Why are black people voting for Biden?
Why are black people voting for Biden?
they like to play with his leg hair in the public pool
grandpa joe is based thats why :)
ayy man i dont know who da FUQ those other nigs are on the balot, this biden aint he that obama guy? shieeeet, he got my vote
lmao yeah
Bernie is a corrupt, evil, power hungry despot and he can't beat Trump in the general. Trump himself was hoping to go against Bernie and abused his power to try and stop Biden
He has the best chance to beat Trump.
cuz they are dumb as fuck, hes also a moron like them so they think hes smart since they think they wuz kings (hidden geniuses)
because old black people in the south wont vote for an elderly jew from new england
Joe will give them kfc
Because Obama told them to.
If that were true they would vote Bernie.
Cause Joos
Zionists in this case
I don't know who's Jewing who anymore
>being a sodomite
hell is destructive !
they don't want to be associated with the type of cucks you see at bernie rallys
the closest apostles of jesus were jews, anons; that means whatever you are talking about is something good
not me. I feel like older black people will vote for joe based off of his proximity to Obama. Joe will just give us more of the same bull shit
Blacks don't have college debt
Blacks get free healthcare already
Blacks don't want other races to get free shit like them
The establishment already panders to them, why would they want change? Why would they want to share any of this with whites and spics and asians?
because fuck communism and fuck you
Because it would totally bankrupt the system you fucking idiot.
(((tikkun olam))) that's why Bloomberg spent all that money - and dropped out just when Bernie looked like he was a loser - his reward will be in Joo heaven
when he puts on his southern plantation owner voice it triggers their racial memory and they whisper 'yessum massa Joe'
Bernie wants to give everyone gibs, bit the problem is that black people already have gibs, and they hate white people, so they don't want to elect someone that would give white people gibs.
True. Biden has said some racist shit in the past hasn't he? And Sanders got arrested for protesting segregation and blacks aren't voting for him. Niggers are so dumb. I wish we still had segregation.
It's always the redneck Aussies. Descendants of criminals. Think of this as an example of a path you could choose in life, and the hellfire that awaits it.
This is why
No because Bern dog wants to throw some of that tax payer beef to the white NEETS and debt riddled Millenials. The Dindu base already have that and don't want no competition.
Biden doesn't even know his own name anymore. There's no way he'll beat Trump. When Biden and Trump debate it's going to be lights out for Biden. He confused his wife for his God damn sister after super Tuesday. He said he was running for senator not too long ago. He doesn't know what state he's in half of the time. No way he's the next president.
>Niggers are so dumb
Don't forget the holiday
beautiful, is that OC?
He took Michelle’s cock for 8 years.
Yep! Fresh from the oven
Because of Obama.
Biden was a powerful old white senator who accepted a job working under a young black boss. That's got some serious symbolic value from the perspective of blacks.
very based, every election year i vote for kicking back and enjoying not having to waste my fucking time in some meaningless ritual to vote for some faggot who hates racism and loves niggers (i am american on vacation, not polish)
Cauz hee new my niggha conepop
Because he's Obama's homeboy.
You sound a little jealous mate
They think they're voting for Obama by proxy.
Black folks don't vote on policies but on familiarity and promises.
Biden is connected to Obama and by extension Bill Clinton.
Bernie is just some old white guy in their eyes.
For a lot of black folks he doesn't even register.
There is a reason why Bloomberg is desperately trying to tout himself to blacks so they become familiar with him.
t. black man/former demcuk
two non shitpost reasons
1) The black population in the south is disproportionally poor, and poor voters are disproportionally low information voters. They don't know a goddamn thing about politics, don't think about the election until they're in the booth, and act accordingly. Low information voters vote based almost exclusively on Name Recognition, if they can manage to recognize the name they will vote for that person. Having been Obama's sidekick for 8 years, Biden has the overwhelming advantage here, as did Clinton in 2016
2) Black voters in the south are on average older and socially conservative. This makes the block much more moderate, and unwilling to back a candidate that is not Christian. Critically in Sanders' case is the huge elephant in the room, that no one dare say: Black people, black baptists especially, loathe jews. There is no demographic block more anti semitic than black people. The reason Sanders doesn't mention his jewish background is not for fear of white nationalists not backing him, but for fear that too many black people figure out he's jewish and shun him.
Because fuck the Turks.
>Why are black people voting for Biden in democratic primaries
well Bloomberg dropped out already
I’d fuck Amy so hard some piece of furniture would break. I don’t care if she’s gilf tier. Give a fuck what you heard.
why are white people voting for Biden?
cause they are stupid fucking idiots!
but Trump will beat Biden then the left can secede
Because they are based
Shills get the rope.
They seem to like to be called roaches!
He threw a lot of money into ads targeting blacks and they weren't convincing.
If he were in Bernie's shoes it might have work but he was a tactless phony weasel.
Thing is Bernie had a lot of black supporters in his 2016 run.
His focus has been on other groups so black people went with the familiar choice which is the default.
And a nice glass of purple koolaid.
What are you doing with all this data you're mining?
>He confused his wife for his God damn sister after super Tuesday. He said he was running for senator not too long ago. He doesn't know what state he's in half of the time. No way he's the next president.
that literally describes Trump.
Unions ie... government workers