Socialism: Explain yo selves

A Few Questions for our Socialist Friends
>1. Where are all the medicinal breakthroughs from Socialist countries?
>2. Do Socialist countries have real elections?
>3. Who goes to a Socialist country for healthcare?
>4. Do you know in true Socialist countries there are the wealthy and the dirt-poor (no middle class)?
>5. Why do thousands of Cubans attempt to reach our shores on makeshift rafts when they already have 'free' healthcare, literacy programs, education and all the 'benefits' of Socialism?
>6. Do the poor in Socialist countries have cell phones/ air conditioning as Americas' poor do?
>7. Where are the technology advances from Socialist countries?
>8. Is anybody other than the wealthy in Socialist countries able to invest in world markets as our middle class is can?
>9. Why do Socialist dictators always travel out of their own countries for life-saving healthcare?
>10. How many 'average' folks in Socialist countries have at least a 3 bedroom home and two cars all of which have air conditioning?
>11. Where is all the riveting entertainment (movies, television, books) coming out from Socialist countries?
>12. Did you know that in Socialist countries websites such as google are blocked from their citizens to consume?
>13. Is Americas' middle class considered 'wealthy' in Socialist countries?
>14. Do you realize 'Democratic Socialism' actually is equivalent to Communism?
>15. Why is the greatest export from Socialist countries always their citizens?
>16. What incredible advances come out of Socialist countries?
>17. Do you realize when you cheer 'tax the rich' from a Socialist politician that you're probably one of the 'rich' they will tax?
>18. Do you think ‘real Socialism just hasn’t been tried yet’
>19. When you vote for a Socialist, do you say to yourself ‘cool, none of this applies to me’?

Socialism will destroy what American Capitalism has built

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nothing you say makes sense truly the words of a brainwashed slave

You know why the bernie bros aren't blowing up your thread with their hurr durr shilling shit?
Because they cant answer any of those questions because daddy Bernie never taught them how to respond to those questions.

I hope your toothpaste post is satire. If not you're a literal retard.
Just answer the fooking questions mate.

Bump so I can see the chimp out when this thread reaches front page.

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social spending is like 60% of your state budget you already are a socialist country you fucking retard

mutts I swear

not a single one of his question makes any sense

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Read my mans

The one who is brainwashed see all opponents as slaves, I merely think

Honestly surprised myself

You couldn't be more wrong Colgate.
Which question doesnt make sense?

American medical breakthroughs are all paid for by the US government the handed over to private corporations to profit off them.

So it is Socialism just not for you.

I m not gonna effort post for mutts its already been 8 posts, go fuck yourself with your stupidity and brainwashing, I m not your doctor but you need your head checked

Social spending /= socialism yungin

Fuckin france. Amirite? Fuckin Macaroon as a president. How embarrassing right? Could you imagine being fuckin France. 100s of years of being a major player in the game to the cucked shit hole nigger infested country they are now. Wew lad! Wew!

The frogs faces when they are being ruled by a macaroni

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>American medical breakthroughs are all paid for by the US government the handed over to private corporations to profit off them.
it amazes me how oblivious and brainwashed americans are

they get to vote between the color blue and the color red, their right wing party was created by communists, they dont even understand what a policy is, they have no idea how their state is run or how it makes its budget or what it does at the moment, they just repeat the buzzwords of their premeditated political debate

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Nice deflection you worthless tube of fluoride.
You cant even answer one fucking question because you're french nigger garbage with no answers.
>hurr durr questions dont make sense.
Can you fuckin read in any language?

Gotta love stumpin with simple questions

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Where do you think the money comes from?

It is redistribution, it is Socialism.

americans are not worth arguying with they are not people

Fucking leaf. Always a maple nigger with a brainless monkey maple nigger comment.

>literal retardation
>is leaf

Checks out

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Yet here you are you dumb nigger. Replying over and over without answering a single simple question. Like some how that makes you more intellectually superior. When in fact deflecting faggots like you carry no credence. Your arguments bare no weight.
>its so easy to deflect even a frenchy can do it.

