Why the fuck is nobody talking about how birth control is literal poison for women?

>artificially manipulates and blocks natural hormones
>literally shrinks the hypothalamus in the brain which regulates body temperature, mood, appetite, sex drive, sleep cycles and heart rate
>makes you depressed, suicidal, angry, easily agitated, aggressive, temperamental
>inhibits sex drive
>jeopardizes the health of future offspring
>can have long term effects on the body
>some serious side effects can be stroke, heart attack, breast cancer, blood clots
>decreased libido, spotting or bleeding between periods, headaches, nausea, and sore breasts
>mood swings and decreased cognitive function

Hm, yeah, sounds like a great idea to pass this shit out like candy to teenage girls and women and tell them everything is fine and they can keep fucking around. Turns out, trying to block and pervert one of the most powerful things that humans can do (procreating life), is not the healthiest thing for the body and brain. Western society is a joke.

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Probably why trannies happened.

I also have a theory that birth control causes autism and homosexuality in future offspring because hormonal fluctuation results in decreased testosterone and increased estrogen in the woman's body.

They pee out the hormones and they get into the water supply. That causes men to grow tits and suck dick.

>i dont know what ParaGuard is
incel plz

It may have less to do with the woman's body, and more to do with what comes out of it. Some of those excessive levels of hormones are pissed right the fuck out and put into our water supply.

How does piss get into what we drink?

I took my wife out of birth control and it the difference was like night and day. She became happier, doesn't bitch during pms, she's way more docile and willing to do what I say, her sex drive improved like 200% and now as long as she's not tired or having a bad day, all I gotta do is ask and she'll suck my dick.

Nowadays she's using a copper IUD. Way better than taking jew big pharma shit

I'm pretty sure IUD's are not good either

Do you know about the water cycle, right..?
Anyway. When they filter water they're looking for bacteria etc. Hormones and whatever other substance they consider "safe", will stay there.

Wtf lol

It's still artificial hormones

So I find one issue in your theory. If estrogen made men gay, then estrogen blockers would make them straight (alongside testosterone). However, if you are referencing brain formation I don’t know. Not to say that in a negative way to you my friend, it’s just criticism to the idea that I think you would want to hear before you came out in public with it

There are hormone based IUD and copper based. The copper ones basically don't do anything to the woman's body. When sperm hits the copper, the copper kills all the sperm thanks to some of its properties. It's just a tiny piece of metal, better than constantly taking hormones

My gf refuses to get an iud because apparently theyre meant for people who already had kids. Ex had one and let me cum in her all the time but current one wont budge. what do

Have her get off of the IUD. It’s still a poison floating through her body and if it keeps the fetus from sticking, it kills the child. Just get a vasectomy. It’s cucky but it won’t kill a child or mess your wife up either. Your job is to protect her

If you don't have a well you are literally drinking recycled piss water.

Some BS gynecologists will say that, specially the old farts. We just found a decent young one with good reviews and she did it right away.

If a woman wants to choose to be a loose degenerate that can have as much sex as she wants without repercussion or responsibility then we should allow them to poison themselves. What's fair is fair.

Our grandchildren will think we were retarded for birth control, SSRIs, and adderall but im sure they will still be scammed by other things just the same

Because fuck women you vile incel.

No it’s not, it’s just the metal.

That being said, I think anything not fertility awareness is gay and bluepilled.

Was on it for less than a year when I was 18/19 and im pretty sure it has severely damaged my ability to get pregnant. Gynecologists and health clinic workers only tell you less than a handful of symptoms.

I agree with that sentiment, I don't have much sympathy for whores but at least tell them the severe consequences of birth control. Because right now Doctors aren't doing their fucking jobs and act like no harm is being done. Kind of like when they got people hooked onto pharmaceuticals saying it was healthy and wasn't addictive.

Don't worry, it won't last long. In about 3 years we will both be where we wanna be in our financial/job life so we will have 2-3 kids and I'll do that. My wife will be 26 by then and we don't wanna wait longer than that, I don't wanna have autistic fucked up kids.

I'm not a woman, so I don't care

>It’s still a poison floating through her body
You... don't know what an IUD is, do you?

All water on Earth has been pissed out by someone or something at some point, and treatment plants can only filter out so much.

