Why aren't millennial men interested in marriage and having kids?

Only weirdos used to not have a wife and kids by 30 but now it's like normal across the social classes. What the fuck happened?

Is there a name for this phenomenon?

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pick your poison

Stop normie-posting please.

they want to be pretty girls

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Women aren't worth putting a ring on and if you do, she can change her mind, take half your shit, the kids, and you'll have to pay her every month.

The End.

Women Have been mislead by mass media. Women are followers and when they are presented by an overwhelming idea, they almost always accept.
In our generation that’s the idea that being a shore is empowering, ruining any chance of a stable family life.

It’s the dilemma I face now. How do I ensure a stable family if my wife is likely going to cuck me during our marriage?

>Is there a name for this phenomenon?


>Only weirdos used to not have a wife and kids by 30
That's a myth, no one cared that much this shit till recently in human history when everyone became a jewish loving sex obsessed fag

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Being a single bachelor was perfectly fine till women got the right to vote

23 year old white girl. Pregnant. Happy. Husband is Nigerian though

You will find a girl to have kids user, don’t worry!

Women were brainwashed by mass media into believing that ALL men only care about cooming. Modern feminism has made women think that emulating this behavior is how they dismantle the patriarchy. Feels really really bad man.

onions milk

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Filthy cunt.

Right this way

>Is there a name for this phenomenon?
Feminism, and the MGTOW which must necessarily exist as feminism's shadow.

It's sadly not worth it. With how fucked prices for housing and healthcare are it's barely tenable to even live by yourself nowadays.

This can be solved of course if these corporate globalists get killed somehow. But I doubt that will happen

>they want to be pretty girls
A lot of this is an attempt to get female privilege or a result of men no longer wanting to be men because society hates men.


women cheating, not wanting kids, not wanting to get married.

>In our generation that’s the idea that being a shore is empowering, ruining any chance of a stable family life.
Well ... a lot of women do want kids ... but they want to have kids with a billionaire. Hypergamy.

>How do I ensure a stable family if my wife is likely going to cuck me during our marriage?
Sorry bro. You can't. Everything you have is now hanging by a thread. All I can do is wish you the best of luck.

kike spotted

This and women get half of what you own whenever they decide to divorce and since they are more "entitled" than ever thanks to feminism it's simply not worth the hassle.

I am pretty sure my first child is going to get shot in a terrible school shooting. My ex wife and I are talking about getting back together to pump out another child, just in case. Not the last ex wife, the one who became before her, she's the mother of my son. My second ex wife has her own kids. One of them has a mental illness and it is really hard on the mother which contributed to stress that led toward our divorce. She cheated on me several times, which is fine, because by that point I was already talking to my first wife again. Some things happened while drinking heavily, which also contributed to my last divorce. Ironically enough an opiate addiction led to my first marriage, as my first wife was in fact my dealer; she had scrips and still had her PlayStation, so it was natural that I hung out with her every day.

That is the layout for pretty much every millennial family man.

Wait, I have another one for you guys.

I was married, but my first wife left me while I was deployed in Iraq. I found out she cheated on me several times. I picked up a drinking habit when I came home. I met my second wife at the bar. We moved in together after dating for six weeks. Unfortunately, I have PTSD from the war. My second wife left me because I abused her. I was afraid she was cheating on me. I have trust issues and combined with a sociopathic habit of assessing every human being as a threat who might be out to kill me things can get ugly.

I'm drinking right now. I'm on my third beer and I've only been home from work for about 25 minutes. I work at a factory. My parents think I could do better because I'm 32, but I don't like people and can not get along with office types. I'm thinking about killing myself. Four of my buddies have died by suicide. You don't know what that is like. You don't know what it is like to zone out while watching Power Rangers on Netflix thinking about the buddies you had in Iraq calling you home.

Handsome man.

>drowning in debt
>job prospects and social and professional mobility is greatly worse than it was years ago
What the fuck do you expect people to do without opportunity and or support

This. Plus, the fun part is meeting someone new and fucking them. The fun part is not living in close quarters with the same person for decades.

Hang in there user, we will need your experience for what is to come. This globohomo shit won't last much longer, it is falling apart at the seams.