Eh calm down there bud. Dont ya wish ya werent so ugly bud.
Fucking monkey maple nigger.
Figures you would come in here and try to defend your French cuck daddy. You little frenchy faggot frog maple nigger faggot. Day of the rake

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I'm not your bud pal.

The French faggots surrender again.

You leafs multiply quick in threads

Tf is this garbage

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Ah yes but you didnt deny you were a French cuck slave. Or are you part of the british part of canada? Must be hard to decide who to be a cuck slave to.
I know you're not my bud chief. Calm down and go grow some potatoes.

whatever you do dont go to that server. You asked too many good questions now they want to lure you into the honey pot. Beware the minecraft spammer doxxer. >246575333

Hitler was a Socialist.

Still waiting for some lefty fuck to come in here and prove me wrong
pro tip you can't

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France and canada BTFO!

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No shit! You dont say! GTFO.
Not everybody sucks Hitler's dick around here. He lost. Why the fuck would anybody worship that shit fuck gaylord.

Shit is lo effort lo tier, never even floated the thought to go

faggot answer the fucking questions op provided
or are you too busy sucking tyrone's cock

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What about the type of person who would call anyone engaged in honorable labor a "slave"?

>I believe those are called "goo-ish" people

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I’m not a socialist in any way or form, the best commie is a dead commie BUT doesn’t Cuba have a lot of medicinal breakthroughs?

. Where are all the medicinal breakthroughs from Socialist countries?

Soviet Union medical world firsts include:
1923 - cadaveric blood transfusion;
1933 - human kidney transplan;
1937 - artificial heart;
1946 - heterotopic heart transplant into the chest;
1946 - heart-lung transplant;
1947 - lung transplant;
1948 - liver transplant;
1951 - orthotopic heart transplant;
1952 - mammary-coronary anastomosis;
1954 - head transplant;

One of the end results of socialism

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Fuck nazis socialist faggots. You lost and you still lose. White men are moving on without you. You're of no value other than pissing off smooth brain lefties that dont realize they are advocating for the world you tried to create.

Fuck you Mason cuck. You have no power here.

Throw enough bodies at anything any you can make it happen, and authoritative govs love going through bodies

All surgery's performed on unwilling patients and in the most horrific conditions. Nothing of recent value.

>3. Who goes to a Socialist country for healthcare?

Chávez did. He ded though.

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Bro I'm too drunk for this thread. I would legit be apologizing to all of these faggots irl in the morning. Like sorry I called you a maple nigger canacuck. Kek. Fuck em. Faggots.

Kekimus maximus

So are you saying America is socialist?


Daym got captcha'd yo fuck and still no answers, I guess socialism truly is the most idiotic ideology

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Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management of enterprises. It includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems.

You stupid smelly French nigger, social spending by the government doesn't make the economic system socialist. You can't just make up the definition of words to suit your shallow points. And you still never addressed any of OP's questions.

well arent you the first nigger in this thread to define your terms

its almost possible to have a conversation with you now, good on you!

>Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy
right but op said countries so we re talking about systems and applied policies here not philosophies
>characterised by social ownership of the means of production
collectivized ownership of the means of production is communism not socialism

>and workers' self-management of enterprises.
I dont know a lot about leftist stuff but I dont think thats a requirement for socialism

> It includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems.
yeah but as that vague statement indicates you can deduce that the systems and movements are pretty fucking varied

anyways america spends over two thousand billion dollars every year giving money from the rich to the poor, with over 3 thousand billion every year in social spending, its higher than european countries by factors or ten and much greater proportionally

>social spending by the government doesn't make the economic system socialist.
yes it does, unless you have a specific definition of socialism where it means what you think it means, in which case maybe you subhuman mutts should have started by defining your fucking terms

> And you still never addressed any of OP's questions.
they make no fucking sense and came out of a completely ignorant mind, he confuses countries for ideologies for policies for laws, doesnt define any of his terms, and has 0 grasp of how economics work, what the fuck am I supposed to answer

he didnt even define what he meant by a socialist country lol
pretty much every country in the world redistributes large ammounts of cash, and at the end he says america isnt socialist while its one of the most heavily socialist country in the world

again see

soviet union


well I guess my post just killed the thread

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Think again nigger toothpaste surrender cuck faggot. Your post didnt do shit.

well no one answered it so far and the thread almost 404d because of it
>Just answer the fooking questions mate.