>decreased testosterone and increased estrogen in the woman's body
There is no conclusive evidence (and the evidence that exists is terrible) that a woman's womb conditions turns males gay. Twin studies have shown this.

The "high T mother causes gay newborns" is basically a myth. The high T mother is likely dyke-tier and lets their sons get exposed to faggots who molest them, turning them gay, and that's how any previous weak correlations came about.
At this point its practically a biological certainty that being gay has no biological cause.

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I've never given much thought to birth control pills because it never affected me directly but the idea of fucking with your reproductive organs like that seems like such a risky thing. Condoms and pulling out is fine. I've never knocked a girl up using that method.
My ex got IUD and she had some health complications believed to be caused by the IUD but doctor wasnt 100% sure that was the cause.

do you see the irony in presuming dyke tier because of hormonal differences

it also causes autism when dumb whores try to use it to induce an abortion
literally a pill of esstrogen and prgesterone
made in the 50s by jews
causes exaggerations of all unacceptable female characteristics literally driving them to act like psycopaths
came out at the same time society really turned degenerate

autists, look at youre hands and see which finger is bigger, your pointing or your ring finger?

A septic treatment plant basically just uses bacteria to make blackwater/wastewater "safe" for the environment, then it just dumps it back into the environment. If humans can safely ingest a chemical then the chemical is basically designated as "safe" for the environment.
A septic plant in a northern state along the Mississippi river processes toilet waste and then dumps the "safe" water into a stream or drainage field that eventually flows into the Mississippi river.
A southern state uses water from the Mississippi, processes it a little bit to kill bacteria, and then puts it directly into your tap.
There is practically nothing that filters the human piss chemicals that are safe for human consumption out of that tap water.
Hence, you "drink piss water"

Pic related a home with a septic tank just dumps the unfiltered wastewater directly underground and it eventually flows into the nearest stream or river.

The closer you are to a continental divide stream
the less likely you will be downstream from pisswater.

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Most of us have never known a world without it. It's just something you take because having a baby in your teens would 'ruin your life', because the purpose of your life is to make money for mister noseberg. No one questions if it's safe because why would doctors give us something that isn't? They're smart! They'd never do something like that to us!

I actually don't. High T women are ugly and rejected by men and thus more likely to associate with LGBT because women are social leaches who need to belong to a community that accepts them. It has nothing to do with biology directly, it's just a roundabout social mechanism.

Birth control pills cause blood clots and cancer.

I.U.D.'s cause cancer
She will have to get a hysterectomy before the age of 50.

Was on depo provera for almost a decade and dear god it’s been about a year off of it and I’m slowly starting to feel human again. I actually have a sex drive again - before that I wouldn’t even think about anything sexual, I wouldn’t get turnt on or feel anything. Deep depression issues and gained a good 60+ pounds. Shit was wild. Life is actually worth living now that I’m off that shit.

We need non hormonal bc options

We really need to remove their federal funding and then tax the shit out of them. Courts refusing to allow the gov to require parental consent for minors to use it is also disgusting.

They were invented at around the same time, and the recent UK birth control shortage was caused by sex changes. Definitely true.

This is partially validated by science. The idea is that the female marital/reproductive patterns caused by birth control cause Autism, and it's actually the medical consensus at the moment.

Basically, thots are getting laid out of wedlock, and they never marry until later now. But they often keep using contraceptives longer and longer, too. Many reach their 30s childless, and then have a kid.

That first kid is more than sixty times more likely than a kid born to a teenager to have autism.

By the time they're 40/50, there's a more than 50% chance the kid will have autism. If they need some kind of "assisted reproduction," the chance shoots up to 70-80%.

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His wife is going to have get a hysterectomy in the future where they remove her ovaries and uterus because of cancer.

Most don't have hormones but it's still a foreign object that causes cancerous cells to grow.

Don't do it
Just com in her and impregnate her
Show her who's boss

I don't personally see any negative effects, it just makes PMS less painful and crampy.

Young one is probaly unaware I.U.D's cause cancer.


I.U.D.'s,Birth control pills and abortions all lead to cancer.

Women who have had abortions have a higher rate of breast cancer.

The real newspaper headline.

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>They were invented at around the same time
One was clearly more popular for decades before the other caught on.

