A nostalgia movement would improve the black community

Black user here. Studying our past, it appears that it has been unnecessarily demonized, for some reason. Statistically speaking, we were doing way better than today. Of all ethnic groups in the US, we have fallen the hardest. I think we would benefit off of a sort of "nostalgia" movement, for lack of a better term, where instead of demonizing our past as some kind of racial hell, we see it for what it really was, a time when we had intact families, much lower crime, and much better music and culture. A movement in which we strive to get back to our golden era, the Motown era(50's-70's). I understand that a lot pf you don't actually want to see us do better, you love having an easy target to ridicule and feel better than, which is what we are at this point.


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How about wearing your own nappy hair instead of a wig made from Indian or Asian hair, you cultural appropriator

You mean adopting the values of hard work, thrift and sobriety while rejecting the thug/gangsta/ho/bling EdUcAtIoN mEaNs YoU'Re TrYiNg To AcT wHiTe bullshit? Count me in.

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>I understand that a lot pf you don't actually want to see us do better,
Post picture of your hand with timestamp, Chiam. Take your pets to Africa where you and they can create Wakanda together.

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Props to you user. I think you're right.

How is it that there seems to be such a big difference between first gen African blacks and the mostly Caribbean creoles rooting in slavery? It seems like the first gen African blacks are mostly in low tier jobs but their kids get into prestigious professions way more than the Caribbean creole. The latter also seems much more frustrated and fitting the stereotypical prison in and out going bad guy. All of the ones I know have visited prison at least once for things like robbery or drug dealing etc. If you wanna know more on how families got destroyed, then look into the 70's-90's housing projects, pretty eye opening how families were deliberately torn apart because most projects were meant for single mothers and fathers weren't allowed to be around etc.

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Go back to Africa instead. We dont want you here criminal savage.

Go back to plebbit commie pig.. Oink oink

You've got an Ally in the Ghost of Lyndon LaRouche.

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Go live in Africa with your stupid monkeys.

How about you stop being a faggot.

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GLR would approve.

Then maybe your people can start by showing some respect for western civilization.

honestly, yes.
Your culture prior to thug culture and rap came into play was showing some nice promise, though it was in the process of getting fucked by the emerged trope of black dads leaving.
Single parents are not likely to raise kids properly and pass down the values they intend to. They just can't be there enough when they also need to work.

Center it around taking a look back to the idolized view of Martin Luther King Jr.

Because for all the bullshit going on beyond the scenes, the legacy he left was far greater and brighter than the man himself.

It would benefits whites also to look at a pre-kike domination era. I reject all music movies etc. That were made after a certain year, its just hard to pinpoint a certain point. It's almost like being amish, in a way, pure and utter rejection of kike based (non)culture.

Niggers have no values they are stupid animals, most black fathers are literal evil criminal psychopaths in prison right now.

Wholesome and comfy black america. Before kikes took over. Pic related.

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Agreed. You guys were the test run of what is currently happening to everyone now. Dissolution of the family unit, competition for work between the sexes, and flooding communities with drugs. Then throw in the glorification of thug life thanks to you know (((who))) via the music industry and voila, a destroyed people.
We could all benefit from a reset to that era.

Also, for all our fucking bitterness, and as much as many of us would deny it, to see black people shed themselves of their niggatry and become a people we could respect for their morals and attitude towards life, any suppositions of DNA aside, would be seen as a net positive no matter how much some would whine and bitch.

No he was a kike puppet bitch boy, which is why the establishment loves him. Desegregation was one of the worst things ever forced upon us.

god damn Tami Terrell was beautiful

you need to quit actin white

Add in welfare and Lyndon BJ’s bullshit along with their developing American culture, aaand you get social dereliction.

They don't make them like her anymore. If she was alive and young today she would be some kind of e-thot instawhore.

That is why I speak of the idolized view.
Understand that is is manipulation of the mainstream black community, pure and simple, even if it is in an effort to get them to improve themselves.

You need a symbol for that. Something to rally behind. You CANNOT get anything more powerful than MLK, for all the truth we know of his communist values, adultry, and the like.
And make little mistake, he was trying to pull his people forward in life towards a brighter future, for all that he could not practice what he preached. Him and Malcom X, who I would consider a better role model, but politically a harder subject to center a movement around.

This would only work if most of the blacks in america came from actual black americans, from what I have seen most of the so called niggers are actually black spics.

Dont forget what they did to the black panthers, who rose up to try and police their people when drugs and gangs were rising up, and police were not doing their jobs.

They tore the organization apart, and enacted the National Firearms Act in order to limit the weapons a civilian could own.

So you're saying, statistically speaking, YOU WUZ KANNGGSS?

I agree with you 100%, however there is an insolvent problem here. Many of us white people don't want to see our kids reproducing with black kids. We genuinely do not want miscegeny and would rather prefer that you not be in the country, than any other alternative. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, just stating this simple fact.

