This just in: 50 urban youths filmed themselves stomping on an Asian couple on a Philadelphia subway platform.
Who was in the wrong here? Was it the niggers or the Yellow Menace?
This just in: 50 urban youths filmed themselves stomping on an Asian couple on a Philadelphia subway platform.
Who was in the wrong here? Was it the niggers or the Yellow Menace?
Other urls found in this thread:
built for bbc
>relaxing around niggers
Nothing of value was lost
Nigs gonna Nog
if they had carried a gun, all those niggers would have taken off running once the first shot got popped off
>mob and stomp plague carriers
>they coof and spew blood and bodly fluid and CORONA everywhere
>mob of niggers infected
>go back to their hoods to spread it more
Just as planned.
Goddamned even I fucking hate them.
This is why you should carry blades.
Niggers can't comit a hate crime. Those Asians were inherently racist goy.
never not have a gun around blacks
Low key every race hate chinks including other gooks, they were just looking for any excuse to start stomping zipper heads.
And to be honest they deserve every kick, they have uncorked 3 back to back epidemics in the last 10 years, hope this fucking time they learn their fucking lesson and drop the fucking Bush meat for good but I doubt it
Niggers being savage animals has nothing to do with Corona virus
Based Biden voters saving American from the coronavirus.
nigs gonna nig
I should probably tell my mom not to go outside...
Thay gud Bois what neva ded nuffin rong
Niggers acting as the always do. So shock.
you know what you need to do Yas Forums protect the qt chinese waifus from the rabid niggers!
it's the specific excuse for them this time
I should probably buy a gun too
Clearly this is the fault of angry white males spreading propaganda on the internet.
Who knew the chinks would start the racewar
LMAO based pavement ape taking out the insects.
These fine young gentlemen are doing the lord's work. Good on them.
>we believe these people to have an infectious virus
>let's stomp them and make them spill body fluids
Nog vs Chong escalation is objectively good for this country.
Based flip
There will be more deaths from nigger murders than corona-chan deaths in US urban centers.
Watch the kikes try and find a reason to blame whites for this
Bad black crooks.
Whenever blacks get together it's trouble.
Before this and after this niggers and spics would say they'd love to live in a place like Japan instead of thier spic and nigger infested barrio/ghetto.
Don't be fooled by niggers and spics. They have the worst music taste, worst manners and act like apes. You have to treat them like animals because that's what they are.
It's not racism. I'm not racist. I'm Hispanic with black blood thanks to the Moors. I know what I'm talking about.
I love watching asians get blacked
So glad I bought a bike
When do they take their revenge?
Let's be real. Their thought process only goes so far as
>let's stomp them
>50 urban youths
urban youths can't be racist. only whites can be racist. also races don't exist. race is only skin deep. and we really need to get rid of white people.
>Who was in the wrong here?
Every single race on the planet hates niggers, even niggers.
Niggers will one day be exterminated.
I don’t understand the logic of wailing on a diseased person
>Be bugskinned
I'm considering buying a gun...
I live in MA so I think I'm okay, but you never know
Kill yourself, kike!
Who has the most victim points in this?
Were they gay chinks?
Were they disabled niggers?
Any of them part kike?
Anyone got the victim points flow chart?
I can't keep up...
Chink detected.
Nigger Panic is Best Panic. All the smart whites will store supplies and self-quarantine while Basketball Americans scream steal and chimp out till they drop dead.
Unironically, do it. Maybe start with a Remington 870 or Mossberg 500. Great, versatile weapons to start with, and great for home defense. Just because you’re asian doesn’t mean you should get stomped to death by niggers.
>not knowing kung fu
Deserved it
Just apes being apes, but hard to feel sorry for the chinks when they fucked over the entire world with a pandemic.
kung fu is shit, train in something useful like muay thai
Were they even Chinese? Japanese and Koreans are frens to the whiteman.
>injecting racism into coronavirus hysteria
its all so clear now
>trump unleashes coronavirus in china
>leftist propaganda machine goes into hyperdrive to crash trump economy
>hysteria grinds chinese logistics and manufacturing to a halt
>perfect buy in time for investors
Goddamn Trump is a fucking genius
How do we blame this on white people?
You can’t do fucking shit against 20 niggers, I don’t care how good your kickboxing is. Conceal carry a pistol.
Is there anything I can easily carry outside?
>bush animals
choose only one
Moar money into school systems
around blacks never relax
post videos newfags fuck
Fuck your fake news niggah, there ain't one chink in that whole video.
can't wait till they chimp out like they did during the la riots and the gooks start lighting them up with rifles
50 urban youths? You mean 50 future doctors, lawyers, engineers and sons Obama never had.
No evidence that it was because of corona and not just a typical philly chimpout.
Show me proof the niggers were aware that chang there had just gotten back from China and I’ll change that stance, otherwise it’s niggers being niggers.
Just a normal day here.
Niggers are a huge threat.
sorry guy, there is none
I can't think of any better way to catch a disease short of also fucking them, physically assaulting them is almost the stupidest thing you could possibly do