/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1586

Screener at LAX airport tests positive

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

First case in EU offices in Brussels

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Dogs can carry the virus

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Testicular damage

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China burning bodies without testing or registration

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

► Detected: 95,234 ► Died: 3,285

23:44: 3 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States. Two are close contacts of a previous case, one is still under investigation.
23:43: 1 new presumptive confirmed case in Fort Bend County, Texas, United States. Patient recently traveled abroad.
22:28: First case in Slovenia. Patient traveled from Morocco via Italy.
21:01: 3 new cases in Ecuador.
21:00: 1 new case in Chile. Patient visited several countries in Europe, including Italy.
22:10: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
20:54: 4 new cases in Ireland.
20:53: 10 new cases in Iceland.
20:52: 9 new cases in Algeria.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Coronavirus panic is retarded.

It has a 3% death rate, not accounting for the fact that the most infected countries are third world shitholes like China and Iran, and that most people with mild cases probably don't even realize they have it, aren't going to the hospitals, so they fly under the radar.

For comparison, ordinary flu has a 0.9% to 0.1% death rate.
400,000 - 600,000 people DIE from ordinary flu worldwide every year. Mostly elderly people and those with other medical conditions (just like the Corona victims, gasp!)

Once Corona spreads worldwide and 2/3rds of the population had it, (and it inevitably will happen), the death rate will be reassessed and will most likely go down to 1% or less.

This is what happened with Swine Flu, which ended up being LESS dangerous than common flu. Once the people with mild cases not going to hospitals was assessed the death rate went down from 10% to 0.09%.

Nobody will remember corona in a year.
Financial bears will have made huge profits betting against the market. Fearmongering media will have another clickbait cow to milk. The uninformed journalists will never apologize nor recant. The conspiracytards will have something new to rant about rather than look back because of the Dunning-Kruger effect, they lack self-awareness.

Screencap this post.

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oh fuck

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It's just the flu
not a big deal

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Friendly reminder, some big goofy retard like me is going to take your stash and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Now that California is creeping with infected, should I drive down to la to pick up some weed or nah? I can’t get it where I’m at and I need something to take the edge off

► China 80,282 (2,981) ► International 14,098 (241): S. Korea 5,621 (35) Iran 2,922 (92) Italy 2,502 (79) D. Princess 706 (6) Japan 319 (6) France 285 (4) Spain 202 (1) USA 158 (11) Hong Kong 103 (2) Australia 50 (2) Thailand 43 (1) Taiwan 42 (1) Iraq 35 (1) S. Marino 16 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 282 Singapore 110 Switzerland 104 UK 87 Kuwait 56 Bahrain 52 Malaysia 50 Norway 48 Netherlands 38 Sweden 52 Canada 33 India 28 Austria 27 UAE 27 Belgium 23 Iceland 26 Vietnam 16 Israel 15 Lebanon 13 Oman 12 Macao 10 Denmark 10 Croatia 9 Greece 9 Algeria 17 Ireland 10 Czechia 9 Qatar 8 Ecuador 10 Finland 7 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 Portugal 5 Senegal 4 Azerbaijan 3 Georgia 3 Russia 3 Brazil 4 Egypt 2 Estonia 2 Indonesia 2 New Zealand 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Morocco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 Saudi Arabia 2 Sri Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 2 Chile 2 Faeroes 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 Slovenia 1

China +131 (+38) S. Korea +435 (+3) Iran +586 (+15) France +285 Australia +11 (+1) Japan +26 Germany +20 Spain +37 USA +14 Hong Kong +2 Switzerland +11 UK +36 Bahrain +3 Sweden +17 Malaysia +14 Norway +15 Netherlands +15 Canada +3 India +21 Austria +3 Algeria +9 Belgium +8 Iceland +10 S. Marino +6 Ireland +4 Israel +3 Ecuador +3Senegal +2 Brazil +2 Hungary +2 Iraq +3 Czechia +1 Belarus +2 Romania +2 Portugal +1 Faeroes +1 Poland +1 Argentina +1 Saudi Arabia +1 Slovenia +1 Chile +1 Slovenia +1

Invite me to the Corona discord

>doesn't have a hazard suit
gl dying


>17 children visited the infected aged care center before this happened at the end of February
>They may have been the source and are probably infected

>77 doctors potentially infected
>Minister Hazzard said a 30-year-old doctor attended a radiology seminar on February 18, before she was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Wednesday.
>The 53-year-old male doctor currently in ICU at Westmead Hospital with coronavirus was also at that seminar, he said.
>"Around about 77 people attended, obviously medical practitioners and professionals," he said.

baka -> s m h^^

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Isn't this shit over yet???

Thanks China for fucking up the 24 hour news cycle with this never ending merrygoround of boring flu shit

>not wearing a kevlar jockstrap
good luck with that kiddo

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You better come with more than that faggot.

