>Reminder that the natural end point of the weebshit is becoming a tranny

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What would Hitler think of anime? Would he appreciate Japanese culture or would he call out its innate degeneracy? No joke answers, please.

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I think the natural end point to being a tranny is pretending to like bad anime

Anime only exists because of Hitler. Japan created manga and anime as part of their post-war reconstruction. That's why so many plotlines are "We must protect our homeland from invaders!"

As for OP's question, both anime and transgenderism attract autists. They don't understand gender boundaries and need their characters to explain everything to them.

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fuck trannies (not literally)
take the cute trappill

Fuck off weeb

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i watch anime, but my personality is not built around it

Reminder that the right lost anime to anarchist trannies

Thanks for the reminder. Ill consider lowering my anime intake

Taking themselves out of the gene-pool, very nice.



>he thinks anime is japanese and not pushed by (((allies))) to destroy japan

Anime made me right wing.

You are confusing cause and correlation, you fucking basil.
Anime sucks, though.

Me too.

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how so?

Who are you quoting?

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i'd argue weebshit appears so much because millennials and zoomers love it, and zoomers are either right wing, or are commies

Agree. Look at this disgusting brown racemixer.

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Excluding obvious faggot shit, it has many right wing, even fascist themes.
Also has many simple "Don't rely on anyone else, rely on yourself" "Might makes right" "Exercise and training are good for you." messages

>Thanks for the reminder. Ill consider lowering my anime intake
Do you have a lolcense to cuck to a Brazilian on Yas Forums?

just gonna ignore your bullshit.

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By associating anime with crazy trannies you are ceding the medium to them and letting them take over it.

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No it is not your fucking plank. Majority of anime is based the Zionist shit is what is corrupted.

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Weebs need to be gased

Not really. These people are 99% y/u/riniggers, a special breed of weebs. Just take a loot at /u/. It's obvious trannyville. Lesbo anime board, yet not a single real woman or man in sight. All these twitter trannies only watch moeshit/yurishit. Basically something with cute, young girls doing whatever, writing quality is not important to them. Their favorites are shows with no icky straight males on the cast and the girls having homoerotic relationships. Anyway, don't lump the rest of the anime fans with these mentally ill freaks.

OP blaming his life choices on anime. Sad.

Anime is degenerate whether trannies watch it or not

It's filled with autistic feminine losers. It venerates weakness.

When will you stop getting mad at smug anime posters? You know that they do that to bait normies, right?


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nigga all I want is for a cosplaying GF to eat out my ass while I'm crossdressing is that so wrong?

For every so called based (often debatable) anime that's produced there's like 10 who follows the main script which is
>stronk womyn
>beta pussy worshiper
>possibly some tranny themes

Obviously anime is a huge part in what's creating trannies in the west today. A psychological meme-weapon, the vengeance of the eternal nip.

It's more like internet and porn addiction for some leads to trannyism and also correlates with anime.

>watching cartoons for children

Yikes! Grow up faggots.

Based & redpilled.

What if I only jerk off to it?

I've gotten off to anime girls and even anime traps for 5 plus years but I've never wanted to stop being masculine in appearance.

Bro Japs write more strong white male protags and healthy marriage

That is so hot

Based, well adjusted jajaha

>bitching about weebshit on Yas Forums
pic related

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Why shouldn't I "bitch" about weebshit on Yas Forums? What better place to shit on weebs than weeb central? You make no sense, tranny.

le epic reddit troll. how do i give le gold on this site?

Haven't figured that one out yet. Tried upvoting your post too, but I can't find the arrows. Is the site broken?

>why should i avoid looking like a massive faggot?

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I want to thank god for not being such a weeb and enjoying anime as a little hobby
I literally feel sick when I see those anime pfp

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Oh no, the animugirlposters will think I'm a dum dum. Baka me, UWU ~_~

imagine taking the time to make this and thinking you're not a faggot.

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What are the best and most redpilled anime, the only anime I've ever watched is neon genesis evangelion and I thought it was great

And the natural end of being a tranny is a noose. Now that's what i call a slippery slope

Compare anime fans to real life
The unwanted
The broken
They realized how much they suck and contained in their fantasy so much they hate themselves to the point they no longer care about their outward appearances
Theyll start masturbating and fantasizing to shit like underage girls and women with dicks. Is this normal for people of today? Why do they not go out and have sex? Instead of raping 9 year old boys in their heads. Its not hurting anyone, they say as they unload their semonic fury upon some poor thai childs asshole when they turn 52.

Weebs have proven time and time again they are mentally ill and fall prey to the trope and wonder why their parents are ashamed of them. The weebs then lash out against the world for rejecting their 234lbs of loli love 4 life tshirt looking ass. They are the biggest fucking losers and should constantly be reminded themselves of it. THATS why we call you faggots weebs. You shouldnt be proud of it

It doesn't create trannies. Trannies cling on to it because they self insert and it makes them feel less disgusting.

Depends, have you started the hrt or not? Anything where eyeball-size accounts for at least 90% of the skull should be good, though.

>Implying anime will save the White Race while you are too busy watching anime while meanwhile (((Goldberg))) is promoting (((Diversity))), (((Childfree life))), and (((Sexual Deviancy))) to White People.

Anime is Modernity you idiot!


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Youjo Senki

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Japan created anime because whites made something that they could steal.

Niggers and spics steal physical things, chinks and slopes steal IP.

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Fufk off I know most weeb shit is for faggots but I want more diamonds in the rough like eva

Nah, I'm actually pretty sure people become trannies from watching animu. Not most men of course, most just take the beta-programming. But enough.


>natural end point of the weebshit is becoming a tranny
no, its becoming homofascist

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As a man with a job, when I see people doing anime, I wonder "is that a good and noble way to spend one's leisure time?" and the answer I invariably come up with is: NO.

Stop. Wasting. You're. Life.

>weird underage girl shit
No thanks fag

Is that the one where the super effeminate boy gets bossed around by a gang of girls and also drives a robot sometimes?

Weebshit is and will remain the exclusive domain of internet natzis

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That's right. Yas Forums is for adult topics, while the tiny minority of manchildren who wish to talk about their cartoons are quarantined on 4channel.

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Is that an angry little boy or a stronk independynt womyn?

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Yeah the little faggot shinji, it's based as fuck

It is true. I am life.

It's a little girl.

How so?

lol hey sven try speaking english next time

It's pedo shit


Commie core didn't treat you well, eh?

i do not speak to finlandish weebs thank you

Because you're supposed to hate him and how useless he is throughout most of the show, it's like if you even see him a tiny bit like you you'll want to destroy that bit after watching the end of eva (the movie final)

Remember when Hollywood would villianize trannies like in Silence of the lambs? Or even in comedies like ace ventura pet detective? All in the 1990s too. Not long ago.

Its a middle aged salaryman in the body of a magic loli.

good sauce

If watching anime as an adult makes you want to turn into a tranny you were already a degenerate faggot. I could see the argument about kids being exposed to sexual anime at a young age fucking them up though

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Yeah, that sounds like a healthy attitude towards watching animu at least.

He would obviously call it degenerate. Look at the audience it attracts and modern day males in Japan. Would be quite disappointed.

first real anime of the 60s and 70s were all anti-nazi

animefags like you are completely delusional. even space adventure cobra has hitler as the bad guy. it has ALWAYS been about brainwashing. who do you think funds them?

Stalin would have gulaged all of these degenerates.