@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpAd: Keep Going! 3/4/20
>Pres Trump @Latino Coalition Legislative Summit 3/4/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Airline CEOs 3/4/20
>WH Press Brief (VP Pence/Corona-chan Task Force) 3/4/20
>VP Pence on Dobbs 3/4/20
>VP Pence meets w/Diagnostic Lab CEOs 3/4/20
>SoS Pompeo/FLotUS Melania @IWOC Awards 3/4/20
>AG IronBarr @DoJ Elder Justice Summit in Sun City Center FL 3/4/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>TreasSec Mnuchin comments to reporters 3/4/20
>DepAG Rosen @DoJ Natl Opioid Summit 3/4/20
>KAC on FoxNews 3/4/20
>Lara Trump on FoxNews 3/4/20
>Hurr Katrina on FoxNews 3/4/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 3/4/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on FoxNews 3/4/20
>Trump2020CommsDir Murtaugh on HughHewittShow 3/4/20
>WBGPres Malpass Joint Presser w/IMFManagingDir Georgieva on Corona-chan 3/4/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:




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what the fuck?
Look at this
I picked Florida because since it is coastal and tropical that it would have the least travel needed for shipping on average.

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>then MAGA

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i put my vote in a mild winter. might have been to mild


Roberts is gonna fuck us isn’t he...

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>he Reagan presidency was over 30 years ago

Why does Trump make these threads? shouldn't he be out vetoing china, or something?

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at least i have spring break next week

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reminder that we are never getting a cure. this is a highly contagious SARS + HIV combination that has already mutated. there is no recovery, no treatment and no vaccine.

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i loled audibly when someone made a Joe Biden General #1

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My iq is 210.


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>this shit virus has a chance to kill everyone in New Jersey
godspeed you wonderful bastard

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Why would chinks release a civilization ending virus?

>trusting a catholic to do the right thing
Yup, he's gonna side with the left

Attached: adv gives shit advice.jpg (228x221, 7.47K)

Is she well?

this phone call is of exceptional length

This election was over before it started

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>to mild
this. It was too mild of a winter. The bugs this summer are going to be horrible

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you wrote wrong the period

Attached: GAVIN VIRUS.jpg (635x735, 127.5K)

It's too late. The corona virus travels through language. Hearing or reading the right word will give you the virus.

Don't watch, just listen, and you can pretend you're on the phone with Trump.

not for lack of trying i assure you. i did in fact almost certainly have scurvy at one point
oh yes stuff in florida is pretty expensive. i'm living way more urban than ever and yet stuff seems a lot cheaper to me
it's for a lot of reasons: transporting from heartland to florida is actually quite a bit of travel, and florida heat+humidity means things do not store for very long, so fresh things are in short supply
note how oranges are the same exact cost, even though they are locally grown. it's because they go bad so fast in florida that unless you're picking them straight off the tree they aren't worth storing. you couldn't make a loaf of bread last for more than a few days without going moldy

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Of course. Conservatives has conserved nothing.

just a scratch

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>Pedo Joe

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I just realize these whores are actually carrying the cross while preaching about killing children. That fucking female symbol.

>civilization ending
>only kills non-whites
Corona is going to ensure Moon Base Alpha before the end of 2022

Attached: 5l6wa.jpg (600x400, 24.62K)

>It tricks furin
>Rubs pseudopods

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>>KAC on FoxNews 3/4/20

Still so beautiful.

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I usually support Boom Time
but Hannity gives the worst fucking interviews, esp. phone interviews. No politician should interview with Hannity if they want to look good.

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>NJ coronavirus
i guess it was inevitable since it came to NYC. i just hope somehow it's not near m-
>bergen county

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i don't wana hear anything out of your ass, but i'm on the muthafucker

Cases for Uganda when??? I can show them da wae

Just drink the blood, Roberts. You're already halfway there.

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It's not the end of the world. Of course there is a need for more originalist justices. There will be other cases.

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Kind of disappointing you don't hear Trump eating hamburgers.

>I picked Florida because since it is coastal and tropical that it would have the least travel needed for shipping on average.
No, you want the Midwest for that for food.

I'm going to bed

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Hannity is a clown. Worst show on Fox.

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>It's not the end of the world.
yes it is. read the /cvg/ pastebin.

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Remember that time that Obama singlehandledly rescued the American auto-industry and saved the economy from the great recession spurring in a decade of growth?

I remember.

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All he did was kiss his granddaughter on the lips.

Nothing wrong with showing some love.

Attached: 124112412.jpg (433x325, 34.07K)

Attached: consume.jpg (960x960, 171.75K) it nigger?

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Wait what did Schumer sperg out over?

sleep comfy

It's time for her?

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I mock you. You may apologize in July.

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Florida is still best state.

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weren't you the one who told me the daily Mail was a shitty source? since they use chinese sources?

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Pleasant dreams.


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He threatened TWO SCOTUS judges over a losing issue

How come Bernie Bros get all the qt Latinas?

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Biden will win
and that's a good thing for Yas Forums......................

PT. 1
Reasons for win:

1. Basically Obiden might win Michigan, South Carolina, maybe Wisconsin, basically every nigger-liberal State that Hillary lost. Niggers will vote Obiden... leftist and mexicans will too. Bernie could never do this because niggers are redpilled on Jews.

