reminder that globalism and american degeneracy becoming the norm is the best weapon against extremism and division
>lebanese girl moves to the US
>instead of being religious, she becomes a successful porn star
this is good
Reminder that globalism and american degeneracy becoming the norm is the best weapon against extremism and division
Of course.
why does she have 2 inches of forehead?
because she doesn't have a receding hairline like the bimbos you're used to
Nothing is good about this hell.
Her implants are an absolute travesty.
Fun fact: the word "travesty" comes from the Italian word "travesti," which means "crossdresser"
pipe down incel
What's her name? Her jaw, her eyes, her rack - she is well-bred.
Mia Khalifa
everyone I've ever known has had more hairline at that when they were 12
>more hairline at that when they were 12
are you having a stroke or can't your write a single coherent sentence?
Why do you care? It doesn't take much brain to make a sandwich.
pipe down cuck. her tits are amazing. love to take her on a date, she is marriage material.
The issue is more that without a patriarchal society, women immediately become huge whores. This has been known for thousands of years.
>Best weapon against extremism
If you're a psychopath who hates independence from tyranny yes
I'd just like to remind you that Europe has always been more degenerate than the U.S. We have movies about it.
sure thing muttoid
don't you have a child pageant to go to in the "conservative" south?
Tell me about the tits OP, does it do porn?
Wicked infidel bitch! Were she in my power I would spank that ass so hard before filling her every hole with my righteous Islamic cum.
The drawcard for your toothpaste country is literally prostitution and drug use.
>Fucks hundreds of guys on video for money.
>Marriage material
>I'd just like to remind you that Europe has always been more degenerate than the U.S.
>We have movies about it.
These two sentences together actually reveal quite a lot about why America is so fucked up.
only in the eyes of the degenerate anglos
not of fan of plastic titties, but the flapjacks she previously had there were truly horrendous.
There is no other reason to go to The Netherlands and the only people who do go there do so for drugs and to fuck hookers.
There's a fucking hilarious video on efukt of her trying anal and failing miserably
anal is for fags
fake breasts, do not want
This. I've never been but it's legit the only reason my mate goes
She's a Lebanese Christian though...
daily reminder that Islam is right about women
I went there to consoom football
I would tell my friends it is for the architecture and because it was on a train stop to somewhere else.
is that right?
Women are women regardless of where you go in the world
Arab women just get punished with death in Arab countries if they get caught
Mia has high testosterone from her father and grandfathers which instigated her proclivity to whoring
America merely gave her the freedom to act on it
You should see her now
>No friends
>No family
>Nobody normal wants to interact with her
>Likely going to marry a simp
>Hit the wall
>Blames her EVIL BOYFRIEND for everything she did
All porn whores go this way. Linda Lovelace, Shelley Lubben, Sasha Grey, etc.
Fuck, pornstars basically live a public and caricatured version of what women normally do.
Muslims are not the main enemy nowadays. Degeneracy is the enemy now because it is destroying the social fabric of society. All the religious nuts were right. Pic related: How they dealt with degenerate communists back in '83.
You europeans started the degeneracy spiral, don't blame us just because we accelerated faster.
thanks frendo
She's fucked miles of nigger dick already.
What the--- explain this gif?
Does she have a 500cc cranial volume or something? What the fuck is wrong with this slut's head?
khazaria is in eastern europe
Khazarian Empire was actually bordering Turkey
would lick boob sweat/10
>OP) #
She’s Christian and Christians are whores
Nah. Statistically speaking women aren’t as promiscuous as men in a free sexual environment. They prefer the same handful of top level guys.
Men are polygamist by nature. Women are hypergamus by nature. Men have a breeding strategy based on quantity (sperm, high T, penis). Women have a breeding strategy based on quality (eggs, high E, vagina).
This is how you know data is a real man
are you fucking kidding me? id suck black cum out of her snatch with a silly straw.
to the north, which would be central russia today
the context for this pic is hilarious, he's sipping local tea while his forces in the background are ambushing a Russian patrol
Testosterone. Masculine women tend to have bigger heads.
Did she fix her nipples? I heard a rumor she did but never seen them
Lmfaooo got emm!!!
That's more like central Asia so kinda
Didn't she admit she regrets it all and now has nobody? Good thing she was liberated with freedom.
actually no fren. Thothpaste is a degenerate shithole.
Trudeau is it you?
I thought she married a literal Swedish cuckold.
I'd say it's more european than asian, but I'm no geographer
short little puny brain,
How about No
You commies and Your titties are no.
We Americans Have our own Big tittied Girls. You take those back to Cuba.... Well I want to suck On those Milkers BUT ONLY ONCE!
lol what a slut
Data is fully functional
Depends if you think Persians are European it is on the borders but I've heard of the Roman Empire invading Khazarians many times
This. If men aren't there to put women in line, they will naturally gravitate towards degeneracy and chaos. That is why you can't really blame them for feminism and the results of modern society. Men are weaker than ever and fell for the shit test of equal rights. Implicity they are begging to be put in their place by a strong man but since that's not happening we're seeing chaos and all traditional values being spat on and white people's influence diminishing in their own countries.
NEETs must rise up and take their rightful place as heirs in western society. Yes, shit is fucked up right now and the odds are stacked against a white guy especially if you've been a NEET for a while but it must be done. You're our only hope, NEETs.
>bigger head
Where the fuck is her forehead nigga?
When I say invade I mean taking care of barbaric phallic worshipping nomads completely from a time before Europe as a continent
no woman is a slut, some just like sex more. real men don't care about a womans past.
Where do you think that shit was imported from?
Mia says that she has PTSD from porn and feels deep shame.
I want to know if she has committed herself to no longer watching porn.
She’s alone except for her cuck
Did her scars ever heal?
I personally am a canal enthusiast
lmao that she let dozens of niggers fuck her for supposedly less than $15,000.
Is that real