What do whites see in Bernie Sanders that blacks do not?

What do whites see in Bernie Sanders that blacks do not?

Attached: Looser.png (500x500, 96.09K)

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Whites are bad at sniffing out bullshit. Niggers have ace bs detectors which are an evolutionary trait developed in response to the nonstop lying groids surrounding them.

college gibs

>niggers are based now that they are helping trump get elected
>Yas Forums will go back to hating all niggers after election

Damn i wish usa was a memeflag so i could larp as a mutt

He wants to give gibs to everyone* instead of just blacks. He'll dilute the gibspool


Blacks still think Whitie is holding them down so don't trust any white man. Biden breaks that mold since he was VP to the first Black president. They see Biden a continuation of their legacy.

a non-Zog'd candidate

Niggers will not vote for trump over biden. They still believe whatever the left tells them because as a population average, they are just not smart. Face facts. Biden was for all kinds of racist policies and they don't care, don't know, or don't care to know. Jigs will vote 90pct for Democrats eve with trump doing so much more for them than demo will ever do, and even with all the blacks explaining how trump has legitimately helped blacks more than obongo, it doesjt even register to nigs, nothing will ever change. 3rd world votes for more got because they exist with a different mindset than us.

>takes all the time to create meme
>can not spell "loser"
"looser" is the opposite of "tighter"
"loser" is the opposite of "winner"

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looser lmao

>x-year-old-X meme
>virgin/chad meme
>Yes. meme
this post is pretty meta

>implying Trump didn't win without them

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>Whites are bad at tribal identity politics

I know why blacks hate him
White skin and white hair, double trouble!

Most Sanders supporters are sheltered white kids, they have no knowledge of the real world or basic economics.

>as a population average, they are just not smart.
This holds true for pretty much every race. It's why democracy does not work, and why our Founding Fathers made the US a representative republic.

That he's racist. You crackas will apologize.

The blacks see that Biden was VP to Obama and that Bernie was not. It’s literally and painfully as simple as that.

Niggers already have welfare, simple as

It's a takeoff on coomer dumbass

we're real sorry you didn't evolve

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But is he a Trotskyite or Stalinist?

coomer is a made up new word though dumb fuck. looser in actual real word already in the dictionary.

Whites want gibs too now but niggers aren't having it.

he's neither. he's just a progressive. in a European country it would be a mildly left position. But in America, taxing the rich is called Communism.

the only thing dropping faster than Bernie's odds is the quality of life in countries that are taken over by communists

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trolling is a art

you have to go back.

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Bernie is racist now?
Since when?


Biden = gibs for blacks
Bernie = gibs for blacks and whites
Why would they want whites cutting in on their action?

>buttmad over illiteracy
cope more toddlers

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kek wills it. Heed his trips or be condemned.

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also, Bernie got fucking stomped all over black radio for supporting Medicare for All. The Biden ads talked up how he worked with Obama and how Medicare for All was about diminishing Obama's legacy.

Sanders didn't respond to those sort of ads and it cost him at the polls.

This needs to be edited to “Loser”

Tighten up

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were getting fucked up tha ass by billyanaz… again

What's black voter turnout anyway? Don't niggers just stay at home for the most part because they're, you know, lazy niggers?

A larger turnout than you might think, occasionally they have to go out and vote for more gibs so they can continue being lazy niggers

>What do whites see in Bernie Sanders that blacks do not?


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communism sounds great if you have daddy issues or are a failure in life and realize you have no chance of ever succeeding so why not leech off of everyone else?

This is so fucking true. My gf's roommate's boyfriend is a fucking bernout that works a minimum wage job at a locally owned store and has no real world experience in anything yet wants to get paid $15 an hour. Oh yeah he's also a film major.

Yeah, dumb white leftists don't get, what other whites do, that blacks are extreme narcissistic and legitimately are threaten by gibs policy if said gibs are for all, and not for just the black man.

White leftists are traitors and losers.

he's a Bogdanov.

Attached: BernieBrosUnite.png (609x626, 949.05K)

The Black dream is being a self made millionaire rapper/sports ball player/fashion entrepreneur. Bernie wants to take those people's money. Of course they're not going to vote for him.

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and Malika Obamas testicles. I swear the kids are trannys too.

his only real political achievement is naming post offcies kek

he's a master at getting people with little money to donate to his campaign and not notice that he's an Independent running in the DNC primary and then do it again 4 years later.

not considering his religion. it's funny even a lot of the supposedly anti-jewish people were pulling for him because he is an exciting extremist or something silly. i mean just keep overlooking and making bad predictions, whatever, it doesn't hardly matter

Oh yeah, I totally agree, 1 specific event that happens in your life correlates to all of the people who vote for X candidate! I really hate that I'm making minimum wage (Actually 84k a year), with a useless degree (Computer science), with no real world experience (Visited 5 different countries already). I'm TOTALLY this bernout you're talking about. :^)

If you retards would actually listen to the campaign, it's taxing the rich more so these fucking mongoloids pay their fair share, and we get better social services in a society where we pay 2k deductibles for a hospital with "Platinum insurance" through our work place, while the cry baby corporations get billions in subsidies, and tax cuts, you retarded faggot. Obviously you weren't around when the housing market crashed. Guess who paid that bail out? You and me paid it, and you know how much that bail out was? 16.4 TRILLION dollars was the bailout cost, know how many people in the US exist today? 320 million or so. So without counting how many of these people pay taxes, or how many of them even work, we're looking at a tax burden of over 50k PER PERSON to pay back these banks for their own problems with the housing market.. We also have companies like Walmart getting tax cuts and continuing to fuck over their employees by putting them on welfare. Look what companies did w/ their tax returns w/ trump. Most companies let go of a hefty sum of their employees to flip a bigger profit. Keep letting these cock suckers fuck you in the ass, maybe you'll get enough of their cum inside you to sell it for a nice popsicle one day.

Whites truly want some gibs me dat more than any nigger could humanly want.


I'm pretty sure for Bernie Jew is his race. to be accurate he is an ashkenazi inbred. that's where the underbite, the horseshoe hairline, spit when he talks, lisp, cheap ass slob part of him comes from. He could have some of the syndromes too, as a matter of fact odds are he has at least 2. Maybe Maple Syrup Urine Syndrome and one more. They all do and it only takes one of them to pass on the putrid mutated genes.
Anyone can be Jew, you just convert and poof you're Jew.
Ashkenazim are born retarded.
AshkeNAZI came before NAZI and you can't have one without the other so there's that.

I'm white and I thought he was a joke from the get go and I'm talking 2016 and before.

Trump WILL NOT win niggers

HOWEVER it'll be like 2016 when nigger turnout in MI and WI was down and leftoids were screaming about voter suppression. What happens is that nigs won't vote Republican, but if they prefer the Republican they'll just stay home. We'll see that again.

>developed in response to the nonstop lying groids surrounding them
But yeah, whites are often too gullible and naive.

Whites had father-figures and role models growing up and the importance of education was impressed upon them. Having the mental faculties to sift through a multitude of information and make an independent intelligent informed decision after accessing and weighing the pros and cons of the policies being offered. Blacks listen to some community leader, like an african witch doctor, who says some dumb shit like "vote for Biden cuz he was Vice President under Obama and never tried to overthrow him" and they don't even stop to consider whether Biden's policies would benefit the African-American community more than Bernie's policies going forward.

at first I though you were calling everyone niggers and that Trump wouldn't win the election.


unprotected sex with a virgin really does cure the AIDS though.

Yet they voted for Biden. Lol

Biden's the only one with nigga points

All that did was make it easier to subvert.

Why do niggers hate bernie again? That seems so random.