Daily reminder that half of pet owners will go save their beloved dogs instead of fellow white men and are as mentally ill and degenerate as a gay person.
Pet owners are mentally ill
That could mean almost anything now. I’ve seen Italians refer to themselves as ‘white’ for Christ’s sake. Even here on Yas Forums.
These are dark times my friend.
No shit I'm saving my dog over a fucking random stranger or distant cousin.
Italians, Greeks, Slavs, & Jews have been White since the 70s when Nixon courted them
Fuck off nigger.
Whats the graph representing? Moron
How distant are we talking? Because my family is still in contact with my 2nd & 3rd cousins, and I'd save them over my dog
am I retarded it should this not be a line graph. this should be a bar graph OP is a faggot.
Go fuck yourself people are worthless to me, animals did nothing wrong.
I have all pet others, especially dog owners
It should be legal to kill a barking dog.
A line graph is the best way to graph this
Should be legal to kill annoying humans.
Then who would be left to post on Yas Forums?
oh... oh fuck you're right.. I take it back I'm sorry
Every night I come home my dogs are happy to see me no matter what and are extremely loyal. They can even detect when I had a shitty day at work and try to comfort me.
My wife on the other hand all depends on how much house chores she had to do, and if too many will yell and nag me even after a brutal day at work.
Most people are garbage and I am looking forward to to the Covid19.
This does not mean I wont throw niggers and kikes to die before Europeans because I will, but even 'fellow' are not too far behind because as I said people are shit.
Agreed so then I can kill you.
Do you want me to let you do that before I kill you?
Let's kill each other at the same time ok? In Minecraft of course
Animals are better than Humans 100% of the time. That's a fact, Jack. I'd save my cats before I would save OP, 10 out of 10 times
% of people who would save dogs instead of x when under life threatening circumstances.
The problem with the world is that people are too greedy and selfish to accept where their true positions lie. The same reason why communism prevails in this current timeline.
Thats why in ancient time every country or tribe established a class system.
t. achmed
Pet owners are extremely sad. Unable to form bonds with other humans, they latch onto animals too stupid and dependent to say no.
Side note: I would kill 500 dogs to save 1 human. Human life is a precious gift from god.
Reveal yourself, Chang.
t. chinkoid scum
I have always found it interesting that the same arguments people use to justify keeping pets were also used to justify keeping human slaves.
"They are better off this way"
"They were bred for this purpose and would not exist otherwise"
there are plenty more.
I completely agree. I sometimes think pet owners and animal activists get overly emotional over dogs because animals are the only things they get emotional support from. They are degenerate regardless.
If the shit hits the fan, I'd kill and eat a human before I'd even consider eating my dog.
i realized this after reading comments on a news article on Facebook about a lady who died in a house fire trying to save her dog. like every other comment was boomers saying how they would literally rather die in a house fire trying to save their dog then live without it.
I can understand wanting to save your dog over some fucking stranger, but a relative? Jesus, what is wrong with some people?
And if you don't understand why someone would want to save their dog over a stranger, you're defective.
Dogs exist deep within the white psyche, its an evolutionary bond. Having a dog that has a job and lives with purpose is based as fuck. Handbag surrogate children dogs are degenerate as fuck though.
Go praise and warship that stupid narcissistic bitch k9 aversion on youtube. Retard
>Daily reminder that half of pet owners will go save their beloved dogs instead of fellow white men and are as mentally ill and degenerate as a gay person.
I tend to agree with this statement
This. Humans have reason and the power to control being a dick to others but often screw people over anyway. Animals are pure and true to their selves.
Fuck obsessed dog owners
literally morally autistic (i.e. psychopaths)
shut up Chang, you aren't fooling anybody
Cat > You
literally this
Someone explain to me why I should give a shit about fatfuck/retard/semi-literate white trash?
Dogs and cats have been domesticated because they gravitated towards humans since millennia. People suggesting pets are owners are mentally ill are probably low IQ.
1) no source
2) only a cuck would lose their own property to save some faggot
My robo hamster is better company than 99% of Yas Forums.
I will absolutely save my dog instead of you.
My family had dogs and cats for 40 years. For the first time in my life I'm pet free.
Its wonderful not having pee land mines in the carpet and shit balls to stop on in the middle of the night as you stumble to the kitchen.
Then there's the fleas, I hated fleas. They were everywhere.
Pets are nice, but I can't stand owning one.
Only someone who isn’t white and upper class would hate dog owners. You’re not white, and you’re definitely poor and uneducated OP.
Hey look its Matt Walsh on pol
Bullshit. I'll still save family friends or strangers in my community, but if I had to choose my dog over someone outside my social circle and local community then fuck them. It's a hypothetical that would literally never fucking happen anyway. It's just another stupid thread.
I agree. Id save my dog over my parents. He has been there for me more than those boomers.
What if little but still savage hunter?
literally cant read a graph, kys memefag
The kind of people that are outraged because of this are usually precisely the reason why such attitudes exist. Maybe they can try being less shitty some day.
This. Dogs are mand best friend and when treated right can exemplify the best qualities we seek in people. Honestly, loyalty and integrity. Treat a dog right and it will never betray you.
The amount of irrational and emotional responses from the pet owners just proves my point.
I said "half" and yet people get mad. PETA would be proud.
The man could be a faggot, not taking that chance.
You value the life of a beast who has no soul over your fellow man who has a soul and is made in the image of God.
It may be hypothetical, but that's literally the philosophy of ethics.
this. only non-whites have an aversion to dogs.
This user gets it. Borkos are man's best friend and most of them hate niggers.
Dogs personify the best traits in people. Obviously you should sacrifice your dog for other people but if it's a good dog it should be difficult and not easy. If you sacrificing it for worthless people though then it is not worth it.
100 percent correct. Every single urbanite pet owner today is an irredeemable degenerate.
If Italians aren't white then I'm race mixing and I guess I'm fine with it.
>no source
if you don't provide a source for OP pic then the Holocaust happened
>human life is precious
Except yours you fucking queerbait
you speak as if you're an arbiter who's exempt from humanity. get the fuck back in line you stupid cunt.
what if that "foreign tourist" was you that one of the retards on this thread had a choice in saving your life, but chose not to?
We should also be able to kill chimps chimping out and beaners. Much lower IQ than poor borko who hasn't been properly trained. Better to kill dog owner than dog.
I won't save a woman, but I will save a dog. At least a dog understands loyalty.