What happened???
Reminder that Schumer is a Jew and related to Amy "oink oink muh vageen" Schumer.
You won’t do anything you nigger
>high elected Jews threatening the Supreme Court
Jew Coup.
I don't have a twitter account and don't intend to. What's he talking about?
>What happened???
You don't need one to see tweets
Schumer threatened Conservative Supreme Court Justices by name. If you don't vote how he wants then "You will reap the Whirlwind", "You won't know what hit you", etc.
reee harder faggot
dumb boomer sack of shit
No one knows what Schumer did you doubleniggers
“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Schumer told abortion-rights advocates. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Post the link to Schumer talking shit.
Unlike your country, our laws are usually enforced. Schumer will get disbarred for this.
Trump should have the motherfucker arrested for treason instead of just tweeting about it like a bitch.
Imagine thinking a pack of jews and queers in wizard robes are above contempt because they went to college.
So Schumer is pissed about his sacrificial blood being taken away?
I mean the man looks like a demon.
lets fucking go!
>No one knows what Schumer did you doubleniggers
He told his supporters to attack Kavanaugh and Gorsuch if they don't decide his way on abortion during a pro-abortion rally. He pretty much advocated for terrorism against them.
That just seems like a jackoff thing to do. He probably shouldn't be allowed to participate in government anymore.
well if the vote in NYC wasn't controlled by the mafia they could vote his stupid ass out
Schumer cheers when Americans die, fuck that guy, he gave the ATF a standing ovation because of Waco
He threatened two Supreme Court justices if they don't rule how they want, telling his rabid supporters to literally physically seek them out and attack them to get them to comply.
It's textbook sedition. It will cost him his Senate seat.
>Schumer only mentions the Trump's justices when the most conservative justice (by far) on the bench is a based black man Bush Sr. pick
Drone him, you giant pussy.
I was reading replies on Reddit saying it was basically the same thing as Trump asking Sotomayor today recuse herself after attacking Trump
willful clueless totality achieved
Boomer 100% confirmed
>threatening the supreme court
do you think he'll flee back home when they try to prosecute him?
>mUh sUPrEme CouRt
Imagine letting a room of terrible, old sociopaths decide what's absolutely wrong or right on the broadest of scales, and letting that be the "surpreme" law of that land, dictating all lives.
Think about it, and then kys.
>and then kys.
go back to twitter, tourist
For a Jew, any price is severe.
thanks for the update, faggot. please go back to plebbit and never return.
In Europe such an evil clown would have to leave his seat in less than a day. Fucking man yourself, US. If such behavior is tolerated, hell will break loose.
They won't do anything. At most Schumer will have some intern shit out a non-apology, Trump might tweet about it, and that's all. It's already a bog-standard precedent in this hell-hole of a country.
We are talking about the SCOTUS in this thread, not the House
Back to redshit, MIGApede.
Nobody is afraid of this fat orange fuck. Trump's words are as limp and impotent as his shriveled orange cock.
Honestly, it's appalling the how limp dick Trump is inside America. He can do whatever he wants to protect Israel even murder the highest ranking military commander in Iran and drop MOBAs in soverign countries. But, inside America, building a fence that doesn't get pushed over by high winds is impossible.
yeah, I'm from reddit, says the "user" who types like a 12 year old girl sending a text
>What happened???
Schumer's political suicide.
A jew did something that would get anyone else thrown in prison. Now he's going to get away with it.
A Jew, threatening his political opponents because they want to STOP the American Holocaust?! The irony and evils...
One of the country's highest-ranking Democrats publicly threatened 2 sitting Supreme Court justices and nothing will happen to him
I'd love to know what Trump's favorite Supreme Court decision are. I have a feeling the one that helped George Washington take over those British airports is high on the list.
Shilling loser alert.
I don't hear any words coming out of that little fucker's mouth. What's the harm? He doesn't know what's happening. Here, I'll make it easier. That one should be easier to kill.
>they can't take away any more of our blood sacrifices!
>we're already running low now that the CF can't raid Haitian orphanages!
>we NEED them to nooooourish ourselves!
>did I lose my composure for a moment there? forgive me! just chucklin' around!
These fucking idiots are trying to say pic related was a threat and that what Schumer said was nothing
It must be funnier in the original hebrew
>They won't do anything. At most Schumer will have some intern shit out a non-apology, Trump might tweet about it, and that's all. It's already a bog-standard precedent in this hell-hole of a country
Sounds about right. Just shut up and pay your taxes boys.
>high elected anything in the US
nigger, let me tell you a story about a place called the hanging tree.
>and that what Schumer said was nothing
it was nothing. watch the video. it takes serious mental gymnastics to interpret that as anything worse than a political threat
>oh, I did?
>that's just a figurative way of referring to the voters...
>good job, chuckie, you fooled 'em again
Wish a nigga would
based boomer
Where did the threat happen? Can someone bring that link?
lucky for him he's not a lawyer
>in Europe
imagine how small this guys country is for him to identify with Europe instead of his own nation
>He threatened two Supreme Court justices if they don't rule how they want, telling his rabid supporters to literally physically seek them out and attack them to get them to comply.
Good, I wish a Republican would say that shit.
It wasn't a physical threat, it was just me pointing out the political ramifications the supreme court justice would face!
Oh wait what's that? The supreme court isn't a political position?
>Schumer spoke Wednesday at a rally in front of the United States Supreme Court
This is not the floor of congress, this is officially intimidation.
You don't get to threaten Juries, and I don't think you get to threaten courts when they're hearing cases either.
I'm a fan of justice, I'm a fan of upholding Rights. Neither appear at risk in this instance, his threat is apparently simply political.
In such a case, he's now a criminal.
This is the only correct answer. Sadly we all know this is true.
I can't even say what that kike said back to him on here anonymously without an FBI visit.
They honestly don't have any idea what the word recuse means.
Well you're a retard then because it's going to cost Schumer his job.
It was a physical threat, he specifically said that his followers should hit them.
Don't argue with us. You should go cry to the Supreme Court who has already censured Schumer.
What about when he was telling Supreme Court Judges to recuse themselves from any matters dealing with his organizations, just last week lmao?
Retard trump. You just openly threatened a US senator now the optics are shit for you again and Schumer’s comments are forgotten.
What's gonna Trump gonna do? Send more money to Israel?
No it's not. He's saying what his constituents want to hear.