2. Since Hillary isn't running and Trump focused all his energy the last three years on Israel, niggers, spics, and women the younger white male (18-45) voter turn-out will be much lower than 2016; how much is unknown but maybe 10-25%. Trump will keep his boomer Q base and military-welfare goy while picking up maybe 3% of subhuman votes. But younger white males aren't feeling the MAGA as much anymore. Trump ignored most of his big promises and became a Neocon over time. Q-fans will lie but we all know it's true. He was harder to white men than he was ANTIFA.

3. Trump betrayed his grassroots base (not the infowar/brietbart/kushner/Q shills) -- HIS REAL MEME-WIZARDS. Social media campaigning is dead. Trump only defended 'based niggers' when censored.

4. Foodstamps being taken will cause millions of men to commit crimes in April and swing-voters will remember why they don't vote for Neocons.

Attached: biden young at DuckDuckGo.png (415x506, 562.56K)

Then tell me how to make this pic perfect

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Haven’t heard of any cases in Africa.

and that's a good thing for Yas Forums......................

Reasons for win:

1. Basically Obiden might win Michigan, South Carolina, maybe Wisconsin, basically every nigger-liberal State that Hillary lost. Niggers will vote Obiden... leftist and mexicans will too. Bernie could never do this because niggers are redpilled on Jews.

2. Since Hillary isn't running and Trump focused all his energy the last three years on Israel, niggers, spics, and women the younger white male (18-45) voter turn-out will be much lower than 2016; how much is unknown but maybe 10-25%. Trump will keep his boomer Q base and military-welfare goy while picking up maybe 3% of subhuman votes. But younger white males aren't feeling the MAGA as much anymore. Trump ignored most of his big promises and became a Neocon over time. Q-fans will lie but we all know it's true. He was harder to white men than he was ANTIFA.

3. Trump betrayed his grassroots base (not the infowar/brietbart/kushner/Q shills) -- HIS REAL MEME-WIZARDS. Social media campaigning is dead. Trump only defended 'based niggers' when censored.

4. Foodstamps being taken will cause millions of men to commit crimes in April and swing-voters will remember why they don't vote for Neocons.

Why it's a good thing:

1. Trump/Kushner wants war with Iran and that will end the USA economically. White "Facsism!" will take the blame because of Trump. But redpilled anons know Zionism is partly Eurasian Communism. These war refugees will flood into Europe and America. And Trump did nothing to stop NATO promoting "refugee" invasions en though NATO is paid for by American workers!

2. He already spent twice as much money as Obama prepping for war and dumb shit. We can't afford Foodstamps for poor men because it costs $4-billion extra but Ivanka is spending $100-billion on getting 3rd world nations "women in the workplace". This is Princess' Shiksa's pet project.

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the collapse is going to happen long before july.

So he threatened two justices because they ruled against it? Hilarious

He threatened Gorsuch and Kavanaugh at a babykiller """pro choice""" event for no fucking reason and then cried when Roberts told him to stop.
>The Jew cries out as he strikes you.

>rlm is leftist! look at jack and rich!
>rlm is alt right! look at mike beating the shit out of browns and how they never have blacks on camera

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Justice Roberts has a pizzagate connection, right?

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3. It will make right-wing cuckservatives less complacent. The "winnning" isn't real and fake victories are not healthy, they're neutralizing.

4. Trump derangement will disappear and we can focus on attacking the false paradigm of Red vs. Blue politics. Yas Forums will no longer be a campaign boomer board and can go back to redpills and debate on deeper things to enlighten mankind, like NPCs philosophy and real history

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Kellyanne is very pretty!

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reminder corona bong said about a month ago thatt he world would end in a month, and we would be drowning in rivers of our blood
he also changed the incubation time for the virus from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, then up to a month
this dude is a legit, (and effective) troll

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Words that kill.

>Let the Democrats win, goy.

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>Worst show on Fox.
Hannity doesn't support red flag law and doesn't want to grab your guns like Judge Jeneen.
Hannity doesn't want to use your children for blood libel sacrifices like Mark Levin.

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Because they are beaners.
That was easy.

they don't have the kits or labs for testing.

i wonder if liberals could be manipulated to temporarily support abortion using pic related

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>capable of being qt

Senegal, a couple of visiting "french nationals" have brought it home.

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Oh wow
So much


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How much of a challenge will Biden be?

I think he might win. He's very appealing with suburban faggots who want everyone to be "decent" again.

>praising a troll
why dont you praise castro and chavez while you're at it

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the dead don`t need hospitals....

If you don't test you can't have infected

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Pic of this oppai?


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if by best you mean one of the worst sure

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Until he pisses himself in public and ask to be brought back to home.

Wow that's almost as much as she took in bribes last year!

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Not really. Fucking teenagers is only grey area wrong and certainly not full-pedo. I guess he flies Epsein Airlines like all our elected officials. This is all rumor and hearsay, of course. This is not a threat.

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reminder biden is an open borders cuck, so much for his Segregationist past

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she will hit the spic wall and be fat and dumpy by the time she's 20. She'll have a mustache by the time she's 25

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hell hath no fury like a barren woman scorned

I said show. Not pol platform. I am not looking to vote for him.

looks upside down to me

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"We need smart people" because you're dumber than Pakis white man and they need your STEM jobs!

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that;s what I am doing and it is comfy