Yesterday two white girls where found dead in south africa, presumable killed by suffocation

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There aren't any white people in South Africa or Germany.

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nice, enter shills calling them all sorts of things.
cast aside with the rubbish on the ground.
black Africans are such monsters.

More pics? I need to coom again.

So they choked on the BBC?

Ok Jew Turk.

Mutts law

desperate shut-in sperg cope that makes no sense

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yeah, we did it. so what pal?

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hey nigger, why do you spell white like wh*te? Are white people so powerful that you cannot even spell their race?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

kill all niggers, nuke africa.


Which means they were violently raped by kaffirs first

Those are two passed out slavs

Based even if you didn't get digits

Where's the source?

I don’t know why you would even post this. This site is full of sociopaths and megalomaniacs who don’t give a shit about anyone

Why not move out of Africa? Let them have their shitty land. Let the whites go back to Europe.

>Not brutally raped, mangled, and beheaded.
Somethings not adding up here senpai.

>not raped

>fake and suicide

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Why didn’t you do this b4 slavery??? O that’s right sticks vs guns

>Yesterday two white girls where found dead in south africa, presumable killed by suffocation
sounds like it's time for a carpet bombing.

Wait why is there moistures near the dead bodies

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It’s like when jews paint swastikas on their synagogues, they have to get it wrong because if they say it correctly Cenobite Hitler will come out of the puzzle box and pull them into the Reich dimension

pic of two slav girls drunk and sleeping on the ground
but start the race war anyway

Russian drunks. If this were South Africa, their pants wouldn't still be on.


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i luaghed
tahnk u bunny

Yep. That's going in the based department collection.

No sign of rape.
Fake and gay.

Nigger STFU they are passed out after drinks see the bottle?

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Mexican bro, why you so mad?

This is old as fuck and from instagram you fucking dumb bitch

Imagine stepping out from behind a wall and just slamming that nigger in the head with one of those light 6 lb sledgehammers when he thinks he's getting away. It would be the most comedic thing anyone ever did.

>The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Funny thing, they actually are saying that now. Especially Japan.

Hey maybe you’ll know the answer to this question
Did suffos lyrics become Christian in recent years? They seem to be writing a lot of Reformed theology anti dispensationalist lyrics

Dumb snow nigger. Turks are KARA BOGA. This is why wh*te people fear them.

God created them to protect the KARA BOGA in Africa from the wh*toid scum . Turks are the attack force of the BLACK race. This is why TÜRKS conquered Europe around the same time the BLACK KANGZ were attacked in Afrika. They destroyed the wh7te capital of CONSTANTINOPLE and replaced it with ISTANBULL, to honour our BLACK BULL (KARA BOGA) nature.

When the African KANGZDOMS were destroyed TÜRKIYE was the last KARA BOGA country on earth. The wh#te subhumans attempted to take it down in order to permanently end the KANGZ and nearly suceeded. Luckily the biggest KARA BOGA of them all, Mustafa JAMAL, fought of the wh1te beasts and created a BLACK utopia in TÜRKIYE. However the nefarious schemes of the wh'tes continued, attempting to bring the KARA BOGA TÜRKS into the E.U. where they would be overwhelmed by gayreek WH9TE immigrants.

Luckily from the furthest we can get from Europe in Turkey, the north east GEORGIAN BLACK territory, a new KARA BOGA rose for the first time since Mustafa JAMAL. RECEP TAYIPP ERDOGAN (REIS) destroyed all wh8te LAICITE devils and restored himself as the KANGZ of TÜRKIYE. Now the BLACK KARA BOGA TÜRKS must struggle against the wh6tes to end that accursed race once and for all.

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Stupid mutt.
This thread is fake and gay.

This. Image was posted months back, how are you all this new? Sage

fake news. you kikes have been posting this for months now

they must pay

Shithole people do shithole things in shithole countries.


lol africa for africans, deal with it

Drunk Russian girls


if a 100 niggers were executed every tiem a white was injured or killed by them things would straighten out


>More dead white people in South Africa

Who cares. These white people have given up and can't even bother to defend themselves.

There are no recently examples of any white person in South Africa doing anything on the offensive, they are all just waiting to be killed by blacks at this point.

I wonder (((who's))) forcing these fake news on Yas Forums these last couple of months.
Probably part of the plan to take it down eventually.

Typical drunk slavs

>muh trad slavs

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Post their tits.

just because you're ignorant of the fact that there's a whites only redoubt called Orania in South Africa that is very well armed doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Now kindly go kys immediately.

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>Tiny group of white people in South Africa are armed and are willing to do something.

You're just proving my point.

Ok. I will correct myself. About 100 whites will still be around in South Africa after the 4.5 million whites have been genocided.

did they suffer from BBC?


Greatest Death Metal Band EVER!! :D

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probably had the most intense orgasm of their lives

Pic is from Russia, they're passed out drunk. Stop spreading disinfo.

must be fake, their clothes are still on

the russians arent even trying anymore lmao

As a white girl married to a Nigerian man, let’s pray for them. We don’t know what happened but let’s hope it’s not a hate crime, and let’s not threaten to retaliate because that just makes things worse. Hatred drags us down to destruction.


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mutt's law