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Nice blog post you stupid flouride nigger. You still deflecting ops questions.
> hurr they make no sense durr
I get it. It's hard to read while your nigger bull is plowing you from behind while his homie pule drives your smelly French girls vagina so they can make ugly little mutt 50/50 babies for france. It's tough for you I'm sure.

We tend to ignore people who sperg out, especially when they don't know what they're talking about. Have a (you), literal nigger.

>You cant even answer one fucking question because you're mutt nigger garbage with no answers.
oh no no no

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Look at you, still here. Thought you werent going to effort post?
I mean you tried but it was very low energy and extremely low effort.
Macron's dick must have distracted you.

if we can spend so much for israel, we can help the people of the nation. foreigners being subject to rules for foreigners, of course. and no (((single))) parents allowed.

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I didnt want to answer because you were too stupid to even understand the subject

you dont want to answer because you re too stupid to answer

Personally calling me a mutt doesnt bother me. There are no pure races. Every race is mixed by another race. I'm not some nazi purist fag that sports out of racial identifiers. I couldnt care less.
You on the other hand are a dumb dental nigger cuck from the land of surrender.

I am 100% pure actually

you on the other hand are too dumb to answer my simple questions
prove us wrong oh wait you cant because you re a retard

Answer what? You fucking nigger. You never asked me any questions.
OP asked several questions and you chose to ignore them because your ignorant french surrender nigger monkey ass doesnt have any answers.

Ahh yes, le old moving the goalposts deflection.

Yes 100% pure French nigger mutt surrender monkey.

Talk. Humor us.
Answer a single question.

>You never asked me any questions.
but I didand you re too stupid to answer any of them lol! how are you so dumb?

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>literally incapable of answering my questions

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>1. Where are all the medicinal breakthroughs from Socialist countries?
The USSR pioneered bacteriologic technology
Also was working on full body transplants :^)

>2. Do Socialist countries have real elections?
In a sense. Not like the theater you have in capitalist countries which are designed to let you pick between two similar candidates and feel like you did something. Socialist states are ran by an assembly of the people, similar to what a parliament or congress or such is in form - representation from all around. The difference is usually the majority of people in this assembly are not career politicians, but rather workers who are sent to represent their district/factory/what ever.
These bodies tend to meet only a few times a year, and approve or inact any major sweeping changes. Otherwise they appoint people to act as the full time government untill the next meeting.
In this sense the 'executive' part of government is not directly elected, but chosen by the people through their representation.

>3. Who goes to a Socialist country for healthcare?
It doesnt work like that, socialist healthcare is for the workers under the socialist country. In some cases they may wave any fees. I doubt they will charge you for a bandaid. But as we see in the case of the american spy who was treated in the DPRK some time ago, they send their home country a bill.
>4. Do you know in true Socialist countries there are the wealthy and the dirt-poor (no middle class)?
A true socialist country has no class at all. The middle class are the brainwashed obstical of the ruling class to keep the underclasses suppressed. Currently the only socialist state is the DPRK. Cuba can make some claims but their constitution was changed to add private ownership of property some time ago.

You're a shill, and you're trying to derail the thread. That's why everyone left.
I have a question for you.
Why do you think America is a socialist nation?

You tagged somebody else for that post nigger. Not me. Now who's dumb. You dont even know how the system works. You think you're arguing with op but I'm not op. Idiot nigger monkey. How the fuck would I know you're asking me a question unless you tag me posts in your response.
Besides I've answered the only important question here about you. You're an ignorant french nigger surrender monkey cuck. Deflect deflect deflect whilst pretending your intelligence level is so far advanced that you couldnt possibly be bothered to answer the pleb questions asked by op.
Nope not you. You're just way more superior intellectually for us to comprehend your cosmic nigger monkey answers.