Looking for pics of tweets/quotes calling for White Genocide

Thinking of making an archive for shit like this to redpill people

Attached: Cox, Taylor.png (914x384, 216.21K)

Attached: trumps twitter.png (698x317, 47.58K)

Attached: antiwhite.jpg (2952x1375, 1.4M)

Attached: Your DNA is an abomination.jpg (2338x1700, 1.45M)

Attached: Virgil Texas.png (621x297, 33.14K)

Attached: David Klion.png (1410x681, 725.09K)

Attached: Jordan Valinsky.png (1008x557, 149.11K)

Attached: Gary Legum.png (621x752, 78.27K)

imagine her thinking that non whites would accept someone who is willing to stab her own people in the back

Attached: Greg Proops.png (617x976, 117.03K)

Attached: Joe Gabriel Simonson.png (625x753, 85K)

Attached: Karen Geier.png (640x1098, 109.4K)

Attached: Lena Dunham.png (608x1305, 485.79K)

Attached: Mark LeVine.png (1252x721, 667.19K)

Attached: Philip N Choen.png (600x780, 460.91K)

>agree with them
>say "asian girls are helping me contribute"
>fat ugly old roasties start seething saying I have yellow fever
>say asian women are the only women I genuinely respect
They always freak out in a rage.

Attached: 1540763144775.jpg (1118x629, 120.61K)

> European stock," Biden said "will be an absolute minority in the United States of America." That's "not a bad thing, that's a good thing,"

Attached: resthome joe.jpg (690x511, 69K)

Attached: 4c3b8b95a2dbf620f22402072baf822d168a4e4bdcd061218eb3d3de3ce5feb5.png (604x921, 181.79K)

Attached: ba0dcd3d6d7f3536d113bdd819000f221eb1b8e53283023695f917fa3686518b.jpg (850x400, 86.67K)


Attached: Joe Biden on Europeans becoming a minority - That's a source of our strength..png (637x641, 232.01K)

Attached: CNN's Anderson Cooper It's 'Exciting' That 'Whites Will Not Be The Majority' in America.png (1061x1561, 439.12K)

Attached: e0a4fc094865635feafdc9d005582a2aeb1fa3b6bab6b25b9265b3a114de4291.jpg (1529x1257, 463.27K)

Attached: Hey White Christians, Your Time Is Almost Up!!!.png (647x943, 353.79K)

Attached: The Straight, White, Middle-Class Man Needs to Be Dethroned.png (1078x929, 454.95K)

Attached: Critics Attack Hallmark’s Christmas Movies ‘They Brim with White Heterosexuals’.png (599x2272, 508.35K)

Attached: Diversify or Die The National Hockey League Has a Demography Problem.png (633x858, 452.11K)

Attached: Ford v Ferrari depicts a ‘car guy’ generation best left dead and gone.png (851x705, 65.65K)

Also saved

Attached: Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda.png (893x1220, 995.9K)

Attached: Iowa too white.png (598x508, 311.11K)

Attached: London cyclists too white, male and middle class, says capital's cycling chief in vow to tackle diversity 'problem'.png (1041x322, 38.66K)

Attached: New Hampshire is 94% white. It is now trying to figure out how to change that..png (629x701, 389.19K)

Attached: NY Times Refugees Needed to Fill ‘Void of Cultural Diversity’ in White Towns.png (681x2126, 1.02M)

Attached: Stop Blaming History for Your All-White, All-Male Movie.png (650x495, 50.71K)

Attached: 1551899188159.jpg (5000x5000, 3.79M)

Attached: 1551899139874.jpg (1200x842, 218.39K)

Attached: The climate movement is overwhelmingly white. So I walked away.png (598x691, 254.38K)

I would love to print that out and have her sign it while her entrails are being wrapped around ship wheel as I do ship donuts.

Attached: The EU is too white – and Brexit likely to make it worse, MEPs and staff say.jpg (984x1200, 357.33K)

Attached: 1551899113427.jpg (2048x2048, 775.64K)

>.....in hollywood means no jew at all

Attached: MacReady_plays_chess_-_The_Thing_(1982).png (1920x800, 1.1M)

Attached: U.S. firefighters are overwhelmingly white and male. Here’s why that needs to change.png (627x681, 318.3K)

Attached: 1551899076687.jpg (3195x4486, 2.47M)

Attached: Van Jones Iowa Caucus Delay a ‘Debacle’ — 90% White Caucus Not Viable.png (665x898, 391K)

Attached: Why are so many white men trying to save the planet without the rest of us.png (665x419, 86.01K)

This one. Rage fuel.