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You will simply fall into a man hole, rip phone poster.

I'm coughing pretty hard right now, what other symptoms did people have? I know not everyone had a fever

Doctors should infect themselves, go into quarantine until better, come out immune and help the sick. Better than getting sick on the job without proper rest and dying

Is Chen still dead?

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I hope you get infected and die.

With a bolt action rifle your not

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why would you need a hazmat suit if it can only enter through mouth/nose/eyes?

Here, now fuck off.

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Any reliable info on China going back to work? Bullshit? It is happening?

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This is considerably more contagious than SARS. Don't let the nothingburger fags tell you otherwise. This isn't about the US election although some retard leftists have tried to spin it that way.

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fags, let me into the corona discord.

LA fag here. Everyone's going about their daily lies because they're morons and totally unaware of what's happening. Probably best to avoid - it's a ticking time bomb because once they realize what's going on, they'll go ape. But I'm ready with plenty of ammo






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Any fellow swedbros starting to get worried? När bunkrar vi in oss?

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Wrote this for a thread that died

SARS 2002-2004
Avian Bird Flu 2008
>On July 25, 2008, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released an Avian Influenza Disease Emergency Situation Update, reporting that H5N1 pathogenicity was continuing to gradually rise in endemic areas
Swine Flu 2009-late 2010
MERS 2012
>Health officials first reported the disease in Saudi Arabia in September 2012.
Ebola 2014
>The 2014 Ebola Outbreak Shows Why Open, Honest Communication Is Vital For Containing COVID-19 Coronavirus
Zika 2016
>During the first 6 months of 2016, large outbreaks of Zika virus disease caused by local mosquito-borne transmission occurred in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories
Ebola 2018

Corona contagion factor 2-2.5
>The dynamics likely
approximated mass action and radiated from Wuhan to other parts of Hubei province and
China, which explains a relatively high R0 of 2-2.5. (top of page 10)

99.7% cure rate
>Less than 0.5% of patients aged under 50 have died

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Corona is a SARS strain

Don't let him

LA takes a lot to disrupt, they'd probably have to have half the people die in a store before they cared

How bad does it need to get for property prices to drop 50%?

how do you de-contaminate your clothes?

remember to rightfully blame your politicians
you won't get a chance like this again to affect change

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So he lied to us last week?

Heres your (you)

This would explain why we've seen zero fucking interviews with recovered patients.

The point is THIS is SARS-CoV-2

Screencapped so we can all mock you next month when you're shitting your pants.

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I hope you like the taste of lead you dopey unprepared faggot.

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There's some really sketchy shit about losing the ability to breathe because your body's nervous system, particularly the brain stem, gets infected and you have to breathe manually and never fall asleep because your subconscious mind has lost the ability to.

I lost the source but a woman claimed when she was being treated the nurses had to kept coming back to make sure she wasn't falling asleep.

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New travel ban in place in AUS. Non citizens or resident aliens from South Korea cannot travel to Australia

This scenario is so much worse than worst case

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"No one will remember" this just proves your IQ is like 60 or 65. Literally dull.

Fake misinformed leftist bullcrap. Yeah, China is quarantining millions on behalf of our presidential candidates...ok

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you overvalue the CFR and undervalue the R0. Faggot.

Anyone else feel like this is winding down? Coronavirus is just starting to feel like a nothingburger to me. Maybe I've just been following it too long and am getting burned out.

Has a *single* white person under 60 died?
Why hasn't it spread all over China and SE Asia?
Shouldn't India be fucked by now?

Maybe 'nothingburger' is too harsh, I'm just starting to think I might have gotten too caught up in the hype.

Why do people not seem worried that this shit can just decided to make your brain be done breathing?


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The source is in the study being linked. These are worrying developments. I really wish nothing but the worst for China, they’ve potentially fucked us all big time.

Did you mom take that picture lmao

0.9-0.1%? More like 0.005% - 0.1%

Maybe the chinks just killed him and blamed it on the virus after. I think they're just killing degenerates or dissidents and blaming it on the flu

Screencapped for when you get infected and start praying for death ;)

Never anything but cope from the happeningfag.

explain to me how this will be worse than Swine Flu, which also caused pneumonia and was transmitted the same way.

The only reason corona-chan is spooky is because there are a lot more people connected on the internet since 2009, including boomers which has driven hysteria. Also because the virus originated in China and Sinophobia calls that it must be a man-made/cover up etc conspiracy.

