Stop watching porn!

So I went the doctor cause of my ED and when i got there he gave me a 10 minute talk on how if you can get hard with porn then it's in my brain.
In porn we see multiple women with different ages, faces and body shapes and that can't happen in irl unless you are chad (ofcorce chad can get away with porn induced ED)

He said if I don't stop watching porn then that will be the only thing id be able to get hard too. Even if i got 10/10 model to fuck, id be excited for a week or so but my brain will even get bored of her and not find her sexually appealing. So if you think in future you might get a relationship, then porn will fuck you up because you wont be able to give her good dick forever.

I have stopped watching porn for a month and notice small difference but its never as hard as it was use to.
I am getting my hormones and test lvel checked tomorrow and if those are normal too then i am fucked. id have limp dick for life unless i watch porn.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yescoom day 0

no worries, it's not like your little brown mexican turd-looking cock would ever get wet anyways

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A month is not nearly enough to undo years upon years of porn addiction. Does a smoker start on up smokin again after a month because they still have cravings? You have to commit to this thing for at least 6 months. You CAN do it. You have to bust down those neuronal connections you've built up piece by piece.

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Is you doctor a tard? If he said to you that your problem is pron then, i'm sorry, he is a tard.

Your ED is probably due to anxiety or deeper problems since as you said you can get hard with porn and nofap didn't help you that much.

You just need confidence bro.

my wife is addicted to porn. the only way she can get off is by watching porn on her phone and smoking cigarettes while I go down on her. she makes me do it every day but never lets me fuck her. I end up hiding in the closet and jacking off really quickly once in a while when I get a break from doing laundry, dishes, and cleaning up the house. 3 kids are a lot of work to raise.
How can I cure her of this?

I'd listen to this random faggot on Yas Forums before your doctor, OP.

Kill her.

>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s

yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and harmless)

Attached: Pic (10)-o9tqEVwE-4arGbY [31.10.2019] 2019-10-31.jpg (1080x1920, 1.74M)

Is 2D cooms ok?

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Your doctor is an idiot. You have performance anxiety. Get some Cialis and you'll be fine. You don't have to stop watching porn.

>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s

Yep getting cucked by BBCs is based (and harmless)

I'm White

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And here come the porn shills like clockwork

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Cant you just jerk off in moderation?

Damn mogged by a beaner. Good luck bro i hope you find something that works i was having some ed issues lately and it basically ruined the relationship i had going in its infancy.

timestamp, faggot


that sounds terrible friend :(

Based. Refrain from that demonic filth user. Pray and armour yourself with the sign on the cross daily. God bless and stay strong anons!

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No. It's demonic filth. Flee.

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>i was having some ed issues lately and it basically ruined the relationship i had going in its infancy.
tell us the story friend

leftists: the photo

Next time just put your dick in her instead and if she complains put your hand over her mouth and give her a stern look then fuck her as rough as you can, if you do this I promise your sex life will be fixed.

The doctor said you're cooming yourself out of existence like the rest of our generation

No story really i was just too meek to just start going to town when i was ready for it cause she said we probably shouldn't and then when she changed her mind a little while later I was only like 60% hard but then started stressing myself out about it so much it fully deflated and never came back. I succeeded in getting in for real a few days after that but i blasted in like 45 seconds and then the third time it just wouldn't go up again and she started asking me if i had intimacy issues or something and then i could tell she just lost all respect and attraction to me. My hormones are probably fucked up from being a fully sedentary overweight heavy drinker i dunno shit just sucks i have zero sex drive

I have the opposite problem: I can't get hard to porn by I can get off big time with IRL women.

this guy is based and correct

Thanks for that unreadable pic you fucking poutine nigger.

i'm sorry user.

>In porn we see multiple women with different ages
I only watch teen lesbian porn. As soon as I see someone over 20 I switch it off.

FFFFFFFFFFFFuck it imma do it.

You can get hard from a light breeze.

Attached: nofaphyde.jpg (1200x2566, 427.9K)

>end at the top
>start at the bottom
Nofappers cant meme

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Mexico please focus on your fucking cartels first

What if I don't get hard for porn?

Cialis or Viagra CAN help you get over performance anxiety, but it's still healthy to quit watching porn. Do you really think all the jews giving you free porn are doing it as an act of kindness?

Porn is a weapon against Western civilization and pathetic coomers insist on defending it.

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wow ... subtle
but my cock is dragonglass

if you're the memeflag user I'm thinking of, just wanna say your typestyle reminds me of somebody else

Your first mistake was getting with a non-virgin whore. Second mistake was not waiting for marriage.

>stop watching porn
I'll go one further: stop being near porn triggers as much as possible. This is hard because sex is literally everywhere now, even in fucking youtube comments.

They say that millennials aren't growing up, but what they ignore is that young children are growing up fast. Millennials stay perpetually 18 mentally, but children reach a mental 18 at age 9. The age pool is all homogenized. Yes this naturally leads to pedophilia but that's the least of your worries

Liking ass is also an indicator of subhuman functioning. A proper man should be attracted to a woman's tits, face, and perhaps her whole body in a subtle sense. Fixating on ass means you're degenerate, sorry for the facts

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Not your personal blog spic faggot

>porn is bad because I'm a spic dicklet
lol literaly every coomerposter ever.

Just for this post I'll watch three whole porns.
And I belive Yas Forums can come together and watch all porns, and come together.

Don't tell me the devil isn't real

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White girl here. I married a black man because of how much white men watch porn (as well as how much they play video games, watch YouTube, etc.)

You’re clearly an Argentine, Juan.


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Enjoy your HIV and domestic violence dumb slut lmao

It's worse.


carbs also cause it, sugar and plants are poison user.

carbs, malnutrition is the cause due to eating too many carbs and not enough meat

Suure thing, jan.

tits or gtfo

Its actually pretty true. The first few times I had sex with my woman it was exciting. Now I can't get excited about it, can't get hard for her. Tried generic viagra in a fairly low dose. Nothing. Took double dosage and it made me physically hot like a fever, but didn't give me an erection. I have cut back on porn and fapping to once per week. I feel better, but still don't want sex.

>Stop watching porn!
The ONLY solution is to STOP GOING ON INTERNET. You want to stop watching porn? STOP INTERNET. CANCEL your internet subscription and throw your computer out the WINDOW. It's the ONLY SOLUTION, there is NO OTHER SOLUTION. Yas Forums is INFESTED with porn, do you think you can stop jerking off on porn if you keep going on Yas Forums? NO, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. You will always have a huge temptation and you will not resist long. Sex is everywhere on internet, EVERYWHERE. Impossible to browse on internet without seeing porn. It' therefore impossible to stop porn if you continue to browse on internet. The only solution is to STOP internet. IT'S THE ONLY SOLUTION.

eh.. this

oh and, trips

based tracer tong ending

Better res for those interested

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