What celebrities post on Yas Forums?

Besides the obvious ones like Taylor Swift, Danny Devito, William Shatner, Sebastian Sommer, Safdie Bros, and etc

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Which ones post on Yas Forums is the real question!

>Mel Gibson
>Eric Trump
>Tucker Carlson
I'm sure there's more but hunches can only go so far.

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pretty sure it was proven a while back pewdiepie comes to Yas Forums

I am Canada's prime minister ask me anything

Danny devito is the only one I know for certain.

If we're counting ecelebs the number rises significantly, feel free to post more likely Yas Forums fags that regurgitate memes for likes I don't pay much attention to them.
Surely pic related would if he was still alive.

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I’ve always suspected that Sebastián Sommer is Illuminati

Why would he or any celebrity post here?

This is the only place that cares that kikes raped them

Did Vikings really discover Newfoundland?

I'm positive 100% of the DTG threads are posted by Trump himself.

Jim Carrey

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how many trannies can you fit in your mouth at one time?

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fake and gay, no one with anywhere near the net worth of the trumps would be caught dead with a discover card.

Are those normal looking Canadian women?

No silly, my fellow Muslim brothers discovered Canada, they are the rightful owners . This why I paid Khadr millions of canadian tax payers money

Why not? In 1995 Discover was being pushed hard and why wouldn't he have one at six years old?

So far I can fit 10 in my mouth 5 in my rectum cavity , I have been dilating my other open offices but my coach says I need a few more months of dilation to fit more then 1 tranny dick

Is that supposed to be Eric Trump's credit card? Because Eric Trump was 11 years old in 1995.

I'd like to believe Pat Buchanan is posting some of the funniest and most incendiary memes on pol

That fucking photo.. The degeneracy levels that represents are astounding.

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This nigger is posting ITT

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I’d say that I’m quite well known.

Proof or it didn't happen...nigger

How do you even know this?

The fuck if I know

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You can get your kids a authorized user credit card at age zero user. By the time they’re 18 they have an 800+

Shatner used to shit post frequently. you could always pick him out as the leaf that would constantly post the Kirk in Nazi uniform picture

I almost certain black Hollywood user was Michael Winslow.

So comfy.

No it's confirmed one of the Trumps posted here, he posted a pre digital camera age unpublished family photo, how can you forget that?

I met Sebastian once at a party in SoHo, nice guy but a bit weird in that “artist” kind of way

same akhi

Sarah Silverman trying to scare anons looking into pedogate

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James Wood's is alright


It's the only place in the world they can be anonymous and interact with people, for better or worse.

In a lot of videos he browser 4chins

actually that whole thing was wild. remember that entertainment lawyer who posted his fucking tax return after getting baited into thinking anons were owners and Hiro? but then after that and the silverman thing the threads would get insta nuked and anons were getting month plus bans for even mentioning it. that was the final comping of the site

He's a based patriot

Ethan Klein


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this. and you'd be surprised how many of them value just getting called a faggot instead of worshiped hand over foot. there was some australian actor user i forget who now but he basically said that's why he comes here because it feels nice being another simp

James Alefantis

Ron Perlman.

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Elon Musk

he god (((suicided))) shortly after

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>australian actor
>not hollywood

All he has to do is travel abroad and it's like he's a nobody ... because he is.

Bernie Sanders

Yeah she was an extra special kind of retarded. Like why the fuck would we "stand down" like we were somehow in her pedowood crew and just one day decided to go renegade or something. What a dumb bitch. We always wanted to put her in an oven, not break ranks with her one day and decide to oppose her.

What a low IQ cunt.

Anyone got the pic?

you retarded nigger he was australian but a famous hollywood actor mong ass nigger

We are all equal here.
No attention whore points will be awarded.

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well we did all end up standing down after that rich lawyer guy probably paid off gook moot. if you didn't you got banned for months

Presumably. the rest look like pic related

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He means a Hollywood actor from Australia, user. Plenty of those.

I jerked off and fantasizes about that Everquest pic back in the day

Literal demon and/or clone. Who is this?

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Chuck Palahniuk

I am the ghost of Hillary’s cunt.

Taylor Swift


Is this why Brian hates Woods on family guy?

>You can get your kids a authorized user credit card
wait, what? We can out jew the jew? Tell me more.

>nb4 bawtiba

Hollywood in the grips of panic or what?

Holy fuck that pic speaks to me


Your piss is unhealthy looking. You should drink more water.

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Good coke

>my sides

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Marlon Brando is a well known user of early 4ch

Tiffany is Best Girl!!

I know you can but not sure how it works. Surely the banks are smart enough to know that being an authorized user doesn’t mean mommy and daddy will swoop in and pay any outstanding debts

Bogdanoff twins are able to post on every single thread and post simultaneously, they are God-men.


Didnt /b prove that lil wayne posted there back in the day?

>Gape Pride flag
Says everything you need to know

>Be wasted
>Find hookup
>Wake in morning, a lump next to you
>This thing rolls over and smiles
>Wants to suck your cock
Wat do?.

Sup Texas.


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Hey, who cares

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Almost positive Scott Adams posted here one time right after Trump got elected. That insufferable cunnus (((Bess Kalb))) was calling him sweetie on twitter, and an user, who said that: "For plausible deniability, he may or may not be Scott Adams", gave some advice as to how to 'verbally neutralize' her on twitter. Something about the wording seemed true to his speech patterns. Who can say though?

kek I love this meme

Brother Kappy is remembered.

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>an hero
>commit soduku

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I know this might sound crazy but I’m pretty certain Epstein could of been an oldfag. There’s no way a guy like that wasn’t heavily read into and preoccupied with seedy internet communities. You don’t think this fucking guy lurked on his laptop or where ever back in 2005? They all did, they were always present. It’s kinda like when the contents of Osamas personal computer was revealed after he was killed, these people are always scary close by and into the same shit you are

Trevor Moore, Dolph Lundgren, Isaac Kappy

Mister Woods is Kek's own.

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Him playing Mr. Rogers is such a sick fucking joke, and you know they are laughing their asses off at the people who ate it up. I'd expect no less from Pedowood.


My nigger SSeth better be posting among us.

I recall detecting a couple comedians...something about the post and the way the joke/comment was written. Sort of like Chris Rockish or Chappelle. I am sure a ton of others that like to share jokes they can't say on stage. Rogan for sure.

>Dolph Lundgren
Would be so interested to hear more from this man. Based as all hell.

There's a few of them around

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She really is, I love how she always looks fucking smashed

>Several bystanders tried to hold him but failed to restrain him according to witnesses

George Soros

Tulsi and AOC

Ann Coulter for sure.

This was classic!!!!

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How's it feel to be HW Jr.'s unclaimed bastard?

I remember seeing some shitpost about Shatner posting on here.

>mfw Kirk has statistically called me a faggot at some point

Finish in her mouth and then stab her with a crucifix

Extremely based if true, I've shitposted along side that lad.

He used to post in TV every now & again, and I also know he played in Marvel WOH mobile game.


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which pic? the pic of alefantis getting caught posting here? I don't have it unfortunately but it did happen.

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Figure of speech I gotta kick the habit of using desu

> statistically called
> a faggot at some point
we're all done that to you at this point

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Red pill me on Hanks

>rich people who have real lives
>on 4chins
are you really that retarded?
but yea william shatner