The Men Problem

despite making up only 49% of the population...

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Separate it out by race.

Now control for N

Fuck male niggers aged between 18 and year years old making less than $45,000 annually with an IQ of less than 100


>women get easier/no sentence or jail time because they fuck the judge

>whites get an easier sentence or no jail time because of racist judges

...they are responsible for over 90% of noble prizes and construction works.

Women make up the majority of child killers, because they're the only ones weaker than them.
>muh fairer sex
Bait or not hang yourself faggot

>racist judges

despite blacks making up only 13% of the US male population...

now lets deduct for how many of those are accusations women made with no evidence yet the males were found guilty anyway

Do what this guy says.
Or don't. I'll do it for you.

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And ironically enough black bitches make up the most single mothers. Single mothers raise garbage kids.

compare white women to white men

Women are FAR more likely to assault, but they are proportionately weaker, so people don't report it.

Men are simply more powerful, resulting in more serious injury, and those are more likely to be reported.

Despite making up only 49% of the population men still pay most of the taxes that go to roasties like you.

......oh no................

compare the black cock in your mouth to a white one

Simple assault is the only category that whites catch up with blacks, because we don't back down from confrontations, but even then it's at a rate 5x less than niggers.

haha, scared that by isolating the gender variable it will prove men are savages? also compare black women to black men

sounds like women should segregate themselves and build their own societies. oh wait.

Haha scared that by pointing pointing out women are weaker and dominate in child killing it will fuck up your narrative? Disingenuous faggot.

Now account for the large gender disparities in suspicion, investigation, arrest, charging, prosecution, conviction, sentencing, and imprisonment.

Also see again and only get back to me when you do

Cool that’s 50% of the planets population. Any other demography you can use to minimize that staggering sum?

You people are idiots.
Women don't get arrested because they
fuck the police!
Also, the cops are more likely to arrest their male victims than to arrest the women raping or beating them.

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Now post IQ, especially the 145+ bracket

Everyone just lets women off the hook.
Feminists always wanted supremacy, not equality.

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Women dominate in killings, they just start using poisons or enlist the help of low IQ male pawns to kill on their behalf once their victims can fight back.
Women are masters of manipulation and pitting men against eachother. And when they get caught, they always have a fall guy: the closest male.

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Women aren't held accountable.
White guys get more prison than any women of color.

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All remote-controlled by women.

Women get away with murder in part because whenever they are an accomplice to murders the man is the one who is convicted and the woman is let go.
Women never ever do anything bad unless a man made them do it. And if no man made them do it, it was because of some trauma they experienced and its societies fault more than the poor female woman.

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And society is men. So a man made her do it. It's the patriarchy.

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now do the same for inventions

Men are deliberately targeted for sex crimes. Some roastie fucks her underage student literally every day or the week yet whenever they run those underage sex stings it’s only men who are ever arrested. This is by design as it’s an easier sell in court with a much higher conviction chance. They could use 15 year old Chad tinder profiles and target overweight ugly desperate women like they do with the men and net just as many arrests.

Mutts law

Lol acting like we don't know that's all nig stats.

whites aren't held accountable.
blacks get more prison than any white man.

But there are 0 differences between men and women user. Also they didn't ask each criminal which gender they identify as so those charts are cis normative garbage

Yes, men are more violent than women.
It's called testosterone. Next.


Except you can't prove that.

Demonstrably false. Caucasians generally get greater sentences for the same conviction as nigs. The difference is nig generally resist arrest, carry weed/crack and unregistered firearms while while committing the crime the get caught for. Then there's the plea bargains for multiple crimes which result in greater sentences being listed for a single conviction, as in the previous example the weed and unregistered firearm are not counted as conviction as the plea allows them to plead guilty for burglary only in return for the maximum sentence for that singular crime despite the multiple crimes committed

>Caucasians generally get greater sentences for the same conviction as nigs.
where are the proofs?

The same is true with car accidents. Women have far more crashes overall but men have more severe crashes

Violent crime with women as the perpetrators is severely under reported.
I'm not going to lie and say its equal or even close to that of males, but it's much higher than statistically apparent.

Anyone who believes men commit even half of simple assaults is an actual retard

men are responsible for 90% of every technological advance in society?

>men are excused for acting like violent animals if a couple autistic ones do math and science

the lie you are telling is that it not only outstrips men, but dwarfs them. If a man gets hit by a woman, the man will get shamed for reporting it and "he deserved it" so men don't report it at all. If a man hits a woman, jail time is in the cards.

Are you proposing more segregation of men and women? Because that's a huge right-wing political goal.

the irony is that people are saying men are violent due to testosterone. That isn't the case what so ever. People with higher testosterone are less likely to be violent, while higher estrogen levels makes people more violent.

White and Black men have nearly identical levels of testosterone. Black men have nearly 4 times the levels of estrogen as White men.

Men have more Testosterone. Men are biologically more prone to violence. You're acting like these biological facts aren't relevant. They clearly are. This is why women don't go to war nearly as often as men do. It's why men evolved to be physically superior.

>women don't go to war nearly as often as men do
Women pick fights more often than men. Men need to show restraint.


What if I told you that women rape men just as often as men rape women?
It just goes unreported, and isn't categorized as rape to hide it as it goes against the narrative of feminism.

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This post is antisemitic

Most of those"females" are actually Trannies.

Niggers aren't human.
Be honest, faggot.

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Women know this. They are masters of emotional manipulation. They also know that generally speaking men will restrain themselves from being violent towards them, and if they are violent they can fuck their lives up much more easily.

>Men have more Testosterone. Men are biologically more prone to violence
Now do you see why toxic masculinity is a thing and why boys need more estrogen? No? Keep being bluepilled then.

Without men, society collapses. Without niggers, society thrives.
and a study that does on about how women are just as likely to be violent as men, and that the lab tests saying otherwise are misguided.

>Without men, society collapses.
Without men crime drops

I wonder who the majority of the victims are.. oh that's right, men.

without women, there would be zero crime at all.

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Without men, you'll still be in a cave

>12 suck up credits have been deposited into your account
Only 988 to go before you can get pussy!

Absolutely not. They need to be taught restraint. There is always a time and place for fighting. Again, white men are the best at this restraint. White men should be emulated and venerated for their ability to show restraint. We absolutely should not interfere with biology. We should teach higher thought and impulse control.
I mean... men are also better at math and Estrogen based Birth Control has shown to make women less able to solve problems and makes them weaker at math.
It's a double edged sword. But you cannot dull one side without dulling the other.
A man's desire to compete is what has driven technological innovations that have given us the easiest lives of all humans, ever.

thx for proving my point

>crime drops
>now society is full of horny women that will complain instead of doing anything.
This is why I genuinely hope the taliban comes and slaughters all Americans.

now you can get 100 points if you defend a whore on twitter!

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