Attached: 1579312782795.png (756x1278, 1.5M)

Here are the most up to date versions. You may want to replace what you already have.

Attached: 1.png (5000x5000, 3.98M)

No pun intended, here's a white pill for you:
There are more white people now than there have ever been throughout history.

Attached: replace them bias white genocide.jpg (1200x952, 212.51K)

Our people were too compassionate.We allowed The joes to use the minority against us, wile we gave them everything .....for free. We ended WWWII to preserve the joes control over the world . And now they all stab us in the back. Diversity is proven to be our greatest weakness.

Attached: Blue history.jpg (1173x624, 225.22K)

Attached: 2.png (5000x5000, 3.72M)

Attached: 3.png (4470x5327, 3.9M)

Tell us more about your space program.

Attached: 1583119741058.jpg (1200x831, 775.85K)

Attached: 4.png (3229x4785, 2.93M)

Attached: SICK.png (966x1248, 1.75M)

Attached: 1564988750354.jpg (925x649, 164.87K)

Funny, I feel the same way about climate change.

Attached: BBC sacked me for being a white man... even though I work in radio The Now Show comic was told he was being axed to make way for more women and diversity.jpg (513x786, 175.74K)

Attached: 6580f4a5e83fd245f673cbb04a6268056c524671528fb5b36412c6bbdd38d96f.png (1200x648, 1.08M)

I have memeflag fags blocked. post what they did, if it's worthwhile

Attached: 1476569835945.jpg (671x739, 233.25K)

Holy shit sure are a lot of threats..another.reason I never joined twatter

Attached: fertiliy.png (727x539, 503.26K)

What an idiot.

Attached: royal_family.jpg (600x777, 116.4K)

Tell him to check the 4plebs archive.

Attached: 1527706323363.jpg (1024x1016, 127.26K)

Attached: BBC drama boss defends 'woke' adaptations of classic novels.png (586x687, 409.84K)

Attached: Doctor_Who_propaganda.png (1280x866, 1.23M)

That is activists eating their own ...lol

Attached: Screenshot_2019-10-25 (1) Alexander the Great, King of Macedon - ROBERT SEPEHR - YouTube.jpg (1175x621, 222.46K)

Attached: FE32E217-E037-49D8-9F43-6B46097249DF.png (768x942, 1019.41K)

Attached: One in seven BBC presenters and actors to be black, Asian or ethnic minority under new Lord Hall pledge.png (650x2587, 714.91K)

lol based


Attached: 7555B127-061F-4F8B-8265-09649E630FC9.jpg (994x916, 444.95K)

Attached: Biden Attacks America’s ‘White Man’s Culture’.png (1250x1000, 288.9K)

Attached: America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It.png (773x882, 368.91K)

Attached: American Prosperity Depends on a Nonwhite Future.png (704x989, 372.57K)

Attached: Historian Museums need to ‘reconsider’ European art exhibits because … white supremacy.png (1236x2009, 254.08K)

wtf i love racist jews now !

Attached: Yale Art History Department to Stop Teaching Famous Intro Course Because White Men Painted Too Many Great Pictures.png (765x2981, 705.21K)

Attached: NOFX.png (1389x1726, 481.26K)

Attached: National Galleries Commission Anti-White Video With Public Money.png (687x4957, 3.71M)

Attached: 1583274597567.jpg (778x777, 98.58K)

fake. f*** off i know you're desperate for attention, but come on

Why is he telling the truth? Publicly? Is that how stupid and ineffectual they think the white man is? I’m telling you this, mass shootings are gonna be so 2000 and late, targeted assasinations of Twitter shit heads is gonna be the new thing. Mark my words.

Attached: Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White Supremacy.png (893x508, 36.53K)

Attached: Prof I Chose Not To Have Children, Because They’d Be White.png (837x1382, 591.08K)

Attached: no red hair.png (588x637, 217.79K)