U have a lot of time . U been shitposting tge same thing for 10 hours

I'm a millennial male, just married last year, and have a 1% income. Wife and I are saving for kids in roughly 5 years.

How fucking hard is it for y'all to find a mate?

Women turned to shit.

how many shekels do you get for each one of these posts

user, I feel ya'. Drop the alcohol-joo. Try deep breathing exercises, mediation. Go for a hike through nature (spring is on its way). Find a hobby you enjoy.
t. concerned fren.

>1% income, but will still wait 5 years to "save"
>5 years
>thinks that is normal
>implies its about finding a mate

Hey bro. 68w from the 82d here. It's not over yet. You didn't survive all the shit downrange to die here. Keep your chin up. When you start feeling that way, go to the gym and lift. It doesn't work all the time, but it's helped me through some bad shit

>Is there a name for this phenomenon?
Immorality. Gen X hippies said fuck God, fuck law, fuck values. As much as I am against organized religion it did serve a valuable purpose in directing most of those that believed to pass on good morals, ethics and values.

Jewish feminism destroyed marriage.

>plebbitor says stop normie posting

>>Implying 5 years of saving is for the sole purpose of child-rearing.

I would suggest quitting the liquid jew been off it since jan 12 and feel substantially better

>What the fuck happened?
We had shitty childhoods. We remember. Why doom more to live through that?
And why bring children into this hopeless situation.
>but there is hope!
>muh whitepill!

Because Im a 32 year old man whos never had a long term gf and who holds a shitty job where I live in a 1bedroom apt by myself and every day I work to live and yet I have very little to live for. I don't even know if I want a GF. is some pussy worth it for the trouble that I'd have to put up with? Debatable.

Postmodernism happened.

Knock that shit off we need you. You just make (((them))) cackle with delight & rub hands when you talk of suicide. Be strong and get ready, shit is going to start going bad and your knowledge and experience will be needed.

>saving for kids in 5 years
Forgive me for my incredibly off the mark interpretation of this phrase which clearly means something else

If you haven't impregnated your wife in 6 months her biology will start to compel her to escape your infertile genes


>Why aren't men interested in marriage and having kids when we made both a dangerous prospect for them?

Eventually, you'll have to come to terms with why men are checking out of society if you want the west to survive.

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I recently found an old homework assignment from my 8th grade English class in 2004 that was in my old backpack in my parents' attic. We had to write a plan for our lives. Mine was simple: college from 18-22, an entry position in a career from 20-23, pay off college and move out by 24, married by 25, and have 2-3 kids by 30.

Due to financial constraints, the triplet plagues of immigration, outsourcing, and nepotism removing job opportunities, and liberal feminism, I'm 29 and none of that has happened. I suppose this is the white privilege I hear so much about.

Good luck, but odds are your marriage will end in divorce when she gets bored and or annoyed at you for something trivial.

Let me know how your 1% income holds up after alimony and child support

If he's as smart as he says, he'll kill her and feed her to a pork farm if she gets stupid like that.
Always choose your children over your bitch.

Because they’re kids themselves. They may be in their 30s, but they live like they’re 16 — live with mommy, play video games all day instead of going to work, and just generally not doing any of the things expected of adults. If you were a woman who was looking for a man to raise a family with, you wouldn’t pick someone with no ambition or direction in life. You wouldn’t pick a millennial “””man”””.

Anybody remember that one father who was homeless and being hounded for child support and eventually committed suicide but wrote a letter to his two children before doing so? I think his name was Chris or something. He had a strong jaw and massive chin and wore glasses and his wife ran a makeup company. She had a Facebook page I believe. This happened years ago.

Yes, I'm sure shaming language is what's going to get men to "man up". Not addressing the core problems causing men to forgo marriage and fatherhood.

Because it's not worth investing all that time and effort to taste a crumb of a 30 year old obese womans pussy who has had double digit partners and has no femininity. No attractive women to fuck and breed = 0 motivation.

True. It's not the fun part, it's the disciplined part, and it only has its rewards in the long term, even if they are so much greater than the short-term rewards.

