I have received details that the next happening will be in India. The world is ignoring their plight so we will make sure to bring attention to it, very publicly and loudly. We will avenge our Muslim brothers and sisters who are being hunted by the kafir cow worshippers. You need to be humbled like the west and only then will you show fear.
Watch what happens very soon and you can post the screencap in the happening thread when it occurs.
Screencap this
Talk shit get stoned to death mudslime
Using burner phone which I will throw away soon as thread is archived. You heard it here first. This month will be the month India gets a lesson in learning manners and respect for the ummah
>Burner phone
Yeah, right.
You wont do nothing you sniveling pig bitch
OP called out for being a faggot, once again. Imagine my surprise.
Not west this time, this time it is India who will feel the ground shake. Not once but many times. They desecrate flag on masjid for ummah in India, so we will desecrate entire temples with them inside inshallah
I don’t fall for Jew tricks try again kafir
problem is poos are low IQ scum just like you and you're probably going to incite a mass rape fest of Indian Muslim women if you do something more
t. Anglo Indian
Yeah, now show us your flag.
>This is my flag
No, it's a memeflag.
Is this a technique to take Yas Forums down as you did with 8 chan?
Turkey's pretty gay. I hope your are right.
A wild cow worshipper appears. Kuffr you will soon learn what it means to have fearless enemies. You want to attack our ummah and think no consequence? We will make you pay in rivers of blood. Takbir, allahuakbar
Show flag, newfag.
Op is a larping faggot.
>VPN doesnt work
>memeflag on
Yup its larp time
Sikhs will always push your shit in you inbred dromedary
you make it too easy
We thank turkey. They are providing us with all our new weaponry. Nice clean American rifles and equipment, I wonder how American weapons in such big quantity arrives to us if Americans is saying publicly they are fighting against us. Big mystery isn’t it...
Have sex
You think I lying? I show you my new smith wesson from USA, how I get American made weapon in Middle East?? 5 min let me delete all metadata
Take a picture with writing showing time and date and the Board you are posting too,
>Deleting metadata
HAHAHAHAHA. That's now gonna work kiddo.
No pen or paper and no effort here’s another pic different angle. American weapon, no? Made in USA and in Middle East? How this possible unless your Jew government already wants this to happen
As an american, I would love to thank you for your service. Now, go liberate us from the ZOGs.
get ready anons, the tipping point and the reason for the end of the world could very well come from really small news. the world doesn't necessarily to dismantle tomorrow, it may mean the start of the process
You understand our cause, a true American. We just want jews out of our land and not to control our money. Same mission as real Americans not Zionist jews who are fake American. We want to be left alone but your Jew government and Israel keep causing trouble
Okay, then get pen and paper. No one believes you.
sounds very based
So you know you work for the jew, yet you still do it?
We get regular shipments every Tuesday of new American weapons. Last week another unit on border got crates full of m16, how these brand new weapon even getting out of America unless government get paid to look away or your own government giving us this because we give them the oil from seized fields through turkey. Mutual beneficial, we need equipment you need oil
'ere we go lads
Show us a picture of your asshole, faggot.
Timeline? Near, far?
Did you know Germany also our main suppliers after America and turkey? Nearly all our lmg and heavy equipment all German and Russian made. My favourite from Germany is the g36 they delivered sometimes, very good accuracy
Based Ollie North
M16s are old as fuck nigger. It's all surplus junk.
you won’t do shit, nigger
the hellas on the other hand...
You fucking idiot, nobody cares about shitskin muslims. Why did you even post this here?
This is now a Corona Virus Thread.
Goodbye Islam. Your destiny is the same as Christiany's. Numbers dwindling as you try to force yourself on every continent like the cathocucks did. As your people experience freedom in the west they will realize they prefer that over the chains of your religion. they will stick around to fill your mosques and fatten the purses of your imams but their hearts won't be in it anymore. And good riddance to another old world religion
When u get multiple truck fulls of non used ar’s then give us a call. Until then sit on computer and act like u have ever been in battlefield you american slob
Look at ur flag, you have more chinamen and Muslims than most west combined, enough to start ur own caliphate and wuhan wet markets
You will continue to be torn apart.
There will be no muslims in 100 years.
>next happening will be in India
The next happening will be in Iran, the reason Trump is giving a shoah to the OMB right now is to expose how Obama's administration funneled cash to corrupt countries using the cover of "climate change".
Mr trump has been giving us weapons ever since he got in office what are you talking about? Doesn’t matter who you fucking idiots think is president everything remain same business as usual. You pigs are too busy being brainwashed by tv show and drugs and alcohol to even care know or care
Don't put me in the screencap , i repeat : DO NOT put me in the screencap in case op is not a fag
Hey hadji before we kill your brothers we make them suck our dicks and swallow our fat loads ;) enjoy death sand nigger.
Sure kiddo. There's a significant difference between transparent foreign policy and Obama's proxy wars in the shadows.
Also you people are just backwards jews no different at all only European people are pure sorry to upset you little shit skins
Put me in the screencap fellas
>We thank turkey. They are providing us with all our new weaponry. Nice clean American rifles and equipment,
Do it, faggots
will muslims bring the poo to the loo?
get fucked mudslime
you can dish it; you can take it
>disclosing plans
You're a retarded terrorist aren't you?
Nooo please don't hurt the poo's, they offer so much to the world.
Good luck Mossad....I mean 'ISIS'.