I'm hoarding giant stockpiles of ammunition.
Ammo will be an excellent barter item when Coronavirus tears down the power grid and disrupts the water supply.
You can also shoot nigger robbers and rapists when they chimp riot.
HOARD AMMO if you want to secure a future for our white children.
Post your ammo hoard / stash.
>The FBI would like to know your location
>Hording relavent ammunition
>Post a picture of .22
Kys you nogunz faggot
What’s to stop me from just shooting you and taking your ammo, and keeping my water and food?
I don't horde, but upon being asked I had to admit that I had between 4 and 6 thousands rounds of various calibers laying around. It's nice to just be able to grab a bunch of ammo and head for the range.
Hello, comrade. I have stockpiles of food and water, what about we team up after the Coronavirus tears apart society. We'll stop those zombie Chinese from infecting us by shooting them all dead.
Ammo will be available by the the truckload, for free, if you know where to look.
Weapons also.
>.50 cal can
>full of .22
>Coronavirus tears down the power grid and disrupts the water supply.
Pretty sure you don't understand what a virus does. Oh well, at least you can plink cans with all that .22lr.
imagine thinking a cold is going to be the happening lmao
say it with me 0.2% fatality in people 45 and younger and no existing conditions.
also take your meds
>>full of .22
It's about 20,000 rounds.
There are only so many can sizes.
5.56 was never given its own can for example, they just reused the .30 cal size.
Didn't find my pic of cans and you're a troll anyways so pic related.
Fuck you faggot. Stop hoarding .22 LR; it's the comfy weekend round.
22 is what you need for small game. If you don’t have 22 hoard you’re not gonna make it
Hoarding ammo is silly, just call the cops if there's trouble.
We oldfags know that Yas Forums provides IP info to law enforcement when requested.
CA fag here. Is the No ID No Ammo thing federal or just us? This place is so gay I don’t even bother checking anymore.
well retard
you don't have that faggots home address
so..that would stop you.
you're pretty dumb
go on...
>inb4 all the fags laughing at .22 like taking one to the dome wouldn’t do anything
its not illegal to have lots of ammo but im sure they do watch you for it. FBI are useless niggers anyway they cant stop any shootings or prevent any attacks look at all the school shooters who are reported multiple times and then do their shooting with aadvanced military hardware. infact the fbi will prob recruit you if you are on their watch lists
>I had to admit
to whom?
I have my cache in the woods. It won't be too long now and I get to surround my compound in punji pits and collect all of the meat I'll ever need. All the wojacks fleeing the cities don't stand a chance.
Most appropriate ammo to hoard as you can't reload it. Retarded niggers like you shouldn't be allowed to own guns.
What do u expect? 14 yr old octaroons cant buy guns.
Getting shot in the face with birdshot would be pretty terrible, but I wouldn't hoard birdshot for self defense.
>that much .50 cal
You have a M2 browning or some shit?
gr8 b8, m8
um faggot, .22 lr is probably the most useful ammo ever. you want to take one in the chest or face?
The English should be banned from naming things.
>tears down the power grid and disrupts the water supply
How do you expect a coofing virus to do these things?
.22 would fuck you up much more than birdshot
>"meet me here"
>never show
>drone to find the guys home base
thanks for the stuff guy
Lmao damn op I was going to make a thread on how to successfully CHIMP OUT during the apocalypse and how to successfully raid your homes or camps to take yourshit
Birdshot works well for self defense.
Americans should be banned from pronouncing things.
>Post your ammo hoard / stash
The FBI is a joke anymore. Their diversity hires and other neo-liberal policies have made it ineffective in fighting any sort of criminal elements.
Comrades, when the Coronavirus tears apart society we need to be ready for when the quarantined come to infect us all. My ammo stash is on my roof along with my sniper rifle, shelter, food stash, water bottles, rain collector and I have parkour skills so only I can get up there.
>he thinks .22 is a joke
Maybe get a ladder too user.
Take that back ya fucken kent
nah if i get a ladder then the corona-zombies can climb up, I want only me to get up there. people who are sick are too damaged in fitness to climb up so epicly.
Spare me your ebonics, please.
"As we test more folks for COVID-19 in the United States, the case loads will rise and perhaps exponentially. So in the short-term, risk assets obviously remain beholden to Covid-19 headlines," Tom Porcelli, chief U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets.
"We have to get past the threshold where COVID-19 shifts from panic to headline exhaustion and subsequent news on it becomes more and more of a fade," he added. "Then risk assets can move higher in earnest."
Oh I was thinking there would only be one communal ladder where you live, so if you had it the zombies can't use it.
With US attention spans that shouldn't take more than a week.
>A sickness will infect the powergrid
so this is peak schitzo, neat.
nice larp glowy
>Ammo will be an excellent barter item
Is this Metro 2033?
>when Coronavirus tears down the power grid and disrupts the water supply
why you people such fucking retards? power plants and water treatment plants are mostly automated.
I don’t doubt at all.
Is there any way to verify this?
Any proof?
Nah mate, the zombies are gonna use it even if I own the ladder. property rights don't exist in the apocalypse. In the apocalypse everything is dog eat dog except for your allies.
No cops out and about cos of Corona but just as many niggers. I'll give your grid 48 hours before the nogs tear it down to sell for scrap so they can buy more Lean.
As a commie, your chinese allies would have already eaten all the dogs.
Lol awhile back I was trying a buddies 410 handgun. Had a 2 inch barrel.
Stood about 4ft in front of a target which was staples to plywood.
Took a shoot, this resulted in the pellets coming back at me. Felt bretty bad. Luckily I had sunglasses on or it would have been bad. Looked like I had chicken pocks on my arms and neck for awhile.
Retarded move, yep.
Birdshot will fuck you up within 20 yards.
Birdshot is a merciful method of self defense. Like I’m not trying to kill you but you done fucked up. Also you don’t have to aim it really, but the range falls off fast like how video games treat 00 shot. Now THAT (00) will kill a home intruder and your next door neighbor in their bed in one shot
I'm a crow kinda person, I like birds. they are more helpful as a companion and they don't steal your zombie kills, they just deliver supply's.
>implying he would give up his location to you
Have sex.
> Survives Corona with his crow friend
> Died of H5N1 because he didn't use a condom
I respect you’re need for KDR, but crows are shit at that. Train eagles from hatchling and you’re set. Get enough and they’ll all work together and pick you up to fly you wherever you want, Pokémon style.
What’s the run down on these?
Bought them the other day just cause.
we will fucking turn off the internet to your entire country
hahaha nice try ATF. this thread glows.
tee hee
I'm just now getting into owning firearms. I bought a Beretta M9 .22LR to train with and get my LTC/CHL. Have my eyes on a HK P30L in 9mm and a USP in .45. I hope to own both of those by the end of the year while training my marksmanship with the Beretta I should be able to pick up tomorrow from the place I had it sent.
As far as rifles/shotguns, I am going to build my AR this year and maybe get a shotgun this year too. I haven't looked into either much yet, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can about firearms in general.
I have gone bow hunting since I was about 17 and never really "needed" a firearm. I've gone quail hunting and shit with family friends and many of my friends own firearms, so I'm no stranger to them. Just never owned them. That changes this year.
good i would hope the FBI has a sufficient stockpile to maintain law and order. you know at some point you are going to internalize your sarcastic racism and actually become racist, you should be careful. you are a professional representative of the government, it is unbecoming of you to use such language.