the world ends
March 5 2020
I'm gonna go all goatse on that space rock. Imagine betting fucked by an asteroid hnhnnggg
>city killer
>world ends
If it kills a city it starts an iceage
I feel like there’s a new asteroid headed for earth every other week
Please kill Seattle
good i hope it hits India or new york
Fuck you. Corona is just getting started
It's been confirmed
Please hit Lagos, Nigeria
This makes more sense.
NASA art use to atlas abide by laws of time and physics
In the picture it is clear by the tail the asteroid has already passed earth
digits prove scientists are faggots and still can't predict shit
4 is a bad luck number in china too
Dude but I get my food stamps on the 5th
All space articles only feature "artistic representations" because space is fake and gay
what the fuck, those gets are god damned biblical. How the fuck? When?
Can it glass Jerusalem solely for maximum chaotic effect? Please? Pretty please??
They say this every. fucking. month.
I hope the cartel beheads you, fuck you.
It's my birthday today :) I shall wish for us to stay alive
Happy Birthday, user.
Nuh uhh too much climate change.
I guess at least that means they are kinda looking for them more then they used too...
Flag checks out
>the world ends
Happy Birthday and no thank you. This ride has gone on long enough
Just like it ended Dec 21, 2012?
Just like it ended Sept 23, 2017?
Is your life so pathetic that you easily get rilled up over the next nothing burger?
I think you need a hobby
And it’s name was Wormwood...
Thank you fren, we live another day
lets hope god doesnt disappoint again
please let the world end
It's just for today, tomorrow is not up to me
Right on my birthday. The perfect gift.
>city killer
who cares
the asteroid isalso carrying the covid2020 virus which is like corona virus on sterasteroids. it was manufactured by an american bio lab that is obiting the asteroid and fire makes it more virulent so when it hits the atmosphere itll explode and disperse on a global scale. total annihilation. #covid2020prophecy.
Return to christ brothers, god loves you and wants you to be happy. The bible is real and you can prove it to yourself if you go out searching.
Search for a personal relationship with god and everything else will be given, don't listen to these idiots who preach but do not know. The bible is simple. The gospel is simple.
You must acknowledge in your heart that Jesus died for your sins. That is all.
You should strive to know god better, its a give and take relationship. God already loves you but you must love god. His word gives you evidence of his love. Read the bible as if it was written to you personally. He wants you to live but you have to live by his rules and not satans. God loves what is good and this world was corrupted by satan into the opposite.
ABC's of Salvation....
Admit you are a sinner in need of a savior.
Believe in the finished redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross alone for the remission of all your sins (past, present and future) and eternal life!
Call on the name of the Lord. ("All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13)
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." (John 14:6)
"When you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For with the heart man believes and is justified and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." ( Romans 10:9-10)
"For it is by grace you are saved through faith. It is not your own doing. It is the FREE gift of God. Not by works lest any man boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
These are great examples of proper christians.
You do not want to be left behind during the great tribulation.
The current happenings are only a taste of what is soon to come with gods wrath.
In other words, the space rock is expected to miss us by about 16.36 times the distance from Earth to the Moon.
fuck yea i get to go out on top
Lmfao you silly fucker
Happy birthday user
Who gives a fuck? Is this redddit? No? Hopefully your rectum drops out next time you take a shit.
Also happy birthday faggot
it goes beyond the moons distance idiots
it is the infamous year of '2020' afterall
a global virus pandemic to get things going
possibly CIA/MOSSAD conspiracy to infect top Iranian officials, and/or to attack Chinese economy right as it was set to surpass the US.
Trump slated to win re-election, to the fury of far-left terrorist communists.
This might be the actual beginning of the end boys.
Thanks fellas
If it does you will be the first one to know, I promise
about a week or 2 ago I think
>how the fuck
git gud faggot
Happy birthday dima! Don’t party too hard.
It'll be Moscow, I've seen a dream previous night.
According to CNEOS, 2012 ZA133’s upcoming near-Earth intersection is expected to happen on March 26 at 10:52 p.m. EST. During its approach, the asteroid will be about 0.04453 astronomical units from the planet’s center, which is equivalent to around 4.1 million miles away.
According to CNEOS, 2012 ZA133’s upcoming near-Earth intersection is expected to happen on March 26 at 10:52 p.m. EST. During its approach, the asteroid will be about 0.04453 astronomical units from the planet’s center, which is equivalent to around 4.1 million miles away.
According to CNEOS, 2012 ZA133’s upcoming near-Earth intersection is expected to happen on March 26 at 10:52 p.m. EST. During its approach, the asteroid will be about 0.04453 astronomical units from the planet’s center, which is equivalent to around 4.1 million miles away.
According to CNEOS, 2012 ZA133’s upcoming near-Earth intersection is expected to happen on March 26 at 10:52 p.m. EST. During its approach, the asteroid will be about 0.04453 astronomical units from the planet’s center, which is equivalent to around 4.1 million miles away.
No worries, no one to party with and there's no point in drinking alone at 5AM
hopefully it actually fucking happens this time.
Very good post. Browsing this place for coronavirus news as a Christian is killer. God bless you friend, I hope we meet in the clouds soon. He's coming back for his church literally any day now, it's unbelievable.
No, it doesn't. Like usual, nothing will happen.
No, the timelines shift again. We don't all die. We shift into another timeline and our previous lives cease to exist. Out paths will be forever altered after tomorrow.
Happy Birthday, user
if it happens i hope we meet in the next life brothers
>goalposts moving
>i-its spirutual!
Space is fake.