The media wants you to be afraid
The media wants you to be afraid
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das juden
I never paid attention to the fact that it was always election years.
Haha yeah it's a nothingburger. Let's all go lick handrails to show we're not afraid.
the list isn't correct.
the only thing on the entire picture that is correct is the reproductive rate of the measles.
They copied a post I saw here a few days ago. But fuck that, I want half the world to die. More if possible. I am not afraid.
>I want half the world to die
Except you, right? You blackpilled happeningfag shills crack me up.
Is the global economy shitting its pants and showing how global supply chains are paralyzed by a nothingburger, itself a nothingburger?
This shit is stressing me out. Fuck all of these limp-dicked lawyers and chicken shit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit. Fuck "American pride". FUCK THE MEDIA.
Gee Bill, why do you get two ebolas?
A nothingburger doesn't force the quarantine of dozens of millions of people in China, does it?
Fuck off, shill.
Unless you're a communist government that wants to assert absolute authority and quell rebellion.
Even assuming it isn't lethal, having a significant percentage of your workforce knocked out for a while does hurt profits. It still seems like an overreaction so far though.
China's just using the virus to get rid of political enemies
What if, and I'm just throwing this out there, China is still kind of a backwards shithole in most places?
you had me until it said "hur dur the dumpf selctions mattez"
No shit
Unless you are immunocompromised, you should be fine
The chinks crashed their entire economy for the us primary? Somehow i doubt that
and yet they are able to manufacture everything you own...
Nobody even mentioned Trump you absolute obsessed incel.
most of what I own from China is cheap garbage
What if you're fucking retarded?
Ok then, fair points, but what about Italy? They're going to close schools and universities because this fucking "flu".
the media is late compared to me so i know that this shit isn't common.
You sound a lot more like mossad:
> Who cares about your health? Keep working wagecuck.
Then I'd fit in with your family
Fuck my asshole user.
Yes, the disease is not good. Minimizing transmission is important. It's also not the bubonic plague in the 13th century
It's a school night, don't you have homework or something to be doing kid?
Oh no guis, some diseases occurred on dates I specifically searched for! Even though they emerge literally all the time.
>Every election year
>Skips 2006
>something to be doing kid?
yeah, your mom
LA and SF both declared states of emergency with 0 cases or deaths. I'm starting to think these people are just dumb as shit and base their policy entirely off Twitter and CNN.
>1.38 billion people
Im pretty sure a billion could live in huts and the remainder could make all of our toys for 25 cents a day
absolutely based
LOL you are so obsessed it's sad.
Yeah, it's obviously not an extinction event but treating it as if it were absolutely nothing is foolish as fuck
That whiteboard was written by a woman.
FACTS: nothing written by a woman was ever important.
Thinking its about your burger election lmao..
LOL you are so delusional it's sad.
I agree with you there. People are too extreme one way or the other. It's either going to end humanity or is literally nothing.
>every election has a disease
>nothing listed for 2006
what a load of horseshit
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
It's just global media flexing their propaganda muscles, seeing how much they can shock the system. Clearly it's working. I'm sure plenty of people are making money off of it as well.
>SARS 2014
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was first discovered in Asia in February 2003. The outbreak lasted approximately six months as the disease spread to more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia before it was stopped in July 2003
>AVIAN 2008
On July 25, 2008, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released an Avian Influenza Disease Emergency Situation Update, reporting that H5N1 pathogenicity was continuing to gradually rise in endemic areas but the avian influenza disease situation in farmed birds was being held in check by vaccination. Eleven outbreaks of H5N1 were reported worldwide in June 2008 in five countries (China, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam) compared to 65 outbreaks in June 2006 and 55 in June 2007.[3]
Wow it's like CLOCKWORK.
Fucking idiots
A fence would be fine if it wasn't just a tiny segment for a photo OP. There's no fence of any kind right now in the desert where they flood in, they literally just drive trucks into the US.
Kek checked and this. Sad thing is people will believe it.
>"hyped as the black plague"
Meanwhile the media is literally saying it's a nothing burger and just the flu, our government is not hyping this at all lol, if anything it's the opposite.
>Sad thing is people will believe it.
Kek. Ironic considering the topic.
who is a plague good for? dems or repubs?
>who is a plague good for? The jew run party or the jew controlled party?
>Communist China
>Quarantine 760 million
>Fist fuck your entire economy
>Have to build hospitals in days
>Spray disinfectants everywhere
>Never happened at all during any flu season, despite "common flu killing more every year"
Actions speak louder than words, and China's actions don't add up. Take your meds schizo.
>a bunch of alleged shit that you say happened that no one can actually verify due to literal state owned chinese media propaganda
I honestly can never understand why you retards pretend to be experts in shit you know absolutely nothing about.
death rate is 2% for under 40.
R0 factor is 3.3 or higher, they're obviously lying because this has infected WAAAY more than SARS ever did.
This is the spanish flu being downplayed as the common cold.
Not important.
>pretend to be experts in shit you know absolutely nothing about
Take your meds, schizos. It ain't happening.
You fell for the media panic. It's time to stop embarrassing yourself.
airborne aids
ill take a pass on that kike
im not scared but i am alert to the sheeple and the kikery
china is on lockdown, burning bodies left and right
dont worry user
>its just a flu
an excellent book, and worthy, but an outlier.
The panic IS the kikery, you cringelord.
Prepfag larps and bunkercucks btfo
yeah you idiots freaking out about nothing is next level Novevember 11th conspiracy crap. Look at the infection rate and mortality rate. It's like less than 3% world wide. The flu is more dangerous before and after pneumonia.
>nothing in 2006
I guess the sign is just FUCKING WRONG
>death rate is 2% for under 40.
not even close
I'm pretty fucking sure the Swine flu was 2009 and that it had fizzled out by autumn 2009, migabro. But I'm sure there are Zoomers who will buy what you're selling...
Lmao there must only be 3 or 4 threads left after that
Still based
I had the Swine flu. It was bad but not as bad as it was made out to be
It was 2009
South Korea is based Korea
Yeah gotta throw a 'based' in there too m8
China is known historically for isolating a select part of its population and putting them on the chopping block. RIght now, it's the "infected"
It's a strange situation. Really the only reliable source of reliance is money. Despite how low impact this thing appear's biologically in trends, there have been significant consequences for many parties in this event.
Knowing the Chinese as I do, as I studied language and history in high school through college.
The Lunar New Year is not an event the CCP would basically cancel without an incredibly strong reason. It's like cancelling the next new year itself.
Something Fucky is going on,