>trying to pull his people forward
No he wasn't, he was the original race hustler. His ideology was completely devoid of dignity, pride, or self-esteem. He was arguably the beginning of the end. His statue needs to be taken down. His optics are not aesthetically pleasing either, hes a caricature.

An element of legacy blacks (ADOS) based on lineage is coalescing, they could be a jump off point.

Whats really scary is that this was at least only destroyed the black community (and the native americans, just look at how fucked up welfare made them), but should it happen to whites, the entire system collapses (which is what we are headed to, since the average person is an idiot). Its sad that we'll never get to a super advanced society due to the majorirty rule of the weak and stupid...

How would you stop another Tulsa Black Wall Street massacre from happening again? We’re far beyond that kind of racial volatility nowadays but if Wall Street were to ever have inland competition again, some shit will be bound to happen.

Do you think you can rally them around Malcom X?
For all that MLK had the most politically pleasing message, Malcom X struck me as the one with the more accurate view of the world.
A shame he was after he quit and decried Islam.

I am merely thinking of how to draw people IN, mind you. That is why I suggested MLK.

>prefer we not be in the country
Thats a legit and very ugly issue considering most white americans today are descendants of later immigrants that came through ellis Island, people that willing immigrated to a nation that had black people in it. I'm all for segregation, but this level of hypocrisy is irreconcilable.

Riots sucked, but keeping things in perspective more black people are killed every month in Chicago.



Firewater and reservations was probably the original inspiration for these schemes, yeah.
Brazilification to completely atomize people is the goal. The endgame is to sell you an identity; you can see it in console wars and other vidja all the time, just extrapolate that to all other facets of life. Welcome to neo feudalism.
Granted this is all hoping the ponzi scheme can keep going but western civ is so poisoned that the immigrants that are supposed to supplant us become just as demoralized and unreproductive.
As Aristotle points out, multiculturalism is antithetical to democracy, because without the bonds of blood it is easy to divide and control the masses of lemmings.

I'm not sure I understand your point. You're ascribing a kind of agency to those people that I doubt they had. They didn't say to themselves or each other, "we want to go to America to spite the blacks!" Or anything else. I doubt they thought much about the blacks. In their minds they were emigrating to a white nation that had small enclaves of non-whites.

And despite that, our unwillingness to breed is not the result of rhetoric. Telling us that we're being hypocritical because of this or that historical situation does not matter. The fact stands that we just don't want it, and your presence creates a constant burden on us to have to protect and educate our children about you all. Your very presence creates racial tension.

Black history is completely irrelevant. You are just a a speed bump in the road of human progress.

I'm all for segregation. But implying deportation, as if we are some immigrant group is too much, especially coming from literal immigrants.

There were some cool cats and awesome music before rap, style and class then it all turnde to ass.

This. Why do most black women in US wear wigs? This is disgusting they wash heads like couple times in a fucking month.

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Fred Hampton

I understand that and I agree, and I feel that our situation is just tremendously unfortunate. There really aren't any good answers and people knew there wouldn't be, long before the Emancipation Proclamation. What do you suppose is the best solution?

Go back to what we were doing in the 50's boomers are dying. Lets pick up the culture they were blessed with until they sold it off to globalist kikes, except this time around we know better.

I assume they are useless shitposters frankly. Segregation can be either step one or two, the other is the complete disengagement from mass media's marketing and brainwash. Not sure which would actually be easier to implement.

because white people make fun of and make them feel like their natural hair is ugly

God she's perfect

I am not a shitposter, I'm having a conversation. I live outside of a city with a huge black population and frankly many white people here do not like them. At all. So there are problems that need resolving.
It isn't just old people that are racist, my friend. Young whites just know better than to wear it on our sleeves because of government repression and the social stigma that brings. Like I said, you aren't going to debate us into wanting to breed with blacks - the point being, that young intermarriages between us are going to cause community-wide problems down the road, when we aren't being forced by our government to allow it to happen. And I'm sure there are plenty of blacks who would prefer to honor their ancestry by keeping it black as well. So what do we do, just agree to disagree? It will never be simple, but you can't just brainwash people into compliance, as it will eventually come to a head.

I don't like niggers, but blacks undoubtedly had many good impacts on Americana. The music, not counting the last 30 years, is great example.

Godspeed, OP, you've got a noble goal.

>Black user here. Studying our past, it appears that it has been unnecessarily demonized, for some reason.
CIA imported cocaine and shit to sell to black communities, destroy the family unit, corruption. It has been communists the entire time.

Nope, not true, watch YouTube videos exposing weave, it's little girls own mothers who make them start wearing weaves at six years old. As a white guy I prefer seeing and touching a black woman's natural hair. They don't even let me touch their weave, not that I'd want to by how it smells.

