
Does that trigger you? Enjoy nigger urban life
Why wouldn't I?
Because there is literally no better alternative that can improve the overall quality and length of life, producing medicines and technology that will eventually eliminate scarcity and all he problems you commies bitch about. Industry will solve pollution problems. Research into genetics will save species from going extinct. We can either continue going forward and upward to space colonies with capialism, or be dragged back down to the mud.
It'll sure as hell prevent me from becoming poor.
Defend capitalism by killing every kike
Wait isn't that the mutt criminal that women all over the internet were falling for
Pic related
>Still talking about anti-capitalism
Because you can be a millionaire if you work hard
>Wait isn't that the mutt criminal that women all over the internet were falling
yes, also a model now, that's literally what moderm women want.
yes its me dipshit
>He is balding now?
LOL I'd rather be a poor nobody than have those retarded tattoos all over my body. Can't decorate a turd
I don't. I don't support Communism either, in case any /ptg/ kikes are here.
I hate women.
Capitalism is alright.
Control women and you will see its power.
Because it would be based to try it
>I hate women.
>Capitalism has lead to the empowering of women
pick one.
"Muh communism" nope, it isnt a solution either.
Because I'm doing well and it was easy and you can do it to. That's why it's great.
because central government policies destroyed your pisshit little island
and yet you’re still not part of the 1% that wont pay taxes, stop being a fucking retard
>All these people ITT who didn't know their governments were bought out by corporations.
Congrats. You can vote for less or more government all you want, and it won't change a thing.
I've never gotten a job from a poor guy.
>Capitalism has lead to the empowering of women
And yet if you hear commies talking they won't shut up about women working and fighting in the Soviet Union.
Well you get what you pay for.
>muh bootstraps
>muh markets
>muh crony capitalism, not REAL capitalism
A wild stallion hates the corral, you know? Socialism is mongoloid tier.
Only nu/pol/-faggots support capitalism.
Lmao imagine being a kike and then ur rich ugly kike daughter uses ur wealth to get a mulatto dildo.
I've gotten handjobs and blowjobs from poor women though.
...in exchange for cash.
get off your ass and get a job, S-oy Boi
You're the rich person in that context though
I don't, two sides of the same (((coin)))
Because what economic system we operate under isn't the problem, jews are.
she's jewish
Hot model thug guy could have done way better, I swear nigs just settle for any dumpster fire with blonde hair.
Whores were not something to workship in the Soviet Union at least.
I want the economy to implode so I can build a new one that uses labor backed currency
Sure you would buddy.
Now you better not stay over 15 minutes on your break or I'll write you up. Back to work.
cus i want to have money and be super fucking free u dumb nigger life is good
>want to be free
>waste 70% of your free time to make money for someone else
1. That's a jewess
2. As soon as I got off the plane at Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv his mug was plastered all over the walls
I dont. I defend national socialism.
because I don't hate people for owning stuff
Because it works, unlike you. Get a job.
>Non-English speaking shitskin VPN 1-id poster.
Whatever. Nobody here defends capitalism. That guy is just an example of mankind's obsession with physical appearance.
Rational socialisim
>he's a model
that pretty much means he got Weinstein'd, right? Some jew made him suck his dick to enter the fashion kingdom?
>China did nothing to Europe
Black plague and Spanish Flu.
>c-capitalism = bad!
>muh marxism = good!
Both are dogshit. Reject the Jewish false dichotomy. Embrace the third position. Nature created white men. White men created western civilization. It logically follows that they should rule their nations. Women and subhumans are too retarded to have any kind of power over western society.
is that the guy who killed people and sold drugs or the guy who sold drugs and diddled kids?