>I.U.D's cause cancer.
Explain how

I’m a woman and I don’t use birth control have been using the pull out method, also iuds gross my out when I think about them lol

I.U.D.'s just some how cause women to need a hysterectomy in there 40's

Abortion leads to breast cancer

And birth control pills csn lead to serious blood clots that cause women to lose limbs or die from blood clots in their lungs.

>I.U.D.'s just some how cause women to need a hysterectomy in there 40's

Birth control is terrible for women's health! It is artificially upping their oxytocin in unnatural circumstances.
By synthetically altering their "love hormone", they become
- sympathetic towards refugees
- anti-children
- can no longer pair-bond with their husband, making divorce easier

Yet we cram this shit down girls' throats, as young as 11 (personal experience from working in a pharmacy). Every day for 40 years, blocking neurohormones and creating empty zombies.

This is why many modern women are so hateful - they can no longer feel true love!

So how about: wait til you get married, filthy whoremonger?!

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Do you think that I can't tell it's shooped? It's not even the same font, and it probably wouldn't be a one-shot $5.7 trillion tax.

>one eas clearly more popular
No shit sherlock. To fundamentally modify the culture and mentality of the entire planet requires one or two generations to actually be born--and not only to be born, but indoctrinated and schooled in the ideals of birth control and the concept of a contraceptive society.

They're still fundamentally similar technologies which were invented in sync, with the first research experiments into birth control and transsexualism occurring in the thirties, and they were ultimately mainstreamed in the 50s and 60s, with the slut pill being authorized in 1959 and the first US sex change occurring in 1966.

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I wonder if people will look back at birth control the same way we look back at Roman lead pipes.


>I’m a woman and I don’t use birth control have been using the pull out method
more like the push-out method

>some serious side effects can be stroke, heart attack, breast cancer, blood clots

Female birth control is methylated. Our livers are very effective at metabolizing sex hormones. When we eat meat, our liver destroys 99% of sex hormones in it before it hits our bloodstream.
So in order to make sex hormones orally available, they add a methyl group. Now 95% of it makes it through the first pass through the liver.
But there's a downside. A big one. It makes birth control liver toxic. As a result, liver cells lyse and release metabolic enzymes into the bloodstream. This is what causes the clots and increases the chance of stroke and heart attack.
Remember in high school, they said that steroids can cause liver damage? Yeah, that exactly how female birth control functions but doctors will prescribe it to a 16 year old girl.
Doctors and the practice of medicine is a fucking joke.

Literally every pill has side effects you retarded mutt

As a follow up, millenials have total testosterone levels 40% Lower than their grandfathers. And free testosterone (the number that really matters) is 50% lower.
But if you try and get a doctor to prescribe testosterone injections, they will flatly refuse. Until you figure out how to work the system that is, but I digress.
A 16 year old girl can get female hormones. A 16 year old mentally disturbed girl can get testosterone to become a tranny. But if you're a male with low testosterone, doctors find any reason not to provide it.

Pretty good point.

IUDs are the absolute worst. They double the risk for ectopic pregnancies and cause a 30% increase in cervical cancer risk. Anyone who encourages the use of IUDs or has sex with a girl who has one should be ashamed, and also shot.

This is just cope.

1. There's multiple answers to this question, so you're either an idiot or just trying to make it harder to answer to be an asshole.
2. Non-hormonal IUDs are foreign objects which increase the risk for cancer for everything they touch, including the cervix and the fallopian tubes' entrances, as well as the walls of the uterus.
3. Hormonal IUDs are just as bad as tobacco for health.

If it doesn't successfully block your sperm, your wife can still get pregnant.

If she gets pregnant on an IUD, she dies or has an "excuse" to get an abortion because it could "save" her, although it won't save her on Judgment Day.

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Birth Control is against God. Lust demons created it and those that use it are slaves to these demons. Call upon God to free you.

Say the Prayer for Coomers:
Please Lord take away my lust. Cleanse me of my coomer status. Cure my mind of simping. So that I may be free. In Jesus name, Amen.

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>As a follow up, millenials have total testosterone levels 40% Lower than their grandfathers. And free testosterone (the number that really matters) is 50% lower.
Why is that? Because of the water and food supply?