But of course...no reason to go for long-term rewards when she can at any time change her mind, take half your shit and the kids, and you have to pay her every goddamn month for the rest of your fucking life. Who on Earth would go in for long-term commitment if it's not reciprocated?

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>implying any man with half a brain wants some HPV-carrying cockslut to bear his fucking kids
It goes both ways. The world is fucked. Few women in the modern world are bearing good stock, and this shit is going to reach a point where it collapses and the world WILL know true terror.

Be me user. 40. Single dad. 4 children (2-11). Full custody. Didn’t lose a penny & she’s crying the blues but still paying me monthly. Begs me to let her come back home, no way!

She believed the hype, now she’ll end up alone as a cat lady.

Core problems such as? Btw your dad was able to do it, and so was your grandfather, and his grandfather and so on. Just admit it man, if you’re going to raise a family, you need to put the video games down, move out of moms basement and get a job. There is no other way

Yeah, don't worry buddy. You'll be back at the war soon enough.

tits or gtfo

There are lots of attractive women out there. What are you doing to make yourself attractive? Do you even have a job?

Remember when we thought that was what would happen to you if you made no effort at all?

Hahaha. We thought that was the default.

>Is there a name for this phenomenon?

The average woman.

Because divorce court is a viable job opportunity for a lot of lazy women. I'll be damned if my hard earned money is going into some chicks pocket while she goes off and rides the cock carousel.

>Btw your dad was able to do it, and so was your grandfather, and his grandfather and so on
And that of course had nothing to do with their surroundings and everything to do with their individual gumption. Those men were islands, all of them, in their hundreds of millions, each of them did it all on their own and wouldn't have been any different in a different culture or a different legal system or a different level of technology.

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I’m 40 And have never been married. My fiancé just left me back in December. I’ve had many girlfriends but they always end up leaving because I ‘don’t show enough emotion’ or some shit. I do find being alone more peaceful so maybe there’s some truth to it.

Hope you enjoy single motherhood, you're well on your way. If he doesn't kill you first.

Why do you think that all you can find is some hpv carrying cock slut? Maybe it’s that lack of confidence in yourself that’s causing you to strike out so often?

One third of your fuckable age female population is clinically OBESE and a lot more than that are overweight. There are actually very few attractive women in the west left. If you go to any second or third world country in Europe or Asia you will be stunned at how many sexy girls walk the streets. It's like a night and day difference. Why isn't anyone talking about female failure? Females are failing to be sexually attractive. They're failing to attract mates.

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Once I make my fortune, I'll get married. I'm too busy at the moment and the competition is too fierce to settle down now.
I probably won't until my late 40s or early 50s.

Well I guess they didn’t have video games back then so men actually did manly things. Also the idea of “live with parents till 25, 35, 45+??” was completely unheard of back then so it was easier for a man to seem independent and responsible

elites doubled the workforce for cheap labor
jewish elites brought in extra immigrants from retard countries for cheaper labor
it's tough to provide for a family of four on a single income - employment with a moderately high wage almost requires one to live near an urban center with a relatively high cost of living
the legal system has fucked over men in a highly visible series of cases with sex assault charges, alimony, and child support
telecommunications have ensured women have an endless stream of cocks from which to drain money, sperm, and attention while also ensuring the workforce in a high cost of living country must now compete with every single low cost of living country

basically, why try? everything so far has been rigged against men and specifically white men, so why involve yourself? the risk/reward proposition has dropped off a cliff into the "not worth it" range

>Btw your dad was able to do it, and so was your grandfather, and his grandfather and so on
My grandfathers and g.grandfathers literally kept their women in line and didn't have to worry about them running out or filing a domestic abuse charge because women from that era didn't do that to their husbands.
My father had a cunt of a first wife that divorced him and ran off(she's fat as a hog now BTW) and he ended up drinking himself to death back in 2004.
He and my mother just kinda split up. No fighting or custodial shit involved or anything, very sensible. But his alcoholism drove her away, which I can understand, he was an annoying bastard when drunk. I knocked him down once for being a dickhead.

Point is, shit is completely unstable now. You can't just do things like you used to without a huge risk of prison or death.
When my great grandparents were born, cocaine was still legal.