No you fumb fuck, it has nothing to do with wypipo. Black women have to go through rigorous regimens to keep their hair clean, and it gets EXPENSIVE. That's what it's really about. It's cheaper to wear a weave or a wig. When a black woman decides to do her natural hair and straighten it out, it's sexy as all fuck. But they ain't trying to spend $100 a week on a hairdresser.

>When a black woman decides to do her natural hair and straighten it out
ok thats not natural then


Is it really that hard to wet down and shampoo their hair? I'm genuinely asking, I've never talked to them about it

Disengagement is something that ppl can do right now. I haven't watched TV in years. I've recently stopped listening to virtually all music made after the 80's particularly rap and hip hop. Social media is kind of addictive. Mind you. Yas Forums counts as social media, but I see it as more of a tool, on any other platform the merit of my words do not matter, its the only place people like myself have a voice of any kind and is not ego driven due to the surface level anonymity.

Yes, and it takes a long ass time too. Some of them have Indian admixture and as a result have much nicer, and easier to maintain, natural hair. But the vast majority don't have that luxury.

t. Bedded over 20 negresses in my lifetime, no regrets. Some of the best sex and head I've ever had.

Its kike brainwashing to see our past through the lens of me ebil "racism", did it exist, yeah, it still exists; but did it define everyday life? Not by a long shot despite what (((Hollywood))) would have you believe. Kikes need racial tension, and they foment it in many ways; they need for people to have a skewed view of our un-kiked past as some sort of racial hell(for blacks) and guilt(for whites).

I agree with you.

>honoring our ancestry by keeping it black
We are derived from colonial era mulattos. But I'm with you, freedom of association is important.

I will say anons on this board can be quite hypocritical. They know Jews have fucked white society and have no problem blaming the Jews for all the white degeneracy today. But we also know the Jews fucked the black society even worse and yet they don't get to lean on the Jew excuse.

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You need a surprising amount of water pressure to pierce through thick curls to the scalp. The honest answer is that if your hair is that fucking hard to deal with you probably shouldnt grow it out.

Blacks were well on their way of building their own communities. The white democrats derailed that Civil Rights Legislation that hamstrung and destroyed blacks. Our Constitution already grants all Americans rights. It’s best to correct wrongs at the highest possible statue, rather than accepting someone else’s definition of rights as being called Civil Rights.

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That was pretty cool.

I get what you're saying but that's kind of tangential to what I was saying. I should have been more specific; in that context I meant only that racism with respect to a kind of community driven eugenics. I don't hate blacks, or anyone else for their race. They didn't choose it any more than I chose mine, and I think they should be as proud of it as I am of mine.

The way I see it, essentially, I think the best way is to just give blacks a nation in North America, and incentivize them to go there. Then for what's left for whites, have much tighter immigration controls. That way we can only trade the best and brightest with each other without the problem of creating a New Brazil, if you know what I mean.

Then of course there's all that "regression to the mean" stuff, but that's another level. Right now my concern is reducing conflict between communities and improving representation. As it stands, blacks in the US are used solely to game the democratic system, and they deserve better.
Freedom of association is exactly what it's about, yep.

White man reporting. We're actually only tolerating all this white devil baloney because it's making niggers realize self segregation is the only way forward.

You fellas have a bad habit of burning cities to the ground when you don't get your way so we're trying to get you to leave of your own volition this time. The suburbs are the direct result of the civil rights era and we don't want to rebuild civilization a third time.

For me it's just that its so damn greasy growing it out. It feels good running hot water through it, but after awhile the constant maintenance becomes too much, and dirt and shit sticks to it. A shaved head is much cleaner feeling and looking.

Agreed, black communities were on the up and up before the government fucked them hard with gibs and drugs.

We should be banding together to take back our communities. We are all Americans, we should build ourselves and tribes up instead of tearing each other down.

>I understand that a lot pf you don't actually want to see us do better,
I would like to see you rise above the jewish poison you have swallowed.
I sincerely wish you good luck user.
All the best.

There is alot of great music that is created by blacks which isnt all gangster rap/globalist crap.


It was feminism via Gloria Steinem convincing black women to chose gender and gibs over communal solidarity which really destroyed our communities, everything else is a result of that.

Same, but our individual opting out of the media world doesnt stop its ceaseless pressing into closed spaces. Our boats arent water tight. There needs to be some kind of general consensus to disengage otherwise we will all still be prey by just proximity.
It may be easier to form sorta communes, pool resources to start taking over neighborhoods house by house and block by block, keeping and amassing intergenerational and intracommunal wealth. Only let in those similar to yourself to form a strong foundation for further growth. This lets you reinforce the dismissal of the electronic jew with greater ease and consistency.
Possibly a combination of these ideas is the way forward; starter seeds to get the greater crystal to grow and take shape.

>Only let in those similar to yourself
Literally illegal in America. This is part of our problem.