In 90-120 days we will all find out if we will live
as free men or die as slaves
What are you putting your money on , Yas Forums?
In 90-120 days we will all find out if we will live
as free men or die as slaves
What are you putting your money on , Yas Forums?
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Don’t bother waking me up
Exactly. If it happens then I’ll believe. Till then consider me dubious on the whole matter
He reports to Bill Bare and Barr is a cia nigger. There will not be any happenings.
They going to RICO masonry? No? o ok, so no then.
He looks like he drives an employee shuttle.
>What are you putting your money on, Yas Forums?
Yaaaa if anyone and I mean anyone goes down I’ll blow micheal Moore on stream.
plans will be trusted.
Trust the plan, goys.
Is there any proof he exists? he seems like a ghost, even that one pic from a press conference looks staged.
oh wow. perfect timing since we'll all be dead by then
Wow...what a bunch of black-pilled faggots
That does seem the safe bet, doesn't it?
Keep trusting! Sessions will pull through any moment! Declas soon! Q predicted this!
we will be free men
I trust. Durhams rep is rock solid. If we find out even he is pozzed it's 100% official NOBODY is to be trusted and all must be removed/replaced
the trials will be livestreamed for us all to see
I was informed this was about truth and justice and was laughed at for normal people saving face.
But Q lets the masons save face?
Thats nigger bullshit. Do the Hell Angels safe face? Do MS 13? etc.. etc..
kek who's this retard that doesn't know how to trim his mustache?
Every time we come up on one of these reports we hear "OMG IT'S HAPPENING FOR REAL THIS TIME IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING" and every single time it comes out, leaves the news cycle within days and we are told that "Oh, actually it's the NEXT report coming out that's gonna do it. For real, this time."
Read Q's posts from this time last year. He was making it seem like they were about to bring the hammer down then. And the same time the year before that. He's ALWAYS doing it. It's time to put up of shut the fuck up already, is what I say.
Geez, now why would people not expect the swamp to be drained?
No report this time. Just indictments or no indictments
>> The irony of quantum stretch goals is that it's the most Jewish thing conceived of.
nothing will happen Qtards
>90-120 days
user isn't wrong
How are you gullible faggots still falling for this crap
I'd like to believe it, but I don't.
how can you be so fucking ignorant about Barr? Squeeze all the Jew cum out of your asshole. You're becoming microchimeric.
Barr said Durham will be done by Spring or early summer
Me too user, me too.
I think it's more like quantum stretch goals... (which would be interdimensional jewishness of the highest order)
>think it's more like quantum stretch lambright goals
If you can convince the crew that a rudderless ship is still moving, the direction doesn't matter, they will wait until starvation staring at the sails instead.
That'd be really nice.
We call him the punisher but you will simply call him "DEATH"
>implying any of that nonsense matters in the face of apocalypse
Nothing is going to happen.
Nothing ever really does.
Just imagine for a minute that Masons get RICO....
Imagine that it's someone high on the inside of Masonry that ties the entire organization together. .. That essentially erases all laws and judgements from any masonic judges/law enforcement etc.. Basically we go back to "the beginning" 1775
Imagine an organization that worships Lucifer being betrayed for all of history from the inside...
The forbidden fruit of that irony is the sweetest thing imaginable.
Imagine eating something while having that facial hair.
>not even expecting a miracle
>simply expecting someone to do their job
we will still be disappointed
After Barr s inactivity on the coup . i have no faith in our justice system . There is too many traitors.
i would bet on a perpetual slavery without question. we are only sustaining ourselves with the power of technology and the comfort it provides, ordinarily there should be much more of the chaos and destruction that are hallmarks of a civilization bereft of cultural inertia and facing imminent and foreordained death, but material comfort, even weighed against total psychological misery, is a powerful stabilizing force. so it will be a 40 thousand year kleptocracy* of fat happy oligarchs and we their pawns.
*it will end when a natural event ends the comfort, eg supervolcano or comprehensive biological disaster. could be tomorrow, could be 40,000 years - but nothing else will stop it.
This is one of the worse elements of all this. I can't even remember all the horrible shit that hasn't even seen a modicum of justice. I know shit's always been corrupt to some extent, but it used to hide, used to be relegated to certain times or certain things. Some places really were less corrupt than others - most ways, most of the time. But it's been blatant recently, and no one in a position to do anything cares, not all that much. And the vast majority don't even know, let alone care. Spying on a presidential campaign with the use of intelligence agencies is sedition, and should have been instantly and universally condemned by all, regardless of background. I came from a conservative background. With the Patriot Act I condemned the actions of the government and what their retractions of freedoms would mean. Snowden elucidated this in great detail years later. And no one really cared. At best a minority of us stamped our feet, but that was meaningless.
This will be biblical. I'm ready to die for freedom and justice. Bring it on.
Based and a reasonable response.
He isn't deciding anything. You're retarded.
He looks like the kind of guy who feltches semen out of tranny rectums in cheap motel rooms
Nothing will happen and the two tier justice system will keep on rollin'
At this point all I have to hope for is that they keep up the bread and circuses in the coming(current?) neo-feudalism or whatever they end up calling it if anything. Anything that would bring real change to the system would only end up unleashing other horrors. I don't know which is worse.
I mean I m this close to information that will lead to Hillary clintons arre
it'll be glorious
I'd love to believe that, but this man helped - no, was instrumental - in covering up Waco.
I trusted Sessions. I trusted Barr. I trust Durham. These guys are risking their lives for us. It's not going to be easy.
wasn't this shit supposed to be released by the end of Feb?