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what's fake, misinformed or leftist, I sourced every claim there

China is run by the jews like every other country

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PTG shills will get corona-chan kiss first

>nCoV-19, generally known as Coronavirus
The Sun enters each heavenly Sign or House of the Zodiac in what is called the 30th degree and leaves at the 33rd degree.
God's S(o)n goes to his death wearing a “corona” which in Latin [means] “crown of thorns”.
The crown is one of the three important ritualistic objects seen in Mithraism, it represents the sun, and power of the supernatural kind.
>A sign similar to a cross, signifying the sun, was made onthe forehead of the initiate, who was thus marked as being owned by the deity. A crown was placed before him, hanging from the point of a sword. This he took and placed it aside with the words: “Mithra alone is my crown.”
this takes place, in every, every mystery that there have ever been. Remember when Christ went into the desert for forty days and forty nights and was tempted by Satan? Satan offered Him the crowns of any, or all, of the nations of the earth, if He would just
follow him. And Christ rejected it. The same thing happens in the Mystery School: the initiate is always offered a crown, sometimes by the king or emperor himself. And if he accepts the crown, he is considered unworthy, and being as it would be
interpreted as a threat to the real wearer of the crown probably would have been executed.

>sequencing of the nCoV-19 genome has revealed that it ends in aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaa
>that's 33 "a"
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has 33 degrees, the highest attainable degree is the 32nd, and the final degree, the 33rd, can only be achieved by meritorious work to bring about the completion of the Great Work.
What is the Great Work? It is the destruction of the christian church, the state and enslavement of the mob, which is all of us.
These people are obsessed by the idea of population control because they know that the great majority won't accept their new religion, the religion of New World Order. Their plan is to deplete the world population by at least one third.

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Patient Zero escaped the Biolab in Wuhan and is currently creating havok

Only nuclear weapons and quintuplets can stop him

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well, they're trying to.
>not going too well for em








inb4 I ain't clickin all that shit nibba




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Look, to put it simply, the local population has to be killed off by ~50%.
Even if there's judeo-jews everywhere, the basic rules of economics regarding supply and demand still apply.
If corona kills off enough people for a lot of homes to become empty, you will be able to buy them for pennies, at least compared to current prices.
But it'd be just faster to gas the kikes to reach the scenario you were asking about.


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Oh no, a tactical school janitor.

It's outperforming every other pandemic in a hundred years.
It will collapse globalism.

>bolt gun
>no plates
are you even trying pussy?

>For comparison, ordinary flu has a 0.9% to 0.1% death rate.
>400,000 - 600,000 people DIE from ordinary flu worldwide every year
>Coronavirus has a 3% death rate
Well, do the math then, retard.

My dad. Then he said something about it being a beautiful day outside and maybe I should go get some fresh air to clear my head. But what does he know.

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yes it is real, it's one of the few things that's easily confirmed due to SARS having similar properties

this is massive, i read that he coughs pure viral particles. every fart has the potential to infect thousands, very dangerous

Imagine shilling on this board after true /cvg/ers have been prepped for 5+ weeks. Masks, food and water, supplments, decom gear, bug in gear, bug out gear.

The country origin of the shills has shifted to the US though, I notice. Europe shills BTFO'd already. I'm predicting US shills drop in say.... two weeks? =)

Swine flu had a CFR of 0.1% - in line with common flu. This is 20-30x more deadly

I can’t believe this guy lives on my road what faggot

Like, quintuplet babes, or more like the Crippled Avengers?

Let's see YOUR guns

No I know it's real but why is this not being talked about. it's fucking huge.

because if the plebs found out they really might riot. We are in manage the decline state. The powers that be accept the deaths and are just trying to keep the lights on and their asses safe.
So expect nothing but dissimulation from them

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He was now breathing manually.

Makes me think stocking up on weed would be a smart choice since they’re up in the clouds

you know you guys are only hurting trump by trying to hype this up right? Which makes me wonder if the OP's are dem operatives.

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But that's just the initial outbreak. The initial outbreak of Covid-19 was about as bad as the outbreaks throughout the Swine Flu era.

There was a spike of cases in the first few weeks because of this, but just like serious flu seasons, people are going to start being more careful and the numbers will slowly but surely stagnate until a vaccine is discovered in a year or so.

This is my guess. It will still reach 500k deaths or so but it won't affect us in smaller parts of the world.


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holy shit

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There's a Corona discord? Let me in so I can infect all of you faggots.

I'll kick you in the nuts
It does look empty to me, I am nearby but couldn't tell you what normal capacity was.
Kind of eerie

Please Fucking help! Why aren't they closing down the infected counties in California! Nobody should be allowed in or out! Fucking isolate them!

lol bullshit

>try to tell my mom about corona chan
>haha but you can't believe everything you see on internet you know
>meanwhile she believes the news when they say it's just a flu bro

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We're screwed

the R0 you stupid faggot. JESUS christ how many times does it have to be said. Are you really that fucking stupid or are you just taking the piss out of everyone?

>Is that your wife's son? He looks weak.

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Make sure to like and subscribe

>until a vaccine is discovered in a year or so.
not going to happen user ADE will ensure that but hey if you want to believe the propaganda fine by me

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