How did YOU survive the 2008 economic collapse?

How did YOU survive the 2008 economic collapse?

Oldfags get the FUCK in here

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Survived on food and water

Went to grad school and delayed getting a real job. Paid off my student loans last year (fuck Bernie), so it turned out alright.

By being 11

I was always frugal even as a boy, excess always bothered me, that being said I am poorer now I started smoking. In fact I am so frugal that I advised an financial advisor to quit online gaming to save money.

Lol i became a custodian. The older guys bashed me for being a millenial the whole time, and women called me privileged because I was taking a job that usually goes to poor POCs.

Was in college on full scholarship. Maxed out my student loans and invested them. Millionaire by 25

This except by being 12

Being in ur mum

I drank alot but in a fun way


Same, hid in college for a bit longer

Wife was laid off, but I had started a Gov’t job that year so we were comfy.

I was in 1st year of highschool playing line rider

the 2008 recession is still ongoing, in fact it never really got started, but the (((central planners))) have disguised it by printing near-infinite quantities of fiat currency backed with totalitarian media propaganda. the thing which everyone thinks is money is what they are going to sacrifice, in order to preserve their power. in order to survive what is coming you will need to liquidate bubble assets (stocks, bonds, property), withdraw everything from bank accounts, and move 100% into bitcoin and gold. shills will attack this post.

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well I'd just left high school, my family's house got foreclosed while I was working retail because I couldn't afford to go to university. Ended up using my funds to move country back to my own country. Went back to go on benefits. Joined the armed forces. My family lost their home and were briefly homeless. Then I used what money I had managed to save up to get them tickets home to do the same benefits thing. Waited until I qualified for student finance, left the forces and studied to be a software engineer. Got a job with a bank as an intern. Ended up making lots of money at it. Started my own business. Quit my job when my business started doing better than the bank job. Moved country again. Got citizenship this time. Could afford to sponsor my family and bring them back over.


Took me 10 years. This time I have savings and shit and my business is recession proof. I also have kids now.

My advice? If you get hit hard. Come up with a plan, and fucking stick to it hard, come hell or high water, you'll make it out the other side.

>How did YOU survive the 2008 economic collapse?
I didn't. Please help, my soul is stuck in the interwebs.

I was in boot camp, right around the swine flu shit too, some dumbass in my bay made a big deal about coughing and fell off the top bunk onto the floor. They went to sick bay and never returned. We all thought we were gonna die.
That was also when all the car companies were going bankrupt and a bunch of celebrities were dying. It was like emerging from a fucking coma into a brand new world once I finally had access to TV again.

My question to fellow oldfags, how do we get gen Z kids to stop bumping obvious bait threads?

The shills have completely won at this point.

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sold everything i owned. motorcycle, second car. cashed out some bond's from dad. bought 18000 shares of ford at 1.90. cashed out 2 years later at 10.50. finished college, got married. bought a house. had kids.

only thing thing that affected me in 2008 was gas prices dropped

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I'm so fucking sick of the corona virus threads at this point I don't even care

I waited tables for two years and then in 2010 went back to college for a professional credential

curiously the h1n1 pandemic was occurring
they like to get people all viraled up before they
crash the economy

The island or hollywood? I got to Parris Island December of 2008.

Swap gold standard for weed standard crisis resolved

qt fat boi

I got lucky. Watched as everything burned around me, and tried to help as much as I could.

I take nothing for granted now.

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Continued working comfy high paying wall street job and investing significant sums in equities throughout. It was hard and stressful when my net worth almost dipped into single comma territory but me and based alpha stacy tightened our belts a little by cutting back on champagne and vintage port consumption. Also struggled with debt when my private bank credit card didn’t autopay one month. Had to deal with almost a months interest before our customer concierge waived the fees and sent dinner vouchers by way of apology for inconvenience.

>you can do it too guys, try cutting out that $5 latte you’re wasting money on once a month

I didn’t. My family used to own 200+ acres of farmland. We lost it all, now I work at Walmart.
Dead on the inside.

This is true. What has been existing since is really a valve, but valves can't hold out against the ebb and flow of a tidal economy.

How can you lose what u own???

This except by being 8

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>implying anyone that browses here even remembers 2008

lmao 80% of posters here were born in ‘99 or later

Incredibly sad user. I would suggest buying cheap land elsewhere with your savings.

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I didn't, my nigga. I'm a ghost.

I never even noticed it happened
Didn’t affect me in any way, shape or form

debt for running costs + property tax I imagine

Are you the nico poster on Yas Forums?

>2008 economic collapse?
Get a fucking job, nigger.

i went to law school...on my parent's dime

Lackland lol, I went medic

The property tax monster.

You go tto tthe shop nowadays and a mars bar is 70p... What the fuck is that shit??? I avoid the shit economy by going to lidl and buying 10 chocolate bars for £1... Dafuq wrong wit people

I binged on a variety of gluttonous foods today and my farts smell exceptionally heinous. I've enjoyed throwing my blanket over my head and going to town on my self contained atmosphere. The aromas were so intoxicating I almost passed out due to complete elation, total bliss.

By completely not giving a shit, just like now. far as I remember that shit didn't effect one bit of my every day to day life.

I moved to North Dakota and got a job. 12 years later and I’m still here, but with a house, wife, and daughter.

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Chair force calls it boot camp too? I thought all the other branches just called it basic. Also AF girls are total skanks and I liked them.

Food stamps

med ho's is what we called our particular brand of skanks, if you want to be knee deep in some gash go be a male medic in the chair force.
Work smarter not harder ;)

> Be me
> just graduate from college
> yee haw, time for grad school
> 2008
> grad schools lose all funding
> no one accepts me
> take actual factory job to survive
> 2 years later economy gets better
> go to grad school
> get masters
> get job offer
> leave school for management position instead of getting PhD
> hate living on west coast
> move back to east cost
> get another factory job to survive
> most overqualified factory worker ever
> get accepted into law school
> graduate, pass bar
> get intro job in business doing research for lawyers
> still can't get a full time attorney position

I'm thinking of quitting and getting another factory job. It got me this far, what could go wrong?

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I was a bartender at the time. There were condos in my area the year before were selling for $300k that were being unloaded by the banks for $40-50k. Bought one and have lived there ever since, made out alright.

Had a good corporate job
Didnt even recognize it
Had no stocks though

It’s common for farmers to be subsidized by the government to make ends meet until a profit is turned, but the US government decided that our yield of crops weren’t needed by the US. So they didn’t want to subsidize us
That farm land was in my family for 4 generations. We didn’t necessarily LOSE all of it, but profits completely ceased & the costs went up on everything, my grandpa had a heart attack and I was only 9 years old at the time and he didn’t want to put the farm on me at the time, even though I was working the land already. The family sold out when they could just to settle the debt & have enough to buy a house in the city.
I recently spoke to my grandfather about the ranch & he told me he regrets selling it every single day.

I had a giant pile of cash in the bank-I bought my house cash for 1/2 the original asking price

What are you retarded started smoking as an adult?

I rode it out man, believe it or not, but in 2016 when it became clear Trump would win, my portfolio and IRA account which was mostly untouched BOOMED. I invested accordingly though in 2016 knowing Trump would most likely win and I've been seeing around 30% returns annually since 2016. I lost almost everything in the market during the dot con biotech crash when Bubba left office, then just kept contributing as much as I could to my IRA account annually.

This except by being 13.

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In 2006 my parents moved from Northern Virginia to San Antonio. I was just finishing up HS and still living with them at the time. They bought a huge fucking house using equity they had built up for 20 years. My Dad got laid off and we all moved into an apartment, he eventually got a job in Austin and my parents got divorced and my Mom did alright she's worked two jobs since and has a house. My dad kinda went crazy had a midlife crisis and became a singer songwriter.
It was a trip because I lived in this fucking mansion for about 2 years. This house had a wine cellar and a sauna and shit. But we went from that to a small apartment. I feel like it kinda helped me gain perspective on shit in some way. Idfk.

There's not a lot going for me, i'm autistic with spasticated ankles.