> “Corn pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys”
Who is corn pop /Pol, and was he a bad dude?
> “Corn pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys”
Who is corn pop /Pol, and was he a bad dude?
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Malarkey posting is going to be fun this year
You’ll never know stupid goy
But the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time
Tone down the disrespect you dog faced pony soldier
Of course we didn't call it an onion. We called it a pants vegetable. Ahh yes, Dizzy Gillespie. Now that was a movie.
Nigger Mandela was corn pop
Fake and gay.
“They call me Corn Pop”
I'm entirely convinced that they're controlling his mind. These dementia breaks are him screaming for help. Why don't they free him?
Can't wait for the Biden posting to increase.
>Who is corn pop
Gang lord
Cornpop was bully stealing lunch money from my friends.
Let me tell you something, Jack, I couldn’t stand for that.
I’m running for Mayor of Korea and we can’t let Kim and Trump try to interfere in our elections, folks.
Hey it’s my turn to talk.
Back in the day I was trained athlete in the arts program.
So I confronted Cornpop, and he told me to suck his dick.
That’s not who I am, folks.
I pulled him in the bathroom and I showed him the only dick sucking going down is me.
I stand for women’s rights.
Biden, stop calling me Corn Pop
The only benefit of Biden as a president is that the press conferences would sound like a schizo /x/ poster
hes talking about his oldtimerz dementia visions . orville redenbacher raped a girl on top of a pinball machine in the late 80s according to the guy who bit his wifes finger in front of voters while campaigning
He was bad enough to save the President from Ninjas
Corn Pop called the kettle black even though he was a nigger.
Bernie is Corn Pop
Corn Pop was a pedo who gave Jizzin Joe his first taste
Joe was a Corn Pop trick
Is this old corn pop?
I laugh over this a couple times a week
He is like a sitcom character
Would have been perfect on Seinfeld
Real and straight
I am the mysterious hacker known as Corn Pop, AMA
What a dumb niggername
>maaaaan fuck dat white dude Biden, I dindu nuffin, keep mah name outcha mouff
I cannot wait for him to debate Trump. It might be better than when Trump and Hill went at it. It might actually hurt Trump because people will sympathize with Biden.
>Look fat, here's the deal
What did he mean by this?
God I look forward to it so much. I'm going to have a handle ready to take a shot every time Trump makes a reference to the Burisma scandal
Maybe Sleepy "Malarkey" Joe poisoned him, that old timer. You know Joe is a gangsta right?
I think Trump will be extremely presidential for debates, but bait Biden before them into being the aggressive emotional idiot while Trump focuses on policies.
Biden gets PISSED anytime that gets brought up.
It'll be hilarious.
Lmao. Oh man I am so excited to see it. Bernie debates would be great too because he'd get assblasted and start seething but seeing Joe up there barely conscious would be amazing.
Odds Biden calls Trump a LDFPS?
>kids would rub my legs to see the hair go down and spring back up. And that's when I learned about roaches and kids jumping on my lap. I love kids jumping on my lap.
I thought nothing could surpass 2016. 2020 is going to be epic.
The man who made anabic steroids schedule 1 in our county is now juicing to the gills just to look young enough to be president.
He's gonna "cull the herd"
hint hint
Corn Pop didn't ride
hol up
dis duh bess you gat? doo, das nod rite
Corn Pop was a nigger, and yes, niggers are bad.
It's 100% Biden goes through the list of SJW, NPC attacks against Trump.
It'll be the same nonsense while Trump attacks him for corruption and his polices of open borders, gun confiscation, etc.
Why would a black gangster be named Corn Pop
>up there barely conscious
lmfao yes i can't fuckin wait
You guys think Captain Crunch could take down Corn Pop?
Full cornpop speech transcript?
Cornpop is real you idiots
> It might actually hurt Trump because people will sympathize with Biden.
I hate this fact. I find myself actually enjoying Biden's stupid buffoonery. I wonder if this is how you actually beat Trump. You don't be an asshole, you be a endearingly demented old man with no self awareness. That might make Trump seem like a bully. With Hillary that tactic worked great, but with Biden it might make Trump actually look bad.
Because gangsters have retarded names
iirc the media actually interviewed people where biden is from and they confirmed there was indeed a corn pop there then
Creepy uncle Biden, always there where your kids be hiding.
It might get some women over. But he will lose enough men if he looks like a weak buffoon (muh nuclear codes).
I learned a lot. And I learned that it makes a difference. This was the diving board area, and I was one of the guards, and they weren’t allowed to – it was a 3-meter board. And if you fell off sideways, you landed on the damn, er, darn cement over there.
And Corn Pop was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did and back in those days – to show how things have changed – one of the things you had to use, if you used Pomade in your hair, you had to wear a baby cap. And so he was up on the board and wouldn’t listen to me. I said, ‘Hey, Esther, you! Off the board, or I’ll come up and drag you off.’ Well, he came off, and he said, ‘I’ll meet you outside.’
My car this – was mostly, these were all public housing behind us,” Biden continued. “My car – there was a gate on here. I parked my car outside the gate. And I – and he said, ‘I’ll be waiting for you. He was waiting for me with three guys with straight razors. Not a joke. There was a guy named Bill Wright Mouse the only white guy and he did all the pools. He was a mechanic. And I said, ‘What am I gonna do?’ And he said. ‘Come down here in the basement, where mechanics – all the mechanics- – where all the pool builder is.’ You know the chain, there used to be a chain that went across the deep end. And he cut off a six-foot length of chain, and folded it up and he said, ‘You walk out with that chain, and you walk to the car and say, ‘you may cut me man, but I’m gonna wrap this chain around your head.’
I said, ‘You’re kidding me.’ He said, ‘No if you don’t, don’t come back.’ And he was right. So I walked out with the chain. And I walked up to my car. And in those days, you remember the straight razors, you had to bang ’em on the curb, gettin’ em rusty, puttin’ em in the rain barrel, gettin’ em rusty? And I looked at him, but I was smart, then. I said, ‘First of all,’ I said, ‘when I tell you to get off the board, you get off the board, and I’ll kick you out again, but I shouldn’t have called you Esther Williams, and I apologize for that. I apologize.’ But I didn’t know that apology was gonna work.
He said, ‘you apologize to me?'” Biden went on. “I said, ‘I apologize but not for throwing you out, but I apologize for what I said.’ He said, ‘OK,’ closed that straight razor, and my heart began to beat again.
This is the full one, about the kids touching his legs and jumping on his lap.
literal dementia
He's based
Sounds like a story my grandpa woulda told me from the 50s except it woulda likely ended with him fighting corn pop.
Also hadn't ever heard the whole story, disappointed he didn't whip corn pop
Is that THE joe Biden who did a burn out in a stingray with jay leno?!
we'd say give me 5 bees for a quarter as they had taken away our word for nickle
It would work if Biden was a sincere, down to earth fellow. The truth is he’s quick to anger and can turn aggressive on a dime. Any endearment will quickly evaporate when Joe gets pushed to a corner.
He was a nigger
Hey folks, I'm going to increase healthcare. All of you deserve the truth, where all men are ceated equal. Let me tell you about, uh, when the truth going to set you free.
>In a moment of senility Biden recounts his time as a Jim Crow lifeguard
>So I told Corn Pop....
>"I know you can't read Nigger but that sign says White's Only"."
Back in the 60s I fought a guy named Meat wad. He was a bad dude too, he ran a gang With shake and fry.
Interesting theory.
God I want Biden to win the presidency SO BAD. Americas collasp is going to happen. So why not go down shitposting? Trumpers would lose their minds, but liberals will certainly commit suicide because Biden